McMullin surging in Utah, second in Idaho

Anyone voting for McMullin is very gay. Dr. Stein is the only common sense alternative to The Donald for those who support black reparations, etc. McMullin support means gayness of the most anal order. In other words support of McMullin pretty much means you lick men's butt cracks.
There are a lot of Mormons here in Arizona and so I figure if I'm voting against Hillary and Trump anyways, I just may as well write his name in. At least it won't be tossed since he is registered as a write-up with the state.
Are a homo? No offense, just trying to get a poll going is to what retarded idiots who vote for that qu33r.
It's cute how these Hillary cultists believe Mormons are somehow crazier than they are when they're far more looney than any Mormon is, isn't it? Hilarious stuff.

Right, because believing in magic underwear and ruling your own planet in the afterlife is a lot more sane than thinking that Hillary is more qualified to be president than a game show host.

Interesting, so you do truly believe in such cognitively dissonant gibberish as having open borders and all kinds of wonderful stuff like free college n stuff is actually doable, do you? And hillary is really going to raise taxes on her Wall Street buddies and her new friends the Koch brothers n stuff as well?

You're just being silly; you really are far crazier than any Mormon, but Mormons are generally productive and patriotic, so they can be as 'crazy' as they feel like, they're far better people than Hillary and Democrats in general.[/B]
Evan McMullin Is Surging in Utah

Even is also not in second in Idaho ahead of Clinton. No alot of polling there so there isn't a clear picture on whether his numbers have momentum there. But there is some energy with this campaign.

Pollsters are also going to start asking about him in Minnesota. It may be more difficult but a win here hers Hillary and increases the odds of the 12th amendment being invoked
So Mormons love abortion and hate gun ownership?
Best of luck on your candidate... Hope he win Utah because then it show the system is not rigged but people just hate the two big party candidates!
Evan McMullin Is Surging in Utah

Even is also not in second in Idaho ahead of Clinton. No alot of polling there so there isn't a clear picture on whether his numbers have momentum there. But there is some energy with this campaign.

Pollsters are also going to start asking about him in Minnesota. It may be more difficult but a win here hers Hillary and increases the odds of the 12th amendment being invoked

So he has a shot at maybe 6 electoral votes? However, he still has an outside chance of winning, actually, however remote, if the vote goes to Congress in the event of an electoral college deadlock, true enough.

No, he doesn’t.

If McMullin wins Utah that will be six less EC votes for Trump, who will lose the election to Clinton anyway.
Even is also not in second in Idaho ahead of Clinton. No alot of polling there so there isn't a clear picture on whether his numbers have momentum there. But there is some energy with this campaign.

Pollsters are also going to start asking about him in Minnesota. It may be more difficult but a win here hers Hillary and increases the odds of the 12th amendment being invoked

If McMullin takes Utah, it just means Hillary will take just about everything else.

Hillary already has 260 EV's locked down, and she only has to win one of the following states.

North Carolina

I think she's going win all of them. I think we are looking at the complete collapse of Trump and she's going to pick up states that weren't even on anyone's radar, like Texas and Indiana.

She will not pick up Texas, but I agree on the others
It would be great to see a third party candidate grab a few EVs. Anything to start a momentum to break up the duopoly.

Not really.

The problem with third parties is that the people who vote for them and run on them tend to be goofs.

Let's review our most successful "Third Party" Candidates.

2000 - Pat Buchanan- Nazi and Ralph Nader - Hippy Nut
1992 & 1996- Ross Perot - Crazy person who thought the government was out to get him.
1980- John Anderson- Lost as a Republican, took his ball and went home.
1968- George Wallace- Racist
1948 - Strom Thurmond - Racist and Henry Wallace- Communist

seeing a pattern here? The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway. Usually, they are people who are rejected by their own parties for being so far outside the mainstream.

Now Gary Johnson will probably do well enough to qualify for Matching Funds, which I think is hilarious. The guy who runs on "all gummit bad" platform will be taking a government handout that the major parties don't use anymore because they limit the real parties from running effective campaigns
The fact that this clown joe here thinks Patrick Buchanan is a nazi tells us all we need to know about his sanity,grasp on reality and knowledge of politics.
It would be great to see a third party candidate grab a few EVs. Anything to start a momentum to break up the duopoly.

Not really.

The problem with third parties is that the people who vote for them and run on them tend to be goofs.

Let's review our most successful "Third Party" Candidates.

2000 - Pat Buchanan- Nazi and Ralph Nader - Hippy Nut
1992 & 1996- Ross Perot - Crazy person who thought the government was out to get him.
1980- John Anderson- Lost as a Republican, took his ball and went home.
1968- George Wallace- Racist
1948 - Strom Thurmond - Racist and Henry Wallace- Communist

seeing a pattern here? The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway. Usually, they are people who are rejected by their own parties for being so far outside the mainstream.

Now Gary Johnson will probably do well enough to qualify for Matching Funds, which I think is hilarious. The guy who runs on "all gummit bad" platform will be taking a government handout that the major parties don't use anymore because they limit the real parties from running effective campaigns
The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway.
you mean like hillary and trump?....lots of people dont want these 2 anywhere near the WH....
It would be great to see a third party candidate grab a few EVs. Anything to start a momentum to break up the duopoly.

Not really.

The problem with third parties is that the people who vote for them and run on them tend to be goofs.

Let's review our most successful "Third Party" Candidates.

2000 - Pat Buchanan- Nazi and Ralph Nader - Hippy Nut
1992 & 1996- Ross Perot - Crazy person who thought the government was out to get him.
1980- John Anderson- Lost as a Republican, took his ball and went home.
1968- George Wallace- Racist
1948 - Strom Thurmond - Racist and Henry Wallace- Communist

seeing a pattern here? The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway. Usually, they are people who are rejected by their own parties for being so far outside the mainstream.

Now Gary Johnson will probably do well enough to qualify for Matching Funds, which I think is hilarious. The guy who runs on "all gummit bad" platform will be taking a government handout that the major parties don't use anymore because they limit the real parties from running effective campaigns
The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway.
you mean like hillary and trump?....lots of people dont want these 2 anywhere near the WH....
Their obedient fans are just tickled, though....

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Evan McMullin Is Surging in Utah

Even is also not in second in Idaho ahead of Clinton. No alot of polling there so there isn't a clear picture on whether his numbers have momentum there. But there is some energy with this campaign.

Pollsters are also going to start asking about him in Minnesota. It may be more difficult but a win here hers Hillary and increases the odds of the 12th amendment being invoked
So Mormons love abortion and hate gun ownership?

Not at all. Which is why we oppose Clinton and trump
It would be great to see a third party candidate grab a few EVs. Anything to start a momentum to break up the duopoly.

Not really.

The problem with third parties is that the people who vote for them and run on them tend to be goofs.

Let's review our most successful "Third Party" Candidates.

2000 - Pat Buchanan- Nazi and Ralph Nader - Hippy Nut
1992 & 1996- Ross Perot - Crazy person who thought the government was out to get him.
1980- John Anderson- Lost as a Republican, took his ball and went home.
1968- George Wallace- Racist
1948 - Strom Thurmond - Racist and Henry Wallace- Communist

seeing a pattern here? The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway. Usually, they are people who are rejected by their own parties for being so far outside the mainstream.

Now Gary Johnson will probably do well enough to qualify for Matching Funds, which I think is hilarious. The guy who runs on "all gummit bad" platform will be taking a government handout that the major parties don't use anymore because they limit the real parties from running effective campaigns
The kind of people who can't find a home in one of the two major parties aren't the kind of people you'd ever want running things, anyway.
you mean like hillary and trump?....lots of people dont want these 2 anywhere near the WH....
Their obedient fans are just tickled, though....

those party people always are....
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There's an odd, hardly likely scenario where McMullin could take Utah and leave Hillary at 268 and Trump at 264.

Which would mean its down to trump or mcmullin. Cause the house will never get Hillary in.
Evan McMullin Is Surging in Utah

Even is also not in second in Idaho ahead of Clinton. No alot of polling there so there isn't a clear picture on whether his numbers have momentum there. But there is some energy with this campaign.

Pollsters are also going to start asking about him in Minnesota. It may be more difficult but a win here hers Hillary and increases the odds of the 12th amendment being invoked

So he has a shot at maybe 6 electoral votes? However, he still has an outside chance of winning, actually, however remote, if the vote goes to Congress in the event of an electoral college deadlock, true enough.

No, he doesn’t.

If McMullin wins Utah that will be six less EC votes for Trump, who will lose the election to Clinton anyway.

I didn't say he would win, idiot. You should read the rules; Congress isn't required to pick either of the leading candidates in the case of the election going to Congress, moron; they're free to pick any candidate with electoral votes they want. This is a theoretical discussion, idiot, nobody is claiming he will win.

Try to remove your head from your ass at least once a year

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