Me and arch in Virgina City, Nevada...

Told arch, "I can't drink that watered down domestic piss, don't have any taste". And he was drinking lite to top it off.

I like a beer I can sink my teeth into. Something with some flavor.

Glad to see you can appreciate a foreign beer. But they have a special emergency room in Newcastle for victims of its charms.

I also like a strong, flavorful beer. My favorites are Belgian Ales and Guinness. But really any good beer is fine with me.
Getting together/meeting forum members makes the forums MUCH better. :)
Told arch, "I can't drink that watered down domestic piss, don't have any taste". And he was drinking lite to top it off.

I like a beer I can sink my teeth into. Something with some flavor.

Yeah but ya forgot to mention that I said...while patting my stomache which is fighting the "Battle of the Buldge" lol...that I had to go for the 'lite' so my 'buldge' would not overtake my hard earned muscle bulk!
And I had 11years on ya...keep it up and you also will be fighting the 'buldge'
I have a little jar of it on the top shelf of my closet.

What can I say but come out and join me and pale at the 'Bucket' real soon...or wait until next summer as ole' man winter is just around the corner..
But we even get sun from time to time in winter...albeit the temp is a bummer!:cof:
I was hoping for the Val Kilmer version of Doc Holliday. ;)

gotta love the young and innocent..albeit y'all will catch up someday...we all were young and sprite at one time in our lives...but hey nature is 'cruel' if ya base life on that!:beer: :boobies: <<< will sag someday!
You ain't tall enough, Arch.:laugh:

But I never had a problem with my height...I did all I wanted to do...regardless...
just a matter of Hell I would even buy you and DMP a beer or two...maybe then we could meet on realistic grounds...minus the ego!....LOL:beer:
Yeah but ya forgot to mention that I said...while patting my stomache which is fighting the "Battle of the Buldge" lol...that I had to go for the 'lite' so my 'buldge' would not overtake my hard earned muscle bulk!
And I had 11years on ya...keep it up and you also will be fighting the 'buldge'

Ya I heard the bulge part, but there's just a thing or two I refuse to compromise on, and beer is one of them. I work it off. I do NOT have a 'sit down job'.

I've heard that a whiskey drinker will have a bigger gut than a beer drinker.
Pale, were Miss Kitty and Marshall Dillon at the Bucket?

Hell Mr. P., along with Miss Kitty and the Marshall, there was Doc Holiday and his brother Whiskey, Wild Bill Hicock, Callamity Jane, Buffalo Bill Cody, Annie Oakley, Wyatt Earp, Jim Bowie, Davey Crocket, General Custer, Billy The Kid, Jerimiah Johnson, Cattle Kate, Cherokee Bill, Jesse James, the Dalton Gang, Buckskin Frank, and a collection of other ruff riden' sons a bitches.

That's the beauty of Virginia City, Nevada. Dress up and you can be whoever you want to be.

(I didn't have my Wild Bill outfit on. I'll get a pic of me in that though soon.)
Looks like you guys had fun. Good to see people still actually go outside and do things.
gotta love the young and innocent..albeit y'all will catch up someday...we all were young and sprite at one time in our lives...but hey nature is 'cruel' if ya base life on that!:beer: :boobies: <<< will sag someday!

Now Arch, considering that you copied my Doc Holliday Tombstone signature quote as your signature, I think I deserve to be treated be with respect on this topic. ;)
Now Arch, considering that you copied my Doc Holliday Tombstone signature quote as your signature, I think I deserve to be treated be with respect on this topic. ;)

Not really as I am distantly related to the Earps...via his lovely wife...Wyatt that is see my Avatar...! However ya do Have my respect...cutie!
Not really as I am distantly related to the Earps...via his lovely wife...Wyatt that is see my Avatar...! However ya do Have my respect...cutie!

I thought you were of Italian dissent? Western Now?
Wait, it’s the pregue stuff, it’s in there.:funnyface
I thought you were of Italian dissent? Western Now?
Wait, it’s the pregue stuff, it’s in there.:funnyface

It's really hard to write ones complete background history in a forum...However to shorten the process...My G/Ma on Dads side was a old Castro family relative...owned Spanish land grants...her sister married a Bloom...related to Earps lovely wife...thus the avatar as he received the wonderful heritage as presented...a great Uncle of mine...On Moms side her G/pa was from Sicily she married my Dad of German,Spanish decent...I could go on and on but don't want to bore y' assured I am as I am...Heinz 57 if ya prefer!:halo:

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