Meanwhile at the Alito household


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


Confusion ensued once Palestinian protestors began chanting death to America and burning an American flag outside the home of Justice Samuel Alito.

As Justice Alito walked out to meet the Antifa protestors, they saw that he had hung the American flag upside down.

"Right on dude!" shouted one of the Palestinian protestors. "I had no idea you championed our cause; can we burn the American flag that you hung upside down?"

"Wait just a second", said Justice Alito, "I had no idea that you championed our conservative cause", said justice Alito. "How is it that a radical Leftist and a conservative can agree on anything?"

At that moment the protestors donned Palestinian flags as justice Alito began to question them.

"You mean you are not protesting the rigged election of Joe Biden because that is why our flag is upside down?" screamed Alito, "Because I support Israel"

"Nazi!" screamed a protestor. "The election was not rigged; it was won fair and square by genocide Joe!"

"Genocide Joe?" questioned Alito. "Oh, so a President you call genocide Joe would never cheat on an election.

"Damn straight!" screamed the protestor. "Genocide Joe may engage in genocide and be a murderous dictator, but he would never cheat anyone out of anything. We trust him!"

"So, you are against abortion and the genocide of infants?" questioned Alito.

"No!" screamed the protestor, "We are Ok with that as long as they are not Palestinian babies"

"Enough talk, this has given me a massive headache. I've had enough!" shouted Alito as he threw water on the American flag that was burning. "No more burning American flags!"

"And no more flying American flags upside down!" shouted the protestor as the rearranged the flag to fly right side up.

After the odd encounter, but sides agreed to stop burning the Amercian flag or to hang it upside down.

No word, however, on whether the Viking has agreed to the negotiated terms

Only stupid Liberal idiots are making this into another fake news story. Alito explained it was not upside down due to the Jan 6th incident but he already explained this had to do with his wife...
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Confusion ensued once Palestinian protestors began chanting death to America and burning an American flag outside the home of Justice Samuel Alito.

As Justice Alito walked out to meet the Antifa protestors, they saw that he had hung the American flag upside down.

"Right on dude!" shouted one of the Palestinian protestors. "I had no idea you championed our cause; can we burn the American flag that you hung upside down?"

"Wait just a second", said Justice Alito, "I had no idea that you championed our conservative cause", said justice Alito. "How is it that a radical Leftist and a conservative can agree on anything?"

At that moment the protestors donned Palestinian flags as justice Alito began to question them.

"You mean you are not protesting the rigged election of Joe Biden because that is why our flag is upside down?" screamed Alito, "Because I support Israel"

"Nazi!" screamed a protestor. "The election was not rigged; it was won fair and square by genocide Joe!"

"Genocide Joe?" questioned Alito. "Oh, so a President you call genocide Joe would never cheat on an election.

"Damn straight!" screamed the protestor. "Genocide Joe may engage in genocide and be a murderous dictator, but he would never cheat anyone out of anything. We trust him!"

"So, you are against abortion and the genocide of infants?" questioned Alito.

"No!" screamed the protestor, "We are Ok with that as long as they are not Palestinian babies"

"Enough talk, this has given me a massive headache. I've had enough!" shouted Alito as he threw water on the American flag that was burning. "No more burning American flags!"

"And no more flying American flags upside down!" shouted the protestor as the rearranged the flag to fly right side up.

After the odd encounter, but sides agreed to stop burning the Amercian flag or to hang it upside down.

No word, however, on whether the Viking has agreed to the negotiated terms

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You again fail at satire.
Only conservatives are making it into ekaf swen ?

Alito what a man. Throws his wife under the bus. it is his house so take some responsibility. this is a sign of protest meant for the neighbors.

by disrespecting the US flag. If a left leaning person did this then the right would call them communist.

Okay I see. showing disrespect for the flag is now the patriotic way
showing disrespect for the law of the land is what patriots do.

personally i just think some just don't pay attention to raising the flag until someone points out the obvious.

Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream said she spoke with Alito and was told that the justice’s wife, Martha-Ann, hung the flag upside down following an “exchange” with a neighbor who had a “F‑‑‑ Trump” sign near a school bus pickup location.

The American flag is synonymous with freedom and independence

So now the call is being made , Should Alito excuse himself from any ruling involving Trump. Your house, your wife.


It is a sign of protest and more specifically associated with stop the steal

So what is she protesting. the election was stolen.

I wander how that affects Alito whose wife believes in the election stolen theory.

Should Alito excuse himself from any Trump related matters that might require a decision by the supreme court?

Yes he should.

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