Meanwhile, Republicans hard at work trying to steal the election

How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Covid is the excuse, it's a political weapon being used. I can go to Costco, I can go to a bar.
I can go to the DMV, but I can't go vote in person????????
The problem IS that Trump is in office.

How long should we give them to figure it out with the count?
If the democrats have their way, it will be after Jan 16, 2021.
That date will usher in the real chaos.

So...again, why propose legislation to SHORTEN it?
Coyote, I can't even get an answer from you. I've asked twice.

Because your questions deflect from what this bill proposes Meister, which is to shorten the time period already in existence. Shorten it AT BOTH ENDS.

I will answer your questions, but they don’t address the issue.

Covid is not an excuse or political weapon, it is a reality, and each state deals with it differently and has different concerns for the safety of its citizens and ensuring a fair election.

Q: how long should we give them?
A: as long as reasonably needed, which would includes starting prior to the date specified in the bill and more than “within 24 hours”.
You see there it is, Coyote, Covid IS being used as a weapon. People are not locked up in their homes, Life is pretty much normal.
Social distance and keeping the paws disinfected works great. Nan can go to her hairdresser, people everyday are out and about
taking care of their everyday life. But, voting?????? Oh no, can't do that.
Your answer of the length of time is vague, at best, and could go on for months. It's a non answer.
I will give you my answer for Scott's request. I don't think there should be a 48 hour limit. I answered your question straight
on and not willy nilly. There has to be a cut off...even in this year.
By the way, have they stated how they are going to verify the signatures of millions of ballots?

It's a political game being played because of Trump

I think how daily life is affected by Covid depends very much on where you are.

People can go and vote at the polls of course. But many people will be afraid to, and for good reason.

But consider some of the logistics involve in maintaining a safe and secure place to vote in a dense urban area for example.

Social distancing (long long lines)
Time needed between voters or at intervals to sanitize.
Room occupancy limits (my polling place is a small church, with the entryway set up with the tables, pollworkers and forms and then about 4 voting booths in another small room beyond).

How many people would you get through before the polls closed? There are many areas that have long lines even in normal times.

As to how long, we’ll, start early and let’s say two weeks max. No one WANTS to delay knowing the results.

As to how to verify signatures? Same way they do now..when I sign for my ballot, my signature is compared to the one in their log book.
Early in-person voting is the way to go. If you requested a mail in ballot, I would drop it off in person, instead of mailing it in.
Why so republican ballots can be dumped?

Let me get this straight. You do not trust mail in through the US Postal Service, nor dropping off your filled out ballot at the county seat or designated drop box location? You get the paranoid award of the night.
Just going by the news.. :)
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?

To combat this Leftist ploy, I do hope Republican states have mailed out millions of ballots in rural areas etc.
The Right must learn to play dirty like the left.
They already have. States, like Utah, with large rural areas, have done mail in voting for decades. They are pretty case you didn’t notice.
That's absentee voting where you ask for the ballot, not sending out millions of unsolicited ballots to anyone and everyone.

Could you at least try to bring an intellectually honest argument to the table?

I don’t think you are capable of understanding what an “intellectually honest argument” is, based on the above.

Voting by mail has a long history of reliability in the United States, serving as the primary method of voting in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii, which automatically send registered voters mail-in ballots.

You're off in the woods.. NOBODY has a beef with ABSENTEE MAIL IN... Do you not understand the IMPORTANT DIFFS about people "requesting a ballot for cause" and just mailing out ballots to EVERYONE (dead or alive) (living at the residence or not) (planning on voting at the polls or not) ?????

This is a bit of a mish mash...if I’m in the woods I fear you are drowning in the swamp here.

1. No one is mailing ballots to “everyone”. They are being mailed to registered voters. This is EXACTLY what the states I mentioned above do. In fact, they conduct their elections ENTIRELY by mail. Here, check for yourself:

2. There is no appreciable difference between absentee and mail in ballots and no legal difference. Absentee ballots are done in states that do not have universal mail in voting, and the voter requests it. Both have very low rates of fraud.

Quit googling and follow along.. The RECENT history of "MASS MAILING" voting has 5 or 7 horror stories behind it JUST FROM THIS YEAR... See the arrested guys in NJ or the election in NYC that was so screwed up it was never certified. Or just TODAY the racks of postal boxes found in a ditch carrying "Mass Mail-IN" ballots..

I am not going to follow along simply because you demand it. All forms of electing have a certain potential for fraud or mistakes, including voting at tbe polls. Do you have any actual data showing a greater amount of fraud or screw ups in the states with universal mail in voting vs. those tHat do not have it?
Were they solicited?
The feds cannot tell the states how to do the counting and certifying.

They can tell them WHEN to certify by and what date to start counting.. They can also put whatever FEDERAL STANDARDS on voting that they want when the ballot is national.. Did you not know this??

They've also LEGISLATED what KINDS of voting machines are ACCEPTABLE and various other mechanics of voting.. See the HAVA ACT that followed the "chad" debacle in 2000..

Unlike the Dems who MASSIVELY roll out an untested and UNSUPPORTED brain fart about mass mailing the ENTIRE fucked up registrar list and have no CHECKS on "chain of evidence" in their clueless evil plan...;

There are (non Democrat) states that currently, and for a long time have been doing just that. What a clueless evil plan...

NOT in Federal elections.. And the track record sucks. Totally irresponsible to TEST something on this scale in a Federal election without review of procedures and adequate funding.. Which is what the predominantly (maybe exclusively) Democrat states are doing to this election..
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
As long as it goes your way, it's all good. Right?
Long as the valid vote is tabulated, I will be satisfied. I never shed a tear over the Hill (didn't vote for her) nor the dumb ass we got, and won't this time either. I will vote For Joe Biden and hope he wins. Looking OK so far.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Covid is the excuse, it's a political weapon being used. I can go to Costco, I can go to a bar.
I can go to the DMV, but I can't go vote in person????????
The problem IS that Trump is in office.

How long should we give them to figure it out with the count?
If the democrats have their way, it will be after Jan 16, 2021.
That date will usher in the real chaos.

So...again, why propose legislation to SHORTEN it?
Coyote, I can't even get an answer from you. I've asked twice.

Because your questions deflect from what this bill proposes Meister, which is to shorten the time period already in existence. Shorten it AT BOTH ENDS.

I will answer your questions, but they don’t address the issue.

Covid is not an excuse or political weapon, it is a reality, and each state deals with it differently and has different concerns for the safety of its citizens and ensuring a fair election.

Q: how long should we give them?
A: as long as reasonably needed, which would includes starting prior to the date specified in the bill and more than “within 24 hours”.
You see there it is, Coyote, Covid IS being used as a weapon. People are not locked up in their homes, Life is pretty much normal.
Social distance and keeping the paws disinfected works great. Nan can go to her hairdresser, people everyday are out and about
taking care of their everyday life. But, voting?????? Oh no, can't do that.
Your answer of the length of time is vague, at best, and could go on for months. It's a non answer.
I will give you my answer for Scott's request. I don't think there should be a 48 hour limit. I answered your question straight
on and not willy nilly. There has to be a cut off...even in this year.
By the way, have they stated how they are going to verify the signatures of millions of ballots?

It's a political game being played because of Trump

I think how daily life is affected by Covid depends very much on where you are.

People can go and vote at the polls of course. But many people will be afraid to, and for good reason.

But consider some of the logistics involve in maintaining a safe and secure place to vote in a dense urban area for example.

Social distancing (long long lines)
Time needed between voters or at intervals to sanitize.
Room occupancy limits (my polling place is a small church, with the entryway set up with the tables, pollworkers and forms and then about 4 voting booths in another small room beyond).

How many people would you get through before the polls closed? There are many areas that have long lines even in normal times.

As to how long, we’ll, start early and let’s say two weeks max. No one WANTS to delay knowing the results.

As to how to verify signatures? Same way they do now..when I sign for my ballot, my signature is compared to the one in their log book.
Early in-person voting is the way to go. If you requested a mail in ballot, I would drop it off in person, instead of mailing it in.
Why so republican ballots can be dumped?

Let me get this straight. You do not trust mail in through the US Postal Service, nor dropping off your filled out ballot at the county seat or designated drop box location? You get the paranoid award of the night.
Guess that makes trump King Hell Dumbass, doesn't it? He has been mailing it in for years, just like many of the Republican White House staffers. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No.. The distrust is WHO is bundling and mailing these ballots.. Look up the whole concept of "ballot harvesting".. It's a whole academic science.. MASS mailings put ballots in circulation for folks that AREN'T ALIVE, DONT LIVE THERE ANYMORE, AREN'T TRULY ELIGIBLE, or PLAN TO VOTE IN PERSON.. So -- where do ALL THOSE ballots end up? In who's hands? There's no chain of custody.. Ballot harvesting is actually a job.. Folks get paid for watching the mail schedule at the registrar and showing up at the doors and asking people to fill out every ballot sent to that address. Including your kids voting in another state. THEY take them and bundle them and DECIDE WHICH ONES should go to the post office and which ones "end up in a ditch"...


And so the cluster fuck begins.. Putin could NEVER destroy confidence in American elections like this.. Takes RABID PARTISAN homegrown bastards and bitches to do this thorough of a job on our confidence in American elections...
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?

To combat this Leftist ploy, I do hope Republican states have mailed out millions of ballots in rural areas etc.
The Right must learn to play dirty like the left.
They already have. States, like Utah, with large rural areas, have done mail in voting for decades. They are pretty case you didn’t notice.
That's absentee voting where you ask for the ballot, not sending out millions of unsolicited ballots to anyone and everyone.

Could you at least try to bring an intellectually honest argument to the table?

I don’t think you are capable of understanding what an “intellectually honest argument” is, based on the above.

Voting by mail has a long history of reliability in the United States, serving as the primary method of voting in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii, which automatically send registered voters mail-in ballots.

States that vote by mail spent years cleaning up their rolls before enacting mail in only voting. You cannot vote by mail in many states because the voter registration lists are bloated with dead people and people no longer living there. In some states, illegals are on the rolls.

Do you have anything to support that?

Also, there are plenty of possible safeguards:

What security measures can be taken to protect against vote-by-mail fraud?
There are many. The ballot envelope itself can be designed to prevent fraud. Voters have to sign the envelope, and that signature can be compared to the one that’s already on file for the voter. It’s important to note, though, that there are best and worst practices with signature matching. When done incorrectly, it can disenfranchise eligible voters. Done correctly — which includes a review by a bipartisan group of election officials — it can be an effective deterrent for fraud.

States can also track ballots in transit. Much like a FedEx package, the ballot comes with a barcode that allows election officials and voters to track where the ballot is throughout the process. Most people who vote this way, however, do not send in ballots by mail. Instead, they drop them off at secure government offices or other locations. According to MIT’s election lab, in 2016:

73% of voters in Colorado, 59% in Oregon and 65% in Washington returned their ballots to some physical location such as a drop box or local election office. Even among those who returned their ballots by mail in these states, 47% dropped off their ballot at a U.S. Post Office or neighborhood mailbox rather than having their own postal worker pick it up at home.

These drop boxes can be made more secure with cameras or other security measures.

Finally, post-election audits can identify any irregularities that may remain. In 2018, a congressional election in North Carolina was marred by absentee ballot misconduct by a Republican political operative, requiring a revote. That misconduct was caught by a state post-election investigation.
Picture of Mass Mail-in ballots recovered from ditch in the TownHall article today..

Mail in Ballots.png

This is how Putin would "interfere in American elections" if he could..
Last edited:
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?

To combat this Leftist ploy, I do hope Republican states have mailed out millions of ballots in rural areas etc.
The Right must learn to play dirty like the left.
They already have. States, like Utah, with large rural areas, have done mail in voting for decades. They are pretty case you didn’t notice.
That's absentee voting where you ask for the ballot, not sending out millions of unsolicited ballots to anyone and everyone.

Could you at least try to bring an intellectually honest argument to the table?

I don’t think you are capable of understanding what an “intellectually honest argument” is, based on the above.

Voting by mail has a long history of reliability in the United States, serving as the primary method of voting in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii, which automatically send registered voters mail-in ballots.

States that vote by mail spent years cleaning up their rolls before enacting mail in only voting. You cannot vote by mail in many states because the voter registration lists are bloated with dead people and people no longer living there. In some states, illegals are on the rolls.

Do you have anything to support that?

Also, there are plenty of possible safeguards:

What security measures can be taken to protect against vote-by-mail fraud?
There are many. The ballot envelope itself can be designed to prevent fraud. Voters have to sign the envelope, and that signature can be compared to the one that’s already on file for the voter. It’s important to note, though, that there are best and worst practices with signature matching. When done incorrectly, it can disenfranchise eligible voters. Done correctly — which includes a review by a bipartisan group of election officials — it can be an effective deterrent for fraud.

States can also track ballots in transit. Much like a FedEx package, the ballot comes with a barcode that allows election officials and voters to track where the ballot is throughout the process. Most people who vote this way, however, do not send in ballots by mail. Instead, they drop them off at secure government offices or other locations. According to MIT’s election lab, in 2016:

73% of voters in Colorado, 59% in Oregon and 65% in Washington returned their ballots to some physical location such as a drop box or local election office. Even among those who returned their ballots by mail in these states, 47% dropped off their ballot at a U.S. Post Office or neighborhood mailbox rather than having their own postal worker pick it up at home.

These drop boxes can be made more secure with cameras or other security measures.

Finally, post-election audits can identify any irregularities that may remain. In 2018, a congressional election in North Carolina was marred by absentee ballot misconduct by a Republican political operative, requiring a revote. That misconduct was caught by a state post-election investigation.

For GODS SAKES coyote -- the article is about what COULD BE done.. AGAIN -- does not APPLY to MASS MAILINGS.. In fact, the post office often doesn't even put a TIME STAMP on the LOCAL MAIL... No timestamp -- no way of DETERMINING when the ballot was mailed out or when it came back...

Stop googling please...
I am not going to follow along simply because you demand it. All forms of electing have a certain potential for fraud or mistakes, including voting at tbe polls. Do you have any actual data showing a greater amount of fraud or screw ups in the states with universal mail in voting vs. those tHat do not have it?

Because you're STLL not clear on the diff between Absentee mail in and MASS mail outs and ins -- your googling serves no purpose and YES there's even a RECENT THIS YEAR record of monumental screw-ups -- even CRIMES involving mass mailing of ballots.

Can't pull YOU out the swamp when you're still not recognizing the MASSIVE diff between the 2 things.

DID YA SEE THE PIC of ballots recovered from a Wisc DITCH that I just posted? That's just chicken feed compared to the cluster fuck about to happen..
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Covid is the excuse, it's a political weapon being used. I can go to Costco, I can go to a bar.
I can go to the DMV, but I can't go vote in person????????
The problem IS that Trump is in office.

How long should we give them to figure it out with the count?
If the democrats have their way, it will be after Jan 16, 2021.
That date will usher in the real chaos.

So...again, why propose legislation to SHORTEN it?
Coyote, I can't even get an answer from you. I've asked twice.

Because your questions deflect from what this bill proposes Meister, which is to shorten the time period already in existence. Shorten it AT BOTH ENDS.

I will answer your questions, but they don’t address the issue.

Covid is not an excuse or political weapon, it is a reality, and each state deals with it differently and has different concerns for the safety of its citizens and ensuring a fair election.

Q: how long should we give them?
A: as long as reasonably needed, which would includes starting prior to the date specified in the bill and more than “within 24 hours”.
You see there it is, Coyote, Covid IS being used as a weapon. People are not locked up in their homes, Life is pretty much normal.
Social distance and keeping the paws disinfected works great. Nan can go to her hairdresser, people everyday are out and about
taking care of their everyday life. But, voting?????? Oh no, can't do that.
Your answer of the length of time is vague, at best, and could go on for months. It's a non answer.
I will give you my answer for Scott's request. I don't think there should be a 48 hour limit. I answered your question straight
on and not willy nilly. There has to be a cut off...even in this year.
By the way, have they stated how they are going to verify the signatures of millions of ballots?

It's a political game being played because of Trump

I think how daily life is affected by Covid depends very much on where you are.

People can go and vote at the polls of course. But many people will be afraid to, and for good reason.

But consider some of the logistics involve in maintaining a safe and secure place to vote in a dense urban area for example.

Social distancing (long long lines)
Time needed between voters or at intervals to sanitize.
Room occupancy limits (my polling place is a small church, with the entryway set up with the tables, pollworkers and forms and then about 4 voting booths in another small room beyond).

How many people would you get through before the polls closed? There are many areas that have long lines even in normal times.

As to how long, we’ll, start early and let’s say two weeks max. No one WANTS to delay knowing the results.

As to how to verify signatures? Same way they do now..when I sign for my ballot, my signature is compared to the one in their log book.
Early in-person voting is the way to go. If you requested a mail in ballot, I would drop it off in person, instead of mailing it in.
Why so republican ballots can be dumped?

Let me get this straight. You do not trust mail in through the US Postal Service, nor dropping off your filled out ballot at the county seat or designated drop box location? You get the paranoid award of the night.
Guess that makes trump King Hell Dumbass, doesn't it? He has been mailing it in for years, just like many of the Republican White House staffers. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No.. The distrust is WHO is bundling and mailing these ballots.. Look up the whole concept of "ballot harvesting".. It's a whole academic science.. MASS mailings put ballots in circulation for folks that AREN'T ALIVE, DONT LIVE THERE ANYMORE, AREN'T TRULY ELIGIBLE, or PLAN TO VOTE IN PERSON.. So -- where do ALL THOSE ballots end up? In who's hands? There's no chain of custody.. Ballot harvesting is actually a job.. Folks get paid for watching the mail schedule at the registrar and showing up at the doors and asking people to fill out every ballot sent to that address. Including your kids voting in another state. THEY take them and bundle them and DECIDE WHICH ONES should go to the post office and which ones "end up in a ditch"...


And so the cluster fuck begins.. Putin could NEVER destroy confidence in American elections like this.. Takes RABID PARTISAN homegrown bastards and bitches to do this thorough of a job on our confidence in American elections...
All I know about vote harvesting is about the Republic operative in North Carolina that was charged and the election in that district for US House of Representative had to be redone with a new vote, because of his harvesting ballots, filling out, changing or disposing of ballots. It is illegal everywhere, as far as I know. As far as I know, it has not been a factor in a Presidential election. Head of FBI says there has never been significant organized voter fraud.
Demoncats belong in 1950s Soviet Union.
All you white leftist will get what you voted for
. No one is mailing ballots to “everyone”. They are being mailed to registered voters. This is EXACTLY what the states I mentioned above do. In fact, they conduct their elections ENTIRELY by mail. Here, check for yourself:

If they mailed to registered voters in Tenn -- thank Gawd not -- I'd be getting one for a deceased father in law, one for a deceased Bro in Law and one for my daughter who's gonna vote probably somewhere else.. Do the math for the entire country..

With elections decided by 2 or 3 percent now -- the voter roll INACCURACY in most precincts are DOUBLE that margin..
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?

To combat this Leftist ploy, I do hope Republican states have mailed out millions of ballots in rural areas etc.
The Right must learn to play dirty like the left.
They already have. States, like Utah, with large rural areas, have done mail in voting for decades. They are pretty case you didn’t notice.
That's absentee voting where you ask for the ballot, not sending out millions of unsolicited ballots to anyone and everyone.

Could you at least try to bring an intellectually honest argument to the table?

I don’t think you are capable of understanding what an “intellectually honest argument” is, based on the above.

Voting by mail has a long history of reliability in the United States, serving as the primary method of voting in Colorado, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Hawaii, which automatically send registered voters mail-in ballots.

States that vote by mail spent years cleaning up their rolls before enacting mail in only voting. You cannot vote by mail in many states because the voter registration lists are bloated with dead people and people no longer living there. In some states, illegals are on the rolls.

Do you have anything to support that?

Also, there are plenty of possible safeguards:

What security measures can be taken to protect against vote-by-mail fraud?
There are many. The ballot envelope itself can be designed to prevent fraud. Voters have to sign the envelope, and that signature can be compared to the one that’s already on file for the voter. It’s important to note, though, that there are best and worst practices with signature matching. When done incorrectly, it can disenfranchise eligible voters. Done correctly — which includes a review by a bipartisan group of election officials — it can be an effective deterrent for fraud.

States can also track ballots in transit. Much like a FedEx package, the ballot comes with a barcode that allows election officials and voters to track where the ballot is throughout the process. Most people who vote this way, however, do not send in ballots by mail. Instead, they drop them off at secure government offices or other locations. According to MIT’s election lab, in 2016:

73% of voters in Colorado, 59% in Oregon and 65% in Washington returned their ballots to some physical location such as a drop box or local election office. Even among those who returned their ballots by mail in these states, 47% dropped off their ballot at a U.S. Post Office or neighborhood mailbox rather than having their own postal worker pick it up at home.

These drop boxes can be made more secure with cameras or other security measures.

Finally, post-election audits can identify any irregularities that may remain. In 2018, a congressional election in North Carolina was marred by absentee ballot misconduct by a Republican political operative, requiring a revote. That misconduct was caught by a state post-election investigation.

For GODS SAKES coyote -- the article is about what COULD BE done.. AGAIN -- does not APPLY to MASS MAILINGS.. In fact, the post office often doesn't even put a TIME STAMP on the LOCAL MAIL... No timestamp -- no way of DETERMINING when the ballot was mailed out or when it came back...

Stop googling please...

NO! It is no different than how you get information!

AND YES, some of those measures DO APPLY.

There is very little difference between absentee and mail other than how you get the ballot. someone could just as “easily” call in or go online and fraudulently get an absentee ballot.

Whether absentee or universal mail in, ballots are only sent to the official address listed on voter registration rolls. The ballots also require voter signatures on the external envelope. Those signatures are compared the same way my signature at the polling place is compared to the one in their books.

Depending on the state, if a ballot appears questionable, they might use signature matching to verify that the signature is the signature of the voter.

If it is soooo much fraudulent then voting at the polls, I would think Colorado and Utah would lead in fraud...but in fact, it is quite the opposite.
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.

Funny, I don't see you complaining about activist judges extending counts beyond existing limits established by State laws. Also I didn't see you complaining when palousey tried to eliminate signature verifications for mail ballots or legalizing ballot harvesting nation wide, contradicting all but a couple of State laws, all within weeks of the election. Seems to me you should get your own hypocrisy in check before whining about something that will never happen.

. No one is mailing ballots to “everyone”. They are being mailed to registered voters. This is EXACTLY what the states I mentioned above do. In fact, they conduct their elections ENTIRELY by mail. Here, check for yourself:

If they mailed to registered voters in Tenn -- thank Gawd not -- I'd be getting one for a deceased father in law, one for a deceased Bro in Law and one for my daughter who's gonna vote probably somewhere else.. Do the math for the entire country..

With elections decided by 2 or 3 percent now -- the voter roll INACCURACY in most precincts are DOUBLE that margin..

So ... where are these horrendous rates of fraud in those states with universal mail in elections?
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It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
Sounds more like they’re trying to prevent the election from being stolen.

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