Meanwhile, shit's about to get real in N.K.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.
Kim knows there's not much we can do at this point. Bannon was right. There's no military option where tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of South Koreans don't die. Our hands are tied.
Can you imagine the Japanese people pissing their pants when they were emergency alerted (on their phones, TV, etc.) to take shelter immediately because the nuclear power North Korea just launched a missile that's headed their direction? I believe the announcement said the missile was expected to fly over, but still.

A whole nation said at once: 오 시읕
North Korea knows what American bombing is like. More tonnage was dropped on it than the whole Pacific campaign in WWII. General Lemay:
"We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, someway or another, and some in South Korea too.… Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure?" (Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals (1988))
The population has been raised with that reality drilled into their consciousness.
If North Korea nukes someone, blame that faggot Jewdas-loving George W. Bush.

When Saddam Hussein disarmed, the US launched a full-scale invasion.
When Muammar Gaddafi disarmed, the US overthrew his government.
Lesson for North Korea: If you give up your nukes, the US will attack.

Our chance to stop NK from getting nukes passed under Bush. If we were focused on NK instead of the compliant Saddam, the world might have one less nuclear thereat today.
Can you imagine the Japanese people pissing their pants when they were emergency alerted (on their phones, TV, etc.) to take shelter immediately because the nuclear power North Korea just launched a missile that's headed their direction? I believe the announcement said the missile was expected to fly over, but still.

A whole nation said at once: 오 시읕
Shit man, with all the monsters that have destroyed major cities in Japan, NK is just a guy in a dinosaur suit...
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.
The US has thousands or 'smart bombs' that WILL take out the NK rocket launchers in ten minutes.
At the same time a nice juicy MOAB will drop directly on the Pervert's head and 100% destroy his C&C center.
Then the zombie 'generals' won't be able to communicate with their troops. The zombie troops will stand at attention until they all fall over dead from thirst.
BTW the launchers arrayed along the NK border shoot rockets not missiles.
The launchers are unable to be reloaded once the rockets have been fired.
They are 'one-off' weapons.
Can you imagine the Japanese people pissing their pants when they were emergency alerted (on their phones, TV, etc.) to take shelter immediately because the nuclear power North Korea just launched a missile that's headed their direction? I believe the announcement said the missile was expected to fly over, but still.

A whole nation said at once: 오 시읕

The whole nation of Japan spoke Korean? Unlikely.
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.
Only very briefly. If this moron does ever decide it's time to shoot one of his POS missiles at an actual target with people, the retaliation will come so fast it'll make his head spin, while it's still on his shoulders. He'll regret the day he was born, guaranteed. The majority of nations on the planet are getting sick of that pie faced little retard and his fucking around with missiles. No nation on earth shoots their missiles over another sovereign nation, unless it's an intentional act of war.
Fruits of "smart" diplomacy. China has shot themselves in the foot with this. Entire region is arming against them and tbey are being ringed with all types of missile defense.
I wish the two could meet, and President Trump stomp on him.
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.

Not gonna happen. China has told both sides not to start the shooting or it will either stand down if NK starts shit or intervene on NK's behalf if the US does.

We can talk all day about raining missiles down on the crazy boy and his backwards country. China is a whole nuther dog. NK is fucked without their support and the US doesn't want war with China.
North Korea knows what American bombing is like. More tonnage was dropped on it than the whole Pacific campaign in WWII. General Lemay:
"We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, someway or another, and some in South Korea too.… Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure?" (Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals (1988))
The population has been raised with that reality drilled into their consciousness.
Just like the Vietnamese, no matter how much we bombed them they still didn`t like us.
Not gonna happen. China has told both sides not to start the shooting or it will either stand down if NK starts shit or intervene on NK's behalf if the US does.

We can talk all day about raining missiles down on the crazy boy and his backwards country. China is a whole nuther dog. NK is fucked without their support and the US doesn't want war with China.

The other end of that spectrum is that China doesn't want war with the US either. That gives some leeway to negotiate peace between US and China in the event that NK needs to be taken out.

I had hoped that Kimmy wasn't nuts when he backed down on the Guam thing, I'm again undecided as on the one hand he's fired "at" Japan, on the other he fired "over" Japan - either is reckless and provocative. I'm curious what China had to say about the launch "behind closed doors"

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