Meanwhile, shit's about to get real in N.K.

It isn't 'brainwashing' to teach the facts about what happened during the 'Korean conflict'. If anything, the failure to do so in the U.S. has lead to gross misunderstanding by the populace of how we got where we are. America never even declared war, yet bombed civilian targets mercilessly for years. Being surprised that N. K.considers us an enemy today is disingenuous to say the least.

The UN took care of that little tidbit.
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.

Nothing has changed with North Korea, so I can only think your opinion has changed because of the way the media is portraying things.
My point is that NK is /not/ going to "make peace" with us, it is not an option.

We already have a sort of peace, in that we're not at war. It's been over 70 years of peace, more or less, with North Korea. North Korea doesn't want to get nuked, so they'll continue to be peaceful until their existence is threatened. In the mean time, we can change our strategy regarding them and maybe soften them up over time.
That's a mighty big "maybe".

Meanwhile they will certainly continue to stockpile more and more nukes. Soon they'd be able to blackmail the entire world. At that point the North Koreans would be able to murder tens, or hundreds, of millions of people, if they chose to.

The problem is that we didn't take care of the problem when we should have. Now we're in deep shit, and some people want to wait, again, until we're drowning in it, and nothing at all can be done about it. How long would you wait to see if a threatening bully would really kick your teeth in.
North Korean's think we are their moral enemy, it would be like America being buddy buddy with ISIS. (Does that help you understand what I'm saying?)

I don't care about my moral enemies as long as they leave me alone. And, if my moral enemy wants to be buddy buddy, I'll go for it, and a trade deal. ISIS has no state to take care of.

The word you are desperately seeking is "mortal", not "moral", unless you have none.

Not to argue semantics here, as mortal is indeed the more oft heard word, but I intentionally used moral. Mortal isn't quite the right word for NK's belief's about America. A mortal enemy being more of a divine and endless hatred; hate for all time until death, vs moral enemy being more based on principle and ideological beliefs. North Korean's believe that America is planning to invade them, that we intend to wipe them out because they're communist; because they're small and weak in a sense. We're more akin to military bullies in their eyes than being monsters of a sort. Like ISIS is a "mortal" enemy, a religious enemy. To ISIS indoctrinates we're inhuman devils that they must wipe out for salvation. North Korea isn't quite like that; they see us as a physical threat, an enemy in the military and governmental system aspect.

You'll hear Kimmy talk about Guam being a staging ground for the American Invasion, you'll hear Kimmy talk about the US as a political enemy rather than a religious enemy, he vows to destroy us; but it's not a blind hate, it's a more... strategic hate. He wants nukes to "protect" his people from us not so much to destroy /all/ of America, he wants to "contain" Guam [aka limit our use of the military base] before we "gather enough forces" to invade, he wants to beat American's back to its own soil [aka out of South Korea, likely Taiwan and Japan.]

Problem is NK, and I think Kim especially, are just not "mature" enough as a nation to have nuclear capabilities which is why they've been on the "no" list for so long; if they'd look outside their country, if they'd teach/tell their people something at least closer to the truth (like say, yeah the US was expansionist, but not anymore) or even like "Guam is a willing member of the US," or ya know feeding them less bullshit hatred, then we'd see a lot more mature NK who would be on the road to having an equal footing on the world power stage. However, as typical of immature nations, Kim chooses to lie to his people in order to steel their "ideological allegiance" to him. On the one hand I get it to a point, America is certainly guilty of propaganda and overthrowing non-ideologically compatible governments, I can see why he doesn't trust us, but on the other hand he lies like a dog to his people in order to whip up their hatred for the US and support his continued dictatorship; so they ignore the prosperity of places like Japan, South Korea, and even China who's turning away from Communism just as Russia has. He gives them a false sense of reality; they actually believe that they have a chance fighting America, like legit think they've got a shot at beating us. It's that kind of "removed from reality" immaturity that keeps them locked in the dark ages - just like ISIS and other third world nations. I keep thinking at some point they'll have a "prince" who faces reality and recognizes the lies they've been told, but it never happens, they're just too indoctrinated and swallow the bullshit >.<
North Korean's think we are their moral enemy, it would be like America being buddy buddy with ISIS. (Does that help you understand what I'm saying?)

I don't care about my moral enemies as long as they leave me alone. And, if my moral enemy wants to be buddy buddy, I'll go for it, and a trade deal. ISIS has no state to take care of.

The word you are desperately seeking is "mortal", not "moral", unless you have none.

Not to argue semantics here, as mortal is indeed the more oft heard word, but I intentionally used moral. Mortal isn't quite the right word for NK's belief's about America. A mortal enemy being more of a divine and endless hatred; hate for all time until death, vs moral enemy being more based on principle and ideological beliefs. North Korean's believe that America is planning to invade them, that we intend to wipe them out because they're communist; because they're small and weak in a sense. We're more akin to military bullies in their eyes than being monsters of a sort. Like ISIS is a "mortal" enemy, a religious enemy. To ISIS indoctrinates we're inhuman devils that they must wipe out for salvation. North Korea isn't quite like that; they see us as a physical threat, an enemy in the military and governmental system aspect.

You'll hear Kimmy talk about Guam being a staging ground for the American Invasion, you'll hear Kimmy talk about the US as a political enemy rather than a religious enemy, he vows to destroy us; but it's not a blind hate, it's a more... strategic hate. He wants nukes to "protect" his people from us not so much to destroy /all/ of America, he wants to "contain" Guam [aka limit our use of the military base] before we "gather enough forces" to invade, he wants to beat American's back to its own soil [aka out of South Korea, likely Taiwan and Japan.]

Problem is NK, and I think Kim especially, are just not "mature" enough as a nation to have nuclear capabilities which is why they've been on the "no" list for so long; if they'd look outside their country, if they'd teach/tell their people something at least closer to the truth (like say, yeah the US was expansionist, but not anymore) or even like "Guam is a willing member of the US," or ya know feeding them less bullshit hatred, then we'd see a lot more mature NK who would be on the road to having an equal footing on the world power stage. However, as typical of immature nations, Kim chooses to lie to his people in order to steel their "ideological allegiance" to him. On the one hand I get it to a point, America is certainly guilty of propaganda and overthrowing non-ideologically compatible governments, I can see why he doesn't trust us, but on the other hand he lies like a dog to his people in order to whip up their hatred for the US and support his continued dictatorship; so they ignore the prosperity of places like Japan, South Korea, and even China who's turning away from Communism just as Russia has. He gives them a false sense of reality; they actually believe that they have a chance fighting America, like legit think they've got a shot at beating us. It's that kind of "removed from reality" immaturity that keeps them locked in the dark ages - just like ISIS and other third world nations. I keep thinking at some point they'll have a "prince" who faces reality and recognizes the lies they've been told, but it never happens, they're just too indoctrinated and swallow the bullshit >.<

Nice tap dance! After being caught with your pants down, you merely say, "I was getting warm anyway!
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.

He's no threat to anyone.
North Korean's think we are their moral enemy, it would be like America being buddy buddy with ISIS. (Does that help you understand what I'm saying?)

I don't care about my moral enemies as long as they leave me alone. And, if my moral enemy wants to be buddy buddy, I'll go for it, and a trade deal. ISIS has no state to take care of.

The word you are desperately seeking is "mortal", not "moral", unless you have none.

Not to argue semantics here, as mortal is indeed the more oft heard word, but I intentionally used moral. Mortal isn't quite the right word for NK's belief's about America. A mortal enemy being more of a divine and endless hatred; hate for all time until death, vs moral enemy being more based on principle and ideological beliefs. North Korean's believe that America is planning to invade them, that we intend to wipe them out because they're communist; because they're small and weak in a sense. We're more akin to military bullies in their eyes than being monsters of a sort. Like ISIS is a "mortal" enemy, a religious enemy. To ISIS indoctrinates we're inhuman devils that they must wipe out for salvation. North Korea isn't quite like that; they see us as a physical threat, an enemy in the military and governmental system aspect.

You'll hear Kimmy talk about Guam being a staging ground for the American Invasion, you'll hear Kimmy talk about the US as a political enemy rather than a religious enemy, he vows to destroy us; but it's not a blind hate, it's a more... strategic hate. He wants nukes to "protect" his people from us not so much to destroy /all/ of America, he wants to "contain" Guam [aka limit our use of the military base] before we "gather enough forces" to invade, he wants to beat American's back to its own soil [aka out of South Korea, likely Taiwan and Japan.]

Problem is NK, and I think Kim especially, are just not "mature" enough as a nation to have nuclear capabilities which is why they've been on the "no" list for so long; if they'd look outside their country, if they'd teach/tell their people something at least closer to the truth (like say, yeah the US was expansionist, but not anymore) or even like "Guam is a willing member of the US," or ya know feeding them less bullshit hatred, then we'd see a lot more mature NK who would be on the road to having an equal footing on the world power stage. However, as typical of immature nations, Kim chooses to lie to his people in order to steel their "ideological allegiance" to him. On the one hand I get it to a point, America is certainly guilty of propaganda and overthrowing non-ideologically compatible governments, I can see why he doesn't trust us, but on the other hand he lies like a dog to his people in order to whip up their hatred for the US and support his continued dictatorship; so they ignore the prosperity of places like Japan, South Korea, and even China who's turning away from Communism just as Russia has. He gives them a false sense of reality; they actually believe that they have a chance fighting America, like legit think they've got a shot at beating us. It's that kind of "removed from reality" immaturity that keeps them locked in the dark ages - just like ISIS and other third world nations. I keep thinking at some point they'll have a "prince" who faces reality and recognizes the lies they've been told, but it never happens, they're just too indoctrinated and swallow the bullshit >.<

Nice tap dance! After being caught with your pants down, you merely say, "I was getting warm anyway!

Not really I admitted you were generally correct first sentence, don't get your panties in a knot over my particular choice of words...
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.

He's no threat to anyone.

Move to Seoul and then get back to us on that.
I used to think Kim Jung was just trying to get a seat at the big boy table with his missile/Nuke program. I don't know anymore, has he just lost it? What is the end game here? The UN will again prove to be useless. This does not look good. He may have very little in the way of Nukes but he can do massive damage with conventional missiles.

He's no threat to anyone.

Move to Seoul and then get back to us on that.

Just what do you really think he's going to do to Seoul?
Theoretically he could [attempt] to bomb Seoul into the stone age, but that'd put a seriously quick end to his little games when he ends up vaporized...

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