Measles eradicated in 2000. Michael Savage says Obama's open borders have brought it back

Do you have something, anything, aside from some dude pontificating about how Obama "opened the borders" and it's HIS fault?

No, but then, that's all i need. Even if measles is not coming from the illegals, why take a chance?? They are illegals and have no right to be here. Throw them out. THINK. you miserable america-hating wretch.
Why would xenophobic conservatives ignore the facts?

Because they are just like Michael Savage.

It's you america-hating liberals that ignore the facts. Obozo has opened the borders wide in the last 6 months and now we're flooded with measles and a new flu and TB. You can't let millions of UNSCREENED ILLEGALS from third world sewers invade your country. Thats a fact. THINK
Why would xenophobic conservatives ignore the facts?

Because they are just like Michael Savage.

It's you america-hating liberals that ignore the facts. Obozo has opened the borders wide in the last 6 months and now we're flooded with measles and a new flu and TB. You can't let millions of UNSCREENED ILLEGALS from third world sewers invade your country. Thats a fact. THINK

Are you talking about the refugee kids? They have a better record for vac'ing their kids than we do.

This was not caused by the refugee children. In fact, those children were put at risk by our own lackadaisical attitude toward disease.
Do you have something, anything, aside from some dude pontificating about how Obama "opened the borders" and it's HIS fault?

No, but then, that's all i need. Even if measles is not coming from the illegals, why take a chance?? They are illegals and have no right to be here. Throw them out. THINK. you miserable america-hating wretch.

LOL- and that is why you are okay with spreading lies about illegals.

Because you think its okay because they have no right to be here.

Look- I am fine with deporting illegal immigrants- heck I would love to see how miserable you American hating 'patriots' would be if suddenly all illegal immigrants in the United States disappeared.

But Savage- and you- have lied about illegal immigrants being behind this measles outbreak.

Because you and Savage just don't give a damn about the truth in your xenophobic hate filled crusade.
Why would xenophobic conservatives ignore the facts?

Because they are just like Michael Savage.

It's you america-hating liberals that ignore the facts. Obozo has opened the borders wide in the last 6 months and now we're flooded with measles and a new flu and TB. You can't let millions of UNSCREENED ILLEGALS from third world sewers invade your country. Thats a fact. THINK

You America hating rightwing nuts just are spreading lies because of your fear of 12 year olds from central America.
Why would xenophobic conservatives ignore the facts?

Because they are just like Michael Savage.

It's you america-hating liberals that ignore the facts. Obozo has opened the borders wide in the last 6 months and now we're flooded with measles and a new flu and TB. You can't let millions of UNSCREENED ILLEGALS from third world sewers invade your country. Thats a fact. THINK
It has already been shown that vaccination rates for Central America are on par with the US. TB cases in the US has been dropping for years and continues to do so. The new flu isn't new at all.
Are you talking about the refugee kids? They have a better record for vac'ing their kids than we do.

This was not caused by the refugee children. In fact, those children were put at risk by our own lackadaisical attitude toward disease.

Refugee kids???? You libs and your silly euphemisms. These are criminals who come here to go on welfare and live off the white man.
You America hating rightwing nuts just are spreading lies because of your fear of 12 year olds from central America.

Damn right i fear them. They're all infected with TB and ebola and measles and who knows what else. These are dangerous animals.
My bet...a low class, blue collar postal worker is spreading the measles as he walks door to door delivering mail.
Here in Arizona we're having a reunion with most of the common diseases once though eradicated....the illegals bring in everything from bedbugs to polio. But as long as they're registered as democRATs, busing tables and nailing shingles, Barry and Boner are both pleased...Barry for the votes, Boner for the cheap labor....meanwhile we're stuck in the middle.
How many illegals voted for Oblama?
Here in Arizona we're having a reunion with most of the common diseases once though eradicated....the illegals bring in everything from bedbugs to polio. But as long as they're registered as democRATs, busing tables and nailing shingles, Barry and Boner are both pleased...Barry for the votes, Boner for the cheap labor....meanwhile we're stuck in the middle.
How many illegals voted for Oblama?
Good question.
You America hating rightwing nuts just are spreading lies because of your fear of 12 year olds from central America.

Damn right i fear them. They're all infected with TB and ebola and measles and who knows what else. These are dangerous animals.

Yes- to you anyone from another country is just an animal.

And bizarrely you think that they are all infected with TB and ebola and measles- even though the only reported ebola cases in the United States were persons who legally entered the United States.

You are a xenophobic idiot.

You must wear slip on shoes because you could never possibly tie your own shoe laces.
You America hating rightwing nuts just are spreading lies because of your fear of 12 year olds from central America.

Damn right i fear them. They're all infected with TB and ebola and measles and who knows what else. These are dangerous animals.
LOL name one Mexican with Ebola. And you are as infected with TB and the Measles as anyone. Pick up a book dumbfuck.
We don't have an open borders policy. If you are talking about the child immigrants, they all came from countries that have a higher vaccination compliance rate than the US does AND they were revaccinated before they were released into the public.
All of the organized children come into the country for political expediency. Mystery flu, outbreak of measles, a new strand of tuberculosis, along with other diseases happen shortly after and the left deny there is a link. Talk about deniers. Wow.

What does the left wing media do? Instead of trying to link or determine how these new diseases are entering this country, they blame conservatives for being apprehensive about the vaccines.

The left will tell you there is no risk at all with vaccines. Huh, does the fraudulent obamacare cover those vaccines? You sure?

The left are fucking liars. They are fucking insidious pieces of hypocritical ignorant brainwashed shit.
All of the organized children come into the country for political expediency. Mystery flu, outbreak of measles, a new strand of tuberculosis, along with other diseases happen shortly after and the left deny there is a link. Talk about deniers. Wow.

What does the left wing media do? Instead of trying to link or determine how these new diseases are entering this country, they blame conservatives for being apprehensive about the vaccines.

The left will tell you there is no risk at all with vaccines. Huh, does the fraudulent obamacare cover those vaccines? You sure?

The left are fucking liars. They are fucking insidious pieces of hypocritical ignorant brainwashed shit.
While Central America certainly has higher rates of tuberculosis, tuberculosis cases in the US have been on a sharp decline for decades. I've yet to see anything suggesting that we are seeing more cases of TB than we have seen in the past. I'm sure you could cite all of the measles outbreaks in Central America. Newsflash, the vaccination rates there for MMR are comparable to the US. Please post more about the mystery flu, I've heard nothing about this. Generally new flu strands come from Asia.

I've seen nobody blaming conservatives as being anti-vaxxer. Anti-vaxxers are generally all across the political spectrum. Vaccinations like MMR, Tetanus and Hepatitis are generally covered under all insurance policies at no cost.

Don't let all of that get in the way of you labeling all liberals though, asshole.

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