Measles Vaccine Likely Caused Death of Four Infants in Nepal, Authorities Say

Measles outbreak in Great Britain...
Rise expected in new Swansea measles outbreak figures
4 April 2013 - Figures due to be released later are expected to show the Swansea measles epidemic is continuing to grow.
So far 541 people have been diagnosed with the disease, after the first patients fell ill in November. The diagnosis of 109 new cases in a week over the Easter period has been described as alarming, and parents are being warned to ensure their children have received the MMR vaccine. Friday's figures will help doctors tell how fast the outbreak is spreading. The outbreak is centred around Swansea but has also spread to neighbouring areas. Public health officials said take-up for the MMR vaccine in south Wales dropped significantly in the late 1990s when research - since discredited - raised concerns over the jab.

Dr Roland Salmon from Public Health Wales (PHW) told the BBC the outbreak could be linked in part to those concerns. "There certainly was a very historic mistrust of the MMR vaccine in the Swansea area and it's certainly true that we're seeing a very high rate of cases in the children who would have not had their vaccination as a result of that - if you like the older-junior school early-teenage. "But is has to be said that the vulnerable group does still remain the under-ones," he said. Special vaccination clinics have been arranged for this weekend.


Health officials have urged parents to ensure their children have the MMR vaccine

The injection is usually given to infants at 13 months but doctors have taken the unusual step of offering it to six-month-old babies, one of the groups considered to be most at risk. Public Health Wales (PHW) has said cases continue to be reported across the country, with the majority in the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Powys and Hywel Dda health board areas. PHW warned that the risk of unvaccinated children coming into contact with those already infected was "increasing every day". It added that it was "just a matter of time" before a child was left with serious and permanent complications, such as eye disorders, deafness or brain damage, or even dies.

Drop-in MMR vaccination clinics will be held between 10:00 BST and 16:00 BST on Saturday at Morriston and Singleton Hospitals in Swansea, Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend, and Neath Port Talbot Hospital. Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board said no appointments were necessary and, while they were targeting children and adolescents who had not had their scheduled MMR jabs, no-one would be turned away including adults. Some GP surgeries have responded to the epidemic by offering extra clinics for the MMR vaccine.

BBC News - Rise expected in new Swansea measles outbreak figures
MMR vaccine scare leaves millions of schoolchildren unprotected against measles...
A million children at risk of measles, doctors warn
18 April 2013 - More than a million schoolchildren could be susceptible to measles due to the MMR vaccine scare, warn child health doctors in the UK.
They say a generation of unprotected children are now in secondary school, where they are at greater risk. Dr David Elliman, from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said he was "surprised" outbreaks had not been more common. A large epidemic centred on Swansea has now affected 808 people. In response, MMR jabs are being offered in schools in parts of mid and south Wales. Dr Elliman said there was a real danger of outbreaks in other areas and the cases in Wales must act as a warning.



Measles is a highly contagious disease characterised by a high fever and a rash. In one in 15 cases it can lead to severe complications such as pneumonia and inflammation of the brain. Two doses of the MMR jab gives near complete protection against the infection. Uptake is now as high as ever with more than 91% of children under the age of two getting the first dose of the jab in England. But a decade ago many parents refused to have their children vaccinated after Andrew Wakefield's now discredited claims of a link between the jab and autism.

The precise number of children with no protection against measles is uncertain, but health professionals say it is at least a million children and may be significantly higher. Dr Elliman told the BBC: "These children are now 11 or 12-years-old, they weren't immunised at the time and their parents haven't caught up. "They are now starting secondary school so they are vulnerable, they are mixing with large numbers of children, so collectively there is a large group who are unimmunised. "We would be very worried that that's the group we're going to see outbreaks in."

Growing danger
Anyone who does not vaccinate their children is an umitigated retarded asshole. The kids are going to pay a heavy price for being born to idiotic credulous parents. The only thing protecting those children from certain death or lifelong handicap is the rest of the herd that IS vaccinated.
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The British fuckhead who started the anti-vax movement has been thoroughly and completely debunked, and yet the creduloids reinforce each other's mental retardation on the net, blithely exposing their children to huge risks.

Now the movement is being led by a hooker porn star with substance abuse problems. What an authority on the medical profession we have here!
Some of these dumbshit anti-vaxxers "protect" their children with homeopathic pellets.

Homeopathy is as effective as lighting incense and farting to the east during a new moon.
Syrian children to get measles vaccine...
Mass Measles Vaccination Campaign For Syrian Children Underway
April 30, 2013 — U.N. and international aid agencies are stepping up a vaccination campaign in Syria and neighboring countries to contain measles outbreaks in the region. The U.N. Children's Fund says many Syrian children are at risk of killer diseases because they are not receiving routine immunizations.
The U.N. Children’s Fund reports hundreds of cases of measles have broken out among children in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey over the past year. In the case of Turkey, UNICEF says some 3,000 to 4,000 measles cases have been reported across the country, including 300 among Syrian refugees. UNICEF spokeswoman Marixie Mercado said so far, no child has died from measles, but that could change at any time. “The assessment is that these outbreaks have been contained thus far in Syria and across the region. In large part, also because of an immunization campaign last year that reached 1.3 million children with measles vaccination and 1.5 million children with polio vaccination," said Mercado. "But the concern is very real. These are conditions that are conducive to the spread of disease and things are not getting any better for the Syrians either inside of the country or outside.”

The United Nations reports some four-and-one-quarter million people are displaced inside Syria and more than 1.4 million Syrian refugees have fled into neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Egypt. It says some 8,000 Syrians are fleeing the conflict in their country daily. Mercado says nearly half of the displaced are children. She says large population movements and the breakdown of regular health services are making children susceptible to killer diseases like measles no matter where they are.

She says living conditions for displaced children in Syria are dreadful. “The vast majority of whom are now living in camped, overcrowded, unsanitary conditions where diseases can rapidly spread," said Mercado. "The routine immunization system has been hit hard. The comprehensive numbers on routine immunization coverage are unavailable because reporting has broken down. The last routine vaccination reporting available is from January and February this year from just six out of 14 governorates in Syria. The figures there show coverage to be around 60 percent compared with coverage of around 95 percent across the country prior to the crisis.”

Mercado says it is extremely difficult to run a mass measles campaign in a region already struggling to provide humanitarian assistance to millions of people affected by the Syrian crisis. She says UNICEF is working with the health ministries, the World Health Organization and other partners to protect children against disease. In Syria, she says health ministry teams, with the support of UNICEF and WHO, recently vaccinated some 550,000 children as part of a national campaign targeting 2.5 million children. She says access to some areas is not possible because of insecurity. For example, she notes that in Homs earlier this month, a mobile health team was shot at seven times, injuring three doctors. Despite such setbacks, she says health workers are continuing their campaign to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of Syrian children against measles throughout the region.

Mass Measles Vaccination Campaign For Syrian Children Underway
Imagine how many people are alive thanks to it...You're just anti-science.
Measles outbreak in Wales...
Swansea measles: Cases rise by 20 to 1,094
14 May 2013 - Measles cases in the Swansea epidemic have risen by 20 in the last five days to 1,094 as health chiefs warn the uptake of MMR is too low to eliminate the disease in Wales.
Public Health Wales (PHW) continues to warn that the outbreak may spread. It said 95% uptake of MMR would prevent further outbreaks. But vaccination rates remained low in Wales, especially among those aged 10 to 18 who are hardest hit. In total, 1,257 people across Wales have now contracted the disease since last November, as the latest figures were released. PHW said more than 43,000 non-routine MMR vaccines had been given since the outbreak began. It said it was still concerned about a possible future outbreak in the old Gwent area, where 84 measles cases had been reported since November. In the seven days up to last Thursday, 201 children aged between 10 and 19 had received the MMR vaccine in the old Gwent county - leaving around 10,000 children still vulnerable to measles.

In the whole of Wales, PHW said 823 people aged between 10 and 18 received MMR in the same period. Meanwhile, it said only 381 people turned up at drop-in clinics in the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board area on Saturday, fewer than a quarter of the numbers seen on previous weekends. Dr Marion Lyons, director of health protection for PHW, said: "I am concerned there may be a perception that because the number of new cases we are seeing each day in this outbreak is slowing, the threat of measles is going away. This is not the case. "In 2011 we had only 19 cases of measles in Wales all year and that should be compared with the 20 new cases we have seen since the end of the last week alone.

'Highly contagious'

"The 84 cases in Gwent are a huge concern to us and with 10,000 children there still in need of vaccination, we are warning young people and parents not to be complacent just because they don't live in the outbreak area. "The message is simple - measles is highly contagious and it's everywhere in Wales. If you haven't received two doses of the MMR vaccine, you are at risk from a disease that can be highly dangerous."

Four drop-in clinics will be held at Singleton and Morriston hospitals in Swansea, the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot Hospital on Saturday between 10:00 and 16:00 BST. Aneurin Bevan Health Board is also holding a clinic between 11:00 and 15:00 BST on the same day at the outpatients department of the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport. No appointment is necessary but babies under 12 months old cannot be vaccinated.

BBC News - Swansea measles: Cases rise by 20 to 1,094
The Dangers of the Measles Vaccine to Infants

Well that's what poison kills you...the people have been fooled into letting their babies be injected with this shit.

Yes, obviously the few children that die from complications of a vaccine are in any way comparable to the hundreds of thousands of children that would get measles every year prior to the vaccine being widely used...

But hey, don't take my word for it, look at this easy to read chart:


And yes, that number of cases is in thousands. Almost 800,000 cases in just 1959 alone.
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Some of these dumbshit anti-vaxxers "protect" their children with homeopathic pellets.

Homeopathy is as effective as lighting incense and farting to the east during a new moon.

Actually, homeopathy is very effective. Being trained in allopathic medicine, I believed the same as you until I saw it work. If you get the right remedy, its actually quite amazing. Its easy to get the right remedy but if you don't, the wrong remedy won't hurt you.

The AMA was founded for the sole purpose of discrediting homeopathy. Its has been very effective doing that.

Don't close your mind to homeopathy.
While I don't believe vaccines are bad or that they should not be given, its important to know that many active cases of various diseases, including polio, are caused by the vaccines.

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