Media Claims Trump Is Threatening American People By Using Military During July 4th Celebration

Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
Otherwise known as anarchy.
anarchy let's forget about dictatorships
There is no call to arms to 'correct' the political process except calls by anarchists. There is nothing so corrupt or dishonest or incompetent or divisive about the political process that cannot be resolved in a ballot booth. And never at the barrel of a gun. Guns don't belong in American politics.
Are you saying the men who took up arms for our freedom were anarchist?
No. But when the first shots were fired, anarchy descended. The American government was functioning as a diplomatic arm and an ineffectual domestic arm. They could not and often did not fund the armed forces. They could not enforce their own tax system. It was anarchy, with a lower case 'a'.

While guns sorted out anarchy, they do NOT sort out governance.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
I have and perhaps you should. Every two years we elect a new congress. We do not press people into service. We do not intimidate political foes with gun violence.

We don't bomb the headquarters of opponents and we don't March armed service men and women in political rallies and parades. We do not intimidate voters with threats or acts of violence.

When the presidency reaches it's end of term, troops aren't cordoned around the White House, Capitol and other strategic sites. The only gunfire is from a twenty one gun salute. Purely ceremonial.

Guns are mentioned and protected in the constitution. But they are poisonous when used in politics.
That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
I have and perhaps you should. Every two years we elect a new congress. We do not press people into service. We do not intimidate political foes with gun violence.

We don't bomb the headquarters of opponents and we don't March armed service men and women in political rallies and parades. We do not intimidate voters with threats or acts of violence.

When the presidency reaches it's end of term, troops aren't cordoned around the White House, Capitol and other strategic sites. The only gunfire is from a twenty one gun salute. Purely ceremonial.

Guns are mentioned and protected in the constitution. But they are poisonous when used in politics.
Celebrating the nation's birthday isn't reserved for flag-burnings and LBGT Protests. The military gave us this country and they have every right to participate
But again, read the motherfucking Constitution, dirtbag!!
Gun ownership is one of Rights inumerated in the BILL OF RIGHTS in the US CONSTITUTION!!
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
I have and perhaps you should. Every two years we elect a new congress. We do not press people into service. We do not intimidate political foes with gun violence.

We don't bomb the headquarters of opponents and we don't March armed service men and women in political rallies and parades. We do not intimidate voters with threats or acts of violence.

When the presidency reaches it's end of term, troops aren't cordoned around the White House, Capitol and other strategic sites. The only gunfire is from a twenty one gun salute. Purely ceremonial.

Guns are mentioned and protected in the constitution. But they are poisonous when used in politics.
Celebrating the nation's birthday isn't reserved for flag-burnings and LBGT Protests. The military gave us this country and they have every right to participate
But again, read the motherfucking Constitution, dirtbag!!
Gun ownership is one of Rights inumerated in the BILL OF RIGHTS in the US CONSTITUTION!!
I can't account for that simple, binary mindset. No one said the alternative to a military procession was flag burning and LGBT protests. I think you'd agree that marching bands, floats and Shriners driving tiny red Mustangs is a far piece from burning flags and LBGT protesters.

American Legion Posts, VFW Posts and veterans groups march. Knights of Columbus march. Honor Guards and Boy Scout Troops and FFA kids so proud of their accomplishments. The Independence Day parade is about as main stream as it gets.

When have we failed to honor the military? We observe Memorial Day to honor the sacrifice. We observe Veterans Day to honor the service. We passed the G.I. Bill of Rights that changed the future for the better for ourslvesmas a nation and for individual Americans who stepped up and served.

As for your pointing out so discreetly people's right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment, that has not occurred to me.

Of course I recognize the second amendment you twit! The second amendment does not direct the citizenry to engage in gun violence to achieve a political end. The whole way to run a just, open and effective government is laid out in that very document. The constitution is the owner's manual. Guns aren't recommended to make eletioms happen.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
I have and perhaps you should. Every two years we elect a new congress. We do not press people into service. We do not intimidate political foes with gun violence.

We don't bomb the headquarters of opponents and we don't March armed service men and women in political rallies and parades. We do not intimidate voters with threats or acts of violence.

When the presidency reaches it's end of term, troops aren't cordoned around the White House, Capitol and other strategic sites. The only gunfire is from a twenty one gun salute. Purely ceremonial.

Guns are mentioned and protected in the constitution. But they are poisonous when used in politics.
Celebrating the nation's birthday isn't reserved for flag-burnings and LBGT Protests. The military gave us this country and they have every right to participate
But again, read the motherfucking Constitution, dirtbag!!
Gun ownership is one of Rights inumerated in the BILL OF RIGHTS in the US CONSTITUTION!!
I can't account for that simple, binary mindset. No one said the alternative to a military procession was flag burning and LGBT protests. I think you'd agree that marching bands, floats and Shriners driving tiny red Mustangs is a far piece from burning flags and LBGT protesters.

American Legion Posts, VFW Posts and veterans groups march. Knights of Columbus march. Honor Guards and Boy Scout Troops and FFA kids so proud of their accomplishments. The Independence Day parade is about as main stream as it gets.

When have we failed to honor the military? We observe Memorial Day to honor the sacrifice. We observe Veterans Day to honor the service. We passed the G.I. Bill of Rights that changed the future for the better for ourslvesmas a nation and for individual Americans who stepped up and served.

As for your pointing out so discreetly people's right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment, that has not occurred to me.

Of course I recognize the second amendment you twit! The second amendment does not direct the citizenry to engage in gun violence to achieve a political end. The whole way to run a just, open and effective government is laid out in that very document. The constitution is the owner's manual. Guns aren't recommended to make eletioms happen.
I saw a couple of tanks and a couple of flyovers, you fucking tool!!!
Who was shooting people in the streets?
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.
I have and perhaps you should. Every two years we elect a new congress. We do not press people into service. We do not intimidate political foes with gun violence.

We don't bomb the headquarters of opponents and we don't March armed service men and women in political rallies and parades. We do not intimidate voters with threats or acts of violence.

When the presidency reaches it's end of term, troops aren't cordoned around the White House, Capitol and other strategic sites. The only gunfire is from a twenty one gun salute. Purely ceremonial.

Guns are mentioned and protected in the constitution. But they are poisonous when used in politics.
Celebrating the nation's birthday isn't reserved for flag-burnings and LBGT Protests. The military gave us this country and they have every right to participate
But again, read the motherfucking Constitution, dirtbag!!
Gun ownership is one of Rights inumerated in the BILL OF RIGHTS in the US CONSTITUTION!!
I can't account for that simple, binary mindset. No one said the alternative to a military procession was flag burning and LGBT protests. I think you'd agree that marching bands, floats and Shriners driving tiny red Mustangs is a far piece from burning flags and LBGT protesters.

American Legion Posts, VFW Posts and veterans groups march. Knights of Columbus march. Honor Guards and Boy Scout Troops and FFA kids so proud of their accomplishments. The Independence Day parade is about as main stream as it gets.

When have we failed to honor the military? We observe Memorial Day to honor the sacrifice. We observe Veterans Day to honor the service. We passed the G.I. Bill of Rights that changed the future for the better for ourslvesmas a nation and for individual Americans who stepped up and served.

As for your pointing out so discreetly people's right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment, that has not occurred to me.

Of course I recognize the second amendment you twit! The second amendment does not direct the citizenry to engage in gun violence to achieve a political end. The whole way to run a just, open and effective government is laid out in that very document. The constitution is the owner's manual. Guns aren't recommended to make eletioms happen.

Wait do you know how many Militia died ?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.

It's who we are...

As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.

funny that your heroe Reagan never did that,same as EVERY president that followed him,he took a shit on it and put a lighter to it afterwards same as all our criminal politicians in washington do everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.

funny that your heroe Reagan never did that,same as EVERY president that followed him,he took a shit on it and put a lighter to it afterwards same as all our criminal politicians in washington do everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
You're projecting again.
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.

funny that your heroe Reagan never did that,same as EVERY president that followed him,he took a shit on it and put a lighter to it afterwards same as all our criminal politicians in washington do everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
You're projecting again.

Just wait, he gets better, once you get in his head, he puts you on pretend ignore. Then he will throw your name out there on a thread you commented on talk through someone else, not directly to you. He is crazy.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics. the Constitution.

funny that your heroe Reagan never did that,same as EVERY president that followed him,he took a shit on it and put a lighter to it afterwards same as all our criminal politicians in washington do everyday.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
You're projecting again.

Just wait, he gets better, once you get in his head, he puts you on pretend ignore. Then he will throw your name out there on a thread you commented on talk through someone else, not directly to you. He is crazy.
What a twat!!!
Fucking weirdo.
I saw this rather as a show for me, for other Americans who celebrate this Nation and how it was won. Of course, I don't suffer from mentally debilitating hatred, either. Great show, by-the-way!
Look, the truth is, Trump has been campaigning since he took office, at every chance he gets and every tweet he makes...
He simply can not be a President to the Nation and only can be the President for his followers, while bashing more than half the country DAILY. His problem is he is too mentally incapacitated to do things in any kind of fair manner....

All that should have been done, was set up box seats for the Democratic side of the aisle as well, for them to hand out to their special donors or to disabled children or to Veterans or to whomever they wanted to, and then this would not be a topic we would even be talking about.

The narcissistic him, was not even unable to do that..... thus the calls of him using those box seats for his own political purpose... with tax payers money....

but to me, it matters not.... in the realm of chaos he's brought with him.

YES, I do not support or like him.... but for many more reasons that go way beyond this stunt of his...

I think it is you all that are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, for not seeing the person he really is, not us!!! :lol: :D:D:D
I am guessing that you never noticed that almost every stop 44 did was at least a campaign stop. If he was in Germany for a meeting he never failed to point out what as he put it " I said, I did, I looked at, I'm great".

You all suffer. Rolf. You dimwits have been hammering and harassing him before he was even elected. You had riots, the women's March and others before he had been officially in the White House an hour. As has been stated he could single handedly cure cancer and CNN and the rest of you would be hanging him out to dry for taking money away from doctors.
Get real! Trump has been bashing and attacking Democrats since his support and head first, in to the phony BIRTHER movement, but really since before Obama took office.... then the LOCK HER UP crap, with no due process mind you...

I'm sorry Trump did start it all,

the problem with the media, is they decided to stick up for themselves and not let him use his bully pulpit with his partisan jargon and bull shit,

instead of turning the other cheek...
For one, President Trump couldn't have cared less about democrats when he was elected. He had LEARN to hate them same as the rest of us, because they started in trashing the poor man since before his innauguration and it hasn't let up for one second. He FIGHTS BACK, and that's what's got all you nasty little vile leftists in an uproar, you're not used to a president, or anyone else for that matter, fighting back after you turn your hounds of death and destruction against them.

And two, obama was born in kenyan, just as his grandmother testified to because she there and witnessed it, and further, there is zero proof that hasn't been debunked as pathetic forgery as far as a Hawaiian BC for obama. He and his sister couldn't even get their lies straight about which hospital he was born in, and no one alive has actually seen a hard copy BC from Hawaii for obama, no one, ever, and no one will because there isn't one. I would love for you to show me one, but you can't. All anyone has ever seen is a two bit, amateur forgery of a scan of a certificate of live birth, which isn't even really a birth certificate.

Please, leave the birth certificate BS out of it. It is old, tired, and you have no facts to back these allegations up. It is no longer important. Let it die!
Please, don't pretend your a mod or can tell anyone what to do. I responded to someone else that brought it up, and yes, I do have website after website after website with indisputable proof that everything I just said was in fact, A FACT. What you or no one else on the planet can prove is that obama was born in Hawaii. There's not a living soul that has ever seen a real, can be held in hand and verified as authentic, Hawaiian birth certificate for obama, because there isn't one. You want to show me one, I'd love to see it. Hell the entire world would love it, but that's never going to happen. So put up or shut up, dumbass.

I'll decide what I find is important and what's not, not you, jackass.
You're just jealous about how wonderful it was. You Progs are desperate to rule America, and anything that celebrates Liberty threatens your agenda.

Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed by it. This is the kind of thing tinpot dictators do to feel better about themselves.

A Republican president always uses the military to attack American citizens. I remember when Bill Clinton did it at Waco TX and when he snatched Elian Gonzales at zero dark thirty in the morning. Clinton was a Republican, right?

Oh, I see, child molesting cultists who murder Law Enforcement Officers are "American Citizens" in your mind?

I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades.

Yah, I ignored it... I can find a link that showed Ike talked to UFO aliens, but it doesn't make it true.
So if I wanted to seek asylum in Switzerland could I just jump the border apply for asylum and get free health care, a car, an apartment, and a government check to go shopping the illegals do here?????

Too bad illegals can't get any of those things... but never mind.
You're just jealous about how wonderful it was. You Progs are desperate to rule America, and anything that celebrates Liberty threatens your agenda.

Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed by it. This is the kind of thing tinpot dictators do to feel better about themselves.

A Republican president always uses the military to attack American citizens. I remember when Bill Clinton did it at Waco TX and when he snatched Elian Gonzales at zero dark thirty in the morning. Clinton was a Republican, right?

Oh, I see, child molesting cultists who murder Law Enforcement Officers are "American Citizens" in your mind?

I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades.

Yah, I ignored it... I can find a link that showed Ike talked to UFO aliens, but it doesn't make it true.
Did you feel threatened? Did you think the military was going to plug your crazy ass Joey?
You're just jealous about how wonderful it was. You Progs are desperate to rule America, and anything that celebrates Liberty threatens your agenda.

Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed by it. This is the kind of thing tinpot dictators do to feel better about themselves.

A Republican president always uses the military to attack American citizens. I remember when Bill Clinton did it at Waco TX and when he snatched Elian Gonzales at zero dark thirty in the morning. Clinton was a Republican, right?

Oh, I see, child molesting cultists who murder Law Enforcement Officers are "American Citizens" in your mind?

I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades.

Yah, I ignored it... I can find a link that showed Ike talked to UFO aliens, but it doesn't make it true.
I can understand why you don't want to learn that kind of thing is anathema to just going with feelings. Real learning and understanding has nothing over your little feelings. I always laugh at the left they claim no one should be calling fake news but when something doesn't fit their agenda they yell fake news I refuse to see or hear it.
I can understand why you don't want to learn that kind of thing is anathema to just going with feelings. Real learning and understanding has nothing over your little feelings. I always laugh at the left they claim no one should be calling fake news but when something doesn't fit their agenda they yell fake news I refuse to see or hear it.

again, you really didn't prove anything...

Wait, here's that website the probes Ike met with aliens at Area 51.

'CIA agent' made a shock deathbed confession that he ‘saw aliens’ near Area 51
I can understand why you don't want to learn that kind of thing is anathema to just going with feelings. Real learning and understanding has nothing over your little feelings. I always laugh at the left they claim no one should be calling fake news but when something doesn't fit their agenda they yell fake news I refuse to see or hear it.

again, you really didn't prove anything...

Wait, here's that website the probes Ike met with aliens at Area 51.

'CIA agent' made a shock deathbed confession that he ‘saw aliens’ near Area 51
Again with you it is my feelings don't confuse me with facts. Good for you.

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