Media Claims Trump Is Threatening American People By Using Military During July 4th Celebration

Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

You haven't proven to me he had... and certainly nothing like the Fizzle Trump tried to pull off.

You're just jealous about how wonderful it was. You Progs are desperate to rule America, and anything that celebrates Liberty threatens your agenda.
The point is, these cockroaches overrunning our southern border have it a100 times better in those containment camps than they did in the shit holes they've crawled out of.

Again, that you use terms like "cockroaches" kind of tells me that if Trump started turning them into lampshades tomorrow, you'd be the first one to volunteer.

Prove me wrong.

Let me see never heard of jail? Never hear of the term "remanded into custody "? Drinking out of a toilet? Damn it is the same type of single piece setup used in every jail, prison or detention center for many years. It is a one piece stainless steel sink, toilet, and water fountain with a single toilet paper roll holder in one. ( don't know how or care to post a picture of one) have someone google it for you.

Guy, the sinks didn't work, so they told these women- who haven't committed any real crime, to drink out of the toilet.

Again, another one who'd sign up for Lampshade duty.
So you have verifiable proof that they did not work? Or is this another of your stories like JFK and Eisenhower never had a parade?
In the first place if the toilet works the sink and water fountain will work. It is one unit. If there is no water from one then there is no water for any of it.
In the second place the people that were told this may never have seen this piece of equipment and not known how they work.
In the third this is AOC and other brain dead people making this claim. Perhaps you may remember her as being scared of and not knowing what a garbage disposal was.

They are breaking the law by coming here without crossing at a port of entry. When they do They can be required to wait outside the U.S. until their case is adjudicated. It does not look good for their claim of asylum. Especially if they were offered asylum from a country like Mexico that they passed through. The fact that about one in five so called families are not related points to even less support for an asylum claim and points to human trafficking. A very serious crime. If caught with any drugs there is the possibility of drug smuggling.

So unfortunately for you you are still uneducated and understand very little but these are my feelings.
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you go right ahead and spend 40 minutes of your time glued to a TV to listen to Trump boast, brag, bash, bloviate, and lie.... that's not my cup of tea..... or in this case, I'll be outside grilling and having a beer or two!

To be fair to Pres. Trump, I could not watch Obama's speeches, or Bush2's speeches, and good Lord when Bill Clinton gave them, it was like listening to nails scratching a blackboard! :eek:
Funny I never said anything about listening to his speech. I just stated that it seemed that you are more then willing to allow anyone anything except Trump. When it comes to anything connected with him you are completely against it. Even if you think it is fine for someone else to do it. Points to a very bad case of anyone or anything but Trump. In other words a mental disorder.

Heh, I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, can not stand the man child... he's real creepy!

And has every characteristic that God and my mom and dad, taught me to stay away from.....!!!! And those lessons stuck... all these decades! No changing this tigress's stripes now... ;)
Nope. You're easily fooled.
You never question anything the Democrats and their corrupt media say.
You take everything they say with no love being ignorant and misled.
They keep serving you this shit-sandwich and you say "YUMMY....I WANT SOME MORE!!!"
I do not need the media to tell me how to think, I watch, read and listen to him daily....''he, who has an ear, let him hear'' is what the Bible says.... in other words, listen... and pay attention! (Something is going down, that's bigger than yourself, is the lessen in the passages where this is said...)

I think it's ya'll that are wearing blinders, and have deaf ears... I'm just waiting for God to wake you, give you sight to see, and ears to hear... I think He will, some day, when the time is right!!!

In the mean time...

Let's keep arguing!!! :thup:

The difference between me and you is I pay attention.
I remember the bitch-fest the Democrat started when they started harping about separating children from families......then when they were working on the budget they tried to include legislation that limited the number of beds allowed in detention facilities. Then they claimed that this was a manufactured crisis. Since the Dems took over congress they have been meeting in Hawaii and Puerto Rico avoiding the issue on purpose hoping that it would become a crisis. They have refused to attend briefings since last December which would have avoided this current crisis. They didn't give a shit. Now they're bawling crocodile tears over the conditions they themselves caused through neglect and their constant resistance to dealing with the situation.

They caused this crisis.
They're busy blaming it on Trump....even though he has been telling them since December 2018 that it was becoming a problem.

you pay attention? yeah you ONLY pay attention to when the democrats corruption has been exposed from being brainwashed by people around you growing up your whole life obviously that the dems are corrupt but the repubs can do no wrong as evidenced in your pathetic posts like this one that ALWAYS blame the dems for EVERYTHING.:rolleyes: you cowardly run off with your tail between your legs everytime the repubs are exposed for being as corrupt as the dems and reagan was the most corrupt president ever at the time.

your so biased and closed minded that you take the time to look at links that expose the dems corruption but run off when when links of pesky facts you cant refute on the repubs are exposed . you sure dont pay attention then.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:
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These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​

If a sitting U.S. President chose to seize total control of our federal government, rolling in the tanks would be the last stage of any such operation. Happy 4th of July, I hope that makes everyone feel much better . . .
It's three tanks, not an entire armored division.

OMG.......3 TANKS?????




yeah thats you when the evidence is put in front of you that the repubs are as corrupt and evil as the dems are.:haha::iyfyus.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

You haven't proven to me he had... and certainly nothing like the Fizzle Trump tried to pull off.

You are smart enough to google JFK inauguration. If you aren’t then sad for you.
I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades. It even had a few pictures so even if he could not understand the words he had pictures to explain. He just did not want to admit to being wrong. Lincoln also had a two day parade when he was president. But liberals never let facts affect them.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

You haven't proven to me he had... and certainly nothing like the Fizzle Trump tried to pull off.

You are smart enough to google JFK inauguration. If you aren’t then sad for you.
I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades. It even had a few pictures so even if he could not understand the words he had pictures to explain. He just did not want to admit to being wrong. Lincoln also had a two day parade when he was president. But liberals never let facts affect them.
A Republican president always uses the military to attack American citizens. I remember when Bill Clinton did it at Waco TX and when he snatched Elian Gonzales at zero dark thirty in the morning. Clinton was a Republican, right?
Your definition is way off, you just made it up to suit your agenda. Nice try. They are free to go back into Mexico if they choose. They are choosing to stay. JFK had a military display on his inauguration, which was all about JFK.

Um, okay, so 60 years ago, we decided that was kind of a misuse of military resources... until Trump started having visions of Nuremburg in his head.

Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

I think his claim that "we" decided it was a misuse of military resources is interesting. Who is "we"?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
He's parking some Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M1 Abrams Tanks at the Lincoln Memorial.

And Trump isn't Bill Clinton
He'll keep the speech below 40 minutes.
He's parking some Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M1 Abrams Tanks at the Lincoln Memorial.
Right. Like I said....and there's something wrong with that picture, imo.
The Lincoln Memorial reflected in the calm classical lines of the Reflecting Pool. Balanced, serene, quiet, inspirational almost. AND HERE COME M1 ABRAMS TANKS!!!
What the FUCK is wrong with that picture?
Sorry if our military scares you or even offends you.

I drive by an Abrams tank and Bradley infantry fighting vehicle every single day when I go to work.
Good for you; you're in the military

I am a civilian, thank you. I also pass the US Gold Bullion Depository where we keep a great deal of our gold, so there is that also for Democrats to hate.
I LUV gold. Good thing I'm not a Democrat.
Don't want to be detained then don't illegally enter our country.

They have every right to apply for asylum under our laws...

Sneaking in, we could just send right back.
So if I wanted to seek asylum in Switzerland could I just jump the border apply for asylum and get free health care, a car, an apartment, and a government check to go shopping the illegals do here?????
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
Otherwise known as anarchy.
That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
Otherwise known as anarchy.
anarchy let's forget about dictatorships
Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

You haven't proven to me he had... and certainly nothing like the Fizzle Trump tried to pull off.

You are smart enough to google JFK inauguration. If you aren’t then sad for you.
I already posted a link to JFK and Eisenhowers parades. It even had a few pictures so even if he could not understand the words he had pictures to explain. He just did not want to admit to being wrong. Lincoln also had a two day parade when he was president. But liberals never let facts affect them.

I saw that, thank you, that is why I’m not posting another link. If he wants to be willfully ignorant, I have no issue with that. He plays the part well.
Guns do not belong in American politics.
Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
Otherwise known as anarchy.
anarchy let's forget about dictatorships
There is no call to arms to 'correct' the political process except calls by anarchists. There is nothing so corrupt or dishonest or incompetent or divisive about the political process that cannot be resolved in a ballot booth. And never at the barrel of a gun. Guns don't belong in American politics.
Your definition is way off, you just made it up to suit your agenda. Nice try. They are free to go back into Mexico if they choose. They are choosing to stay. JFK had a military display on his inauguration, which was all about JFK.

Um, okay, so 60 years ago, we decided that was kind of a misuse of military resources... until Trump started having visions of Nuremburg in his head.

Weren’t you the one that said JFK never had such a parade? Just proving you make up shit.

I think his claim that "we" decided it was a misuse of military resources is interesting. Who is "we"?

“We” are a bunch of snowflake cry babies, like Joe.
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Shows how little you know the Constitution
Look up the second amendment.
Guns have no place in American politics.

That is not to say guns aren't political, nor are they ignored in the constitution.

But they do not belong as part of the political process. They don't belong in American politics.
It's the last step when the political process has failed.
Otherwise known as anarchy.
anarchy let's forget about dictatorships
There is no call to arms to 'correct' the political process except calls by anarchists. There is nothing so corrupt or dishonest or incompetent or divisive about the political process that cannot be resolved in a ballot booth. And never at the barrel of a gun. Guns don't belong in American politics.
Are you saying the men who took up arms for our freedom were anarchist?

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