Media Claims Trump Is Threatening American People By Using Military During July 4th Celebration

Trillions of dollars in debt and you focus on 92 million. What about the billions we waste on Amtrak? What about bills and budgets that have billions in pork? Communities all across the country spending billions on parades on fireworks displays, however you focus on the one you hate.

Tell me how much did this parade change your life?

Tanks on the National Mall and Concentration Camps on the Southern Border, and you don't see a problem, of course.
Oh my God two tanks brought in for a Fourth of July celebration. JFK rolled missles down the street in a parade. Eisenhower had armed men and military hardware. No one died, no one took over the government in a coup.

Rolf. Concentration camps. My god you really are gullible. We put American people in the very same thing each and every day the are called prison. Some prisons have concrete walls and solid steel doors. Some areas of prison restrict you to a cell for all but one hour each day. But somehow you are more interested in placing a label that has no reality in the real world on a light security prison just because it contains those you want flooding the country. Funny how crazy people never worry about the conditions of Americans that are sentenced.

Get an education. Go see a prison then see a real concentration camp. Learn the difference instead of making yourself look uneducated.

Joe is not simply gullible. He is Moon Bat stupid in addition to being afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome. . He is confused with just about everything.

Trump gave one of the greatest patriotic speeches ever given by an American President. Only assholes like him would find fault.
Trillions of dollars in debt and you focus on 92 million. What about the billions we waste on Amtrak? What about bills and budgets that have billions in pork? Communities all across the country spending billions on parades on fireworks displays, however you focus on the one you hate.

Tell me how much did this parade change your life?

Tanks on the National Mall and Concentration Camps on the Southern Border, and you don't see a problem, of course.

No concentration camps at the border, it seems you are cheapening those that went to real concentration camps. The definition isn’t even close. We have lots of problems at the border we need a better way to process and either accept or reject them and we need better facilities to house and take care of people. A facility where you are free to leave is not a concentration camp. A parade in DC like Presidents before him, but we only have an issue with Trump.

So how dramatically was your life effected by the parade on the 4th? Are you still really traumatized? Suffering from PTSD?
Oh my God two tanks brought in for a Fourth of July celebration. JFK rolled missles down the street in a parade. Eisenhower had armed men and military hardware. No one died, no one took over the government in a coup.

YOu are a little confused.. we didn't have military parades in Washington during Ike of JFK.

Rolf. Concentration camps. My god you really are gullible. We put American people in the very same thing each and every day the are called prison. Some prisons have concrete walls and solid steel doors. Some areas of prison restrict you to a cell for all but one hour each day. But somehow you are more interested in placing a label that has no reality in the real world on a light security prison just because it contains those you want flooding the country. Funny how crazy people never worry about the conditions of Americans that are sentenced.

Here's the thing. To get put in a prison, you hvae to commit an ACTUAL Crime, be tried, convicted in a court of law and even then, they don't put you 50 to a cell and make you drink out of a toilet.

Yes, what we have on the Southern Border right now ARE concentration camps. Deal with it.

Now this I find disturbing:
Starved, tortured, bombed: The fate of refugees trapped in Libya
How come you never mention these atrocities and the many others worldwide? People invading our country are getting much better accommodations and treatment than they left behind and you whiners want to make something of that?
Southern invaders don't like it here, they can go back home.

Last time I checked, Libya wasn't part of the US. I can't be responsible for the rest of the world, but we can be responsible for what we do in THIS country.
No concentration camps at the border, it seems you are cheapening those that went to real concentration camps. The definition isn’t even close.

Actually, the definition is spot on. Putting a lot of people in a confined space in inhumane conditions without due process of law.

We have lots of problems at the border we need a better way to process and either accept or reject them and we need better facilities to house and take care of people. A facility where you are free to leave is not a concentration camp.

Except they are not free to leave.

A parade in DC like Presidents before him, but we only have an issue with Trump.

Other presidents didn't make the Fourth about them.
Oh my God two tanks brought in for a Fourth of July celebration. JFK rolled missles down the street in a parade. Eisenhower had armed men and military hardware. No one died, no one took over the government in a coup.

YOu are a little confused.. we didn't have military parades in Washington during Ike of JFK.

Rolf. Concentration camps. My god you really are gullible. We put American people in the very same thing each and every day the are called prison. Some prisons have concrete walls and solid steel doors. Some areas of prison restrict you to a cell for all but one hour each day. But somehow you are more interested in placing a label that has no reality in the real world on a light security prison just because it contains those you want flooding the country. Funny how crazy people never worry about the conditions of Americans that are sentenced.

Here's the thing. To get put in a prison, you hvae to commit an ACTUAL Crime, be tried, convicted in a court of law and even then, they don't put you 50 to a cell and make you drink out of a toilet.

Yes, what we have on the Southern Border right now ARE concentration camps. Deal with it.

Now this I find disturbing:
Starved, tortured, bombed: The fate of refugees trapped in Libya
How come you never mention these atrocities and the many others worldwide? People invading our country are getting much better accommodations and treatment than they left behind and you whiners want to make something of that?
Southern invaders don't like it here, they can go back home.

Last time I checked, Libya wasn't part of the US. I can't be responsible for the rest of the world, but we can be responsible for what we do in THIS country.

The point is, these cockroaches overrunning our southern border have it a100 times better in those containment camps than they did in the shit holes they've crawled out of. And as a comparison, I offered an example of what a really abusive environment is like. Baloney sandwiches or MREs are far superior to starvation. I'd bet the "refugees" in Libya would welcome a toilet to drink from. No one arriving here is used for forced labor. The victims in the Libyan camps most certainly do not have access to hygiene items or showers. They most likely sleep where they fall. And they wait to die instead of getting turned loose to receive free Libyan health care, housing and food subsidies, and they sure as hell won't be voting in Libyan elections.
Believe it or not, it's actually against the law to use tax payer's money for campaigning.... or political purpose!!!
God you are just straight up crazy. So now you want to claim that anytime a president speaks in front of the people they are doing something against the law. Every time a president lays a wreath on a grave it is against the law. Wow just out and out wow.
no, of course not...

there is more going on behind the scenes and if your media selection is only right wing, you may not be aware of it...

Allegedly, the GOP/RNC got special box seats set upfront for the event, to give away to their top Trump and republican party donors... allegedly the DNC were not given any tickets to give away for special box seats for their use...

that sure seams like He's turned this in to a political event... instead of an independence day event for the Nation, to me... :dunno:

plus it was a slivering slimy move for him to keep this event hidden from us, all secret till about 2 weeks ago, when you know it had to take months to prepare... no one wanted it the first time he planned it....
If he provided seats for his friends, so what? Giving away any privileges to his rabid detractors, that would be political, since he would be seen as trying to "buy" support from his opponents, giving them any perks is the wrong thing to do.
Because it is tax payer's money gallant, and not coming from the Trump campaign or the RNC..THAT is why.

Don't you know that...? the event was for all Americans, not just for him and his big donor friends. And ALL Americans paid for it.
I saw this rather as a show for me, for other Americans who celebrate this Nation and how it was won. Of course, I don't suffer from mentally debilitating hatred, either. Great show, by-the-way!
Look, the truth is, Trump has been campaigning since he took office, at every chance he gets and every tweet he makes...
He simply can not be a President to the Nation and only can be the President for his followers, while bashing more than half the country DAILY. His problem is he is too mentally incapacitated to do things in any kind of fair manner....

All that should have been done, was set up box seats for the Democratic side of the aisle as well, for them to hand out to their special donors or to disabled children or to Veterans or to whomever they wanted to, and then this would not be a topic we would even be talking about.

The narcissistic him, was not even able to do that..... thus the calls of him using those box seats for his own political purpose... with tax payers money....

but to me, it matters not.... in the realm of chaos he's brought with him.

YES, I do not support or like him.... but for many more reasons that go way beyond this stunt of his...

I think it is you all that are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, for not seeing the person he really is, not us!!! :lol: :D:D:D
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Oh my God two tanks brought in for a Fourth of July celebration. JFK rolled missles down the street in a parade. Eisenhower had armed men and military hardware. No one died, no one took over the government in a coup.

YOu are a little confused.. we didn't have military parades in Washington during Ike of JFK.

Rolf. Concentration camps. My god you really are gullible. We put American people in the very same thing each and every day the are called prison. Some prisons have concrete walls and solid steel doors. Some areas of prison restrict you to a cell for all but one hour each day. But somehow you are more interested in placing a label that has no reality in the real world on a light security prison just because it contains those you want flooding the country. Funny how crazy people never worry about the conditions of Americans that are sentenced.

Here's the thing. To get put in a prison, you hvae to commit an ACTUAL Crime, be tried, convicted in a court of law and even then, they don't put you 50 to a cell and make you drink out of a toilet.

Yes, what we have on the Southern Border right now ARE concentration camps. Deal with it.

Now this I find disturbing:
Starved, tortured, bombed: The fate of refugees trapped in Libya
How come you never mention these atrocities and the many others worldwide? People invading our country are getting much better accommodations and treatment than they left behind and you whiners want to make something of that?
Southern invaders don't like it here, they can go back home.

Last time I checked, Libya wasn't part of the US. I can't be responsible for the rest of the world, but we can be responsible for what we do in THIS country.
Man you really are uneducated.
We didn't have military parades? I guess this was written by someone trying to make you look stupid and was just made up and the photos were just photoshopped? 'Tanks' a lot: Trump 4th of July celebration wasn't first time armored vehicles rumbled into Washington

Let me see never heard of jail? Never hear of the term "remanded into custody "? Drinking out of a toilet? Damn it is the same type of single piece setup used in every jail, prison or detention center for many years. It is a one piece stainless steel sink, toilet, and water fountain with a single toilet paper roll holder in one. ( don't know how or care to post a picture of one) have someone google it for you.

The whole detention center thing has been going on for numerous administrations. It is not new. Where were the Dems when more and more started to flood the country? Oh that's right they were encouraging them by creating sancutuary cities and states. Senators and congress were off on vacation saying there was no crisis on the border. But somehow in the last few months they are claiming there is a crisis. And people wonder why I say I feel that the worlds IQ drops a few points every time a liberal speaks.
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God you are just straight up crazy. So now you want to claim that anytime a president speaks in front of the people they are doing something against the law. Every time a president lays a wreath on a grave it is against the law. Wow just out and out wow.
no, of course not...

there is more going on behind the scenes and if your media selection is only right wing, you may not be aware of it...

Allegedly, the GOP/RNC got special box seats set upfront for the event, to give away to their top Trump and republican party donors... allegedly the DNC were not given any tickets to give away for special box seats for their use...

that sure seams like He's turned this in to a political event... instead of an independence day event for the Nation, to me... :dunno:

plus it was a slivering slimy move for him to keep this event hidden from us, all secret till about 2 weeks ago, when you know it had to take months to prepare... no one wanted it the first time he planned it....
If he provided seats for his friends, so what? Giving away any privileges to his rabid detractors, that would be political, since he would be seen as trying to "buy" support from his opponents, giving them any perks is the wrong thing to do.
Because it is tax payer's money gallant, and not coming from the Trump campaign or the RNC..THAT is why.

Don't you know that...? the event was for all Americans, not just for him and his big donor friends. And ALL Americans paid for it.
I saw this rather as a show for me, for other Americans who celebrate this Nation and how it was won. Of course, I don't suffer from mentally debilitating hatred, either. Great show, by-the-way!
Look, the truth is, Trump has been campaigning since he took office, at every chance he gets and every tweet he makes...
He simply can not be a President to the Nation and only can be the President for his followers, while bashing more than half the country DAILY. His problem is he is too mentally incapacitated to do things in any kind of fair manner....

All that should have been done, was set up box seats for the Democratic side of the aisle as well, for them to hand out to their special donors or to disabled children or to Veterans or to whomever they wanted to, and then this would not be a topic we would even be talking about.

The narcissistic him, was not even unable to do that..... thus the calls of him using those box seats for his own political purpose... with tax payers money....

but to me, it matters not.... in the realm of chaos he's brought with him.

YES, I do not support or like him.... but for many more reasons that go way beyond this stunt of his...

I think it is you all that are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, for not seeing the person he really is, not us!!! :lol: :D:D:D
I am guessing that you never noticed that almost every stop 44 did was at least a campaign stop. If he was in Germany for a meeting he never failed to point out what as he put it " I said, I did, I looked at, I'm great".

You all suffer. Rolf. You dimwits have been hammering and harassing him before he was even elected. You had riots, the women's March and others before he had been officially in the White House an hour. As has been stated he could single handedly cure cancer and CNN and the rest of you would be hanging him out to dry for taking money away from doctors.
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Did you actually see the celebration before you judged it?

It was a fantastic, well done, and very American rally.
He's parking some Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M1 Abrams Tanks at the Lincoln Memorial.
Right. Like I said....and there's something wrong with that picture, imo.
The Lincoln Memorial reflected in the calm classical lines of the Reflecting Pool. Balanced, serene, quiet, inspirational almost. AND HERE COME M1 ABRAMS TANKS!!!
What the FUCK is wrong with that picture?
Suck it up, Buttercup....

Now that the invasion is over, would you like to reflect on your idiotic post and step off of the ledge?

It was a Celebration of America.... The military has been doing flyovers all of my life, and I don't remember some CNN idiot, or their childish followers worry about them strafing or bombing the stadium.
no, of course not...

there is more going on behind the scenes and if your media selection is only right wing, you may not be aware of it...

Allegedly, the GOP/RNC got special box seats set upfront for the event, to give away to their top Trump and republican party donors... allegedly the DNC were not given any tickets to give away for special box seats for their use...

that sure seams like He's turned this in to a political event... instead of an independence day event for the Nation, to me... :dunno:

plus it was a slivering slimy move for him to keep this event hidden from us, all secret till about 2 weeks ago, when you know it had to take months to prepare... no one wanted it the first time he planned it....
If he provided seats for his friends, so what? Giving away any privileges to his rabid detractors, that would be political, since he would be seen as trying to "buy" support from his opponents, giving them any perks is the wrong thing to do.
Because it is tax payer's money gallant, and not coming from the Trump campaign or the RNC..THAT is why.

Don't you know that...? the event was for all Americans, not just for him and his big donor friends. And ALL Americans paid for it.
I saw this rather as a show for me, for other Americans who celebrate this Nation and how it was won. Of course, I don't suffer from mentally debilitating hatred, either. Great show, by-the-way!
Look, the truth is, Trump has been campaigning since he took office, at every chance he gets and every tweet he makes...
He simply can not be a President to the Nation and only can be the President for his followers, while bashing more than half the country DAILY. His problem is he is too mentally incapacitated to do things in any kind of fair manner....

All that should have been done, was set up box seats for the Democratic side of the aisle as well, for them to hand out to their special donors or to disabled children or to Veterans or to whomever they wanted to, and then this would not be a topic we would even be talking about.

The narcissistic him, was not even unable to do that..... thus the calls of him using those box seats for his own political purpose... with tax payers money....

but to me, it matters not.... in the realm of chaos he's brought with him.

YES, I do not support or like him.... but for many more reasons that go way beyond this stunt of his...

I think it is you all that are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, for not seeing the person he really is, not us!!! :lol: :D:D:D
I am guessing that you never noticed that almost every stop 44 did was at least a campaign stop. If he was in Germany for a meeting he never failed to point out what as he put it " I said, I did, I looked at, I'm great".

You all suffer. Rolf. You dimwits have been hammering and harassing him before he was even elected. You had riots, the women's March and others before he had been officially in the White House an hour. As has been stated he could single handedly cure cancer and CNN and the rest of you would be hanging him out to dry for taking money away from doctors.
Get real! Trump has been bashing and attacking Democrats since his support and head first, in to the phony BIRTHER movement, but really since before Obama took office.... then the LOCK HER UP crap, with no due process mind you...

I'm sorry Trump did start it all,

the problem with the media, is they decided to stick up for themselves and not let him use his bully pulpit with his partisan jargon and bull shit,

instead of turning the other cheek...
We should do every 4th of July like President Trump did. I thought it was outstanding, and one little added benefit was, the little young leftards with their fresh indoctrination from public schooling got a little history lesson that wasn't democrat revisionist history bull shit.
If he provided seats for his friends, so what? Giving away any privileges to his rabid detractors, that would be political, since he would be seen as trying to "buy" support from his opponents, giving them any perks is the wrong thing to do.
Because it is tax payer's money gallant, and not coming from the Trump campaign or the RNC..THAT is why.

Don't you know that...? the event was for all Americans, not just for him and his big donor friends. And ALL Americans paid for it.
I saw this rather as a show for me, for other Americans who celebrate this Nation and how it was won. Of course, I don't suffer from mentally debilitating hatred, either. Great show, by-the-way!
Look, the truth is, Trump has been campaigning since he took office, at every chance he gets and every tweet he makes...
He simply can not be a President to the Nation and only can be the President for his followers, while bashing more than half the country DAILY. His problem is he is too mentally incapacitated to do things in any kind of fair manner....

All that should have been done, was set up box seats for the Democratic side of the aisle as well, for them to hand out to their special donors or to disabled children or to Veterans or to whomever they wanted to, and then this would not be a topic we would even be talking about.

The narcissistic him, was not even unable to do that..... thus the calls of him using those box seats for his own political purpose... with tax payers money....

but to me, it matters not.... in the realm of chaos he's brought with him.

YES, I do not support or like him.... but for many more reasons that go way beyond this stunt of his...

I think it is you all that are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, for not seeing the person he really is, not us!!! :lol: :D:D:D
I am guessing that you never noticed that almost every stop 44 did was at least a campaign stop. If he was in Germany for a meeting he never failed to point out what as he put it " I said, I did, I looked at, I'm great".

You all suffer. Rolf. You dimwits have been hammering and harassing him before he was even elected. You had riots, the women's March and others before he had been officially in the White House an hour. As has been stated he could single handedly cure cancer and CNN and the rest of you would be hanging him out to dry for taking money away from doctors.
Get real! Trump has been bashing and attacking Democrats since his support and head first, in to the phony BIRTHER movement, but really since before Obama took office.... then the LOCK HER UP crap, with no due process mind you...

I'm sorry Trump did start it all,

the problem with the media, is they decided to stick up for themselves and not let him use his bully pulpit with his partisan jargon and bull shit,

instead of turning the other cheek...
For one, President Trump couldn't have cared less about democrats when he was elected. He had LEARN to hate them same as the rest of us, because they started in trashing the poor man since before his innauguration and it hasn't let up for one second. He FIGHTS BACK, and that's what's got all you nasty little vile leftists in an uproar, you're not used to a president, or anyone else for that matter, fighting back after you turn your hounds of death and destruction against them.

And two, obama was born in kenyan, just as his grandmother testified to because she there and witnessed it, and further, there is zero proof that hasn't been debunked as pathetic forgery as far as a Hawaiian BC for obama. He and his sister couldn't even get their lies straight about which hospital he was born in, and no one alive has actually seen a hard copy BC from Hawaii for obama, no one, ever, and no one will because there isn't one. I would love for you to show me one, but you can't. All anyone has ever seen is a two bit, amateur forgery of a scan of a certificate of live birth, which isn't even really a birth certificate.
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Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Did you actually see the celebration before you judged it?

It was a fantastic, well done, and very American rally.
No, I didn't see it, and I am glad it turned out well and you enjoyed it!
Of course not.... all the towns should have celebrations of the Fourth of July, Independence Day....

NOT political crap....campaigning crap.... or LOOK HOW GREAT I AM speeches
So you are saying that it is right for all towns to have parades and celebrate the Fourth of July but it is not ok for any one to care about politics or have speeches. Yet here you are complaining tha Washington DC is having a parade. Here you say that towns can have parades but they can't have a speech. All those stupid towns that let mayors or senators or even veterans do a speech on that day are completely wrong.

I see nothing wrong with someone saying that we should try and strive for better. Perhaps you do. Will you stop try to stop all posting the n these boards on the fourth? Or is it just that the company Bly I ne you don't want to speak is Trump? If that is the case I might point you to a thing called the first amendment.
I have never once, ever, in my 64 years, living in three different states and many different towns, seen a parade that included speeches by anyone.
What kind of weird place do you live, anyway?
Really I guess you never lived in rural America. I have seen mayors, veterans and even John Wayne give a speech right after being conveyed through towns in a parade. Guess I was just lucky to have grown up in areas that considered talking about things like patriotism, the lives lost for our freedom and other things were not considered taboo.
Where do they give it so everyone can hear? Do they get on a float and shout it by megaphone?
Why was John Wayne giving a speech? Did he run for mayor?
I think you're lying, anyway. As a matter of fact, I'm sure you are. I live in rural America surrounded by some of the most patriotic old cusses you could ever want to see. They go to a parade to see a parade, though. If they want to hear a politician make a speech, they go to the high school gymnasium on the night of Town Meeting.
Ah poor little thing. Funny that you don't like something so you call somone a liar.
I guess I must be right, since you quite carefully didn't respond to a single one of my questions. Did you?
Story teller is what you are.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

That's revisionist history, we won our freedom by guns
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television.

Look, it goes without saying that the Left are all a mental case! But this is also a well-planned media effort to take EVERYTHING Trump does and try to assign a negative spin on it for their mental, idiot base to keep them hopped and wired with foaming at the mouth. How those people all sit there on TV with a straight face and not one of them says: "Hey! Maybe it is all just about National Pride?"

All I can say is that if my father's generation who fought in WWII were to see and hear these morons, I'm sure they would be somewhere between disbelief and wanting to grab them by the head and rip their hair out for suggesting a military show on the FORTH of JULY is about threatening some radical terrorist Antifa group which would be hard enough to believe walks freely on our streets as well.

I for one look forward to seeing Trump's Parade. Bully for you, Donald. Most interesting thing and best use of public funds to come along on the Forth in years.
The military tanks and jets is a bit of overkill, but it's no harm.

Are you kidding? Quite to the contrary. For all that goes into our military budget, I think we and the world are due a show. If it were up to me, I would build a small city of buildings on the outskirts of town, then as fireworks blazed, have one of our top secret hypersonic fighter jets swoop down from the clouds at Mach 9 as Stealth bombers converge from the west and robot tanks and our best AI guided smart missiles all converge and demonstrate to the world total, absolute, syncopated annihilation culminating in a MOAB dropped to level whatever was left of the place. City gone on 30 seconds flat televised all around the world for all to see in one massive mushroom cloud of smoke and dust the kind of shit-kicking slobber-knocking devastation we are really capable of without a single boot in the area and then aerial drones come in and drop 10,000 American flags overhead on parachutes. We are the biggest and we are the baddest. We just also happen to be nice guys. A message to all our enemies, friends and world alike out there: love us, hate us, need us, want us, but fear us just a little.
I'm not sure you're supposed to admit to that, toob.
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:
So all the towns around the nation that have parades on the Fourth of July are doing it for political reasons, they are just showing off their might? Towns were having parades long before any of the current crop of living presidents were even considering running for office. So continuing a tradition that dates that far back is all about Trump?
You keep talking about your tax dollars, your dime are you the only one paying taxes?

Just to enlighten you a little bit Lincoln in 1874 had a military parade with something like 30,000 troops. But I am sure that it was to stroke Trumps ego.

Seek mental help immediately. It is never too late to admit you need help.

Lincoln had a military parade in 1874, nine year after he was killed?

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