Media Claims Trump Is Threatening American People By Using Military During July 4th Celebration

If a sitting U.S. President chose to seize total control of our federal government, rolling in the tanks would be the last stage of any such operation. Happy 4th of July, I hope that makes everyone feel much better . . .

That's only if there's real resistance.

At this point I have become so sick of leftists and their bullshit, Trump could start throwing them out of helicopters and I'd re-enlist for Flight School.

You sound like a brain dead Nazi idiot. 92 million wasted on this shit and millions more on the money the Trumps are stealing from tax payers....honest to God, I knew white people was over rated with this I'm better than everybody shit, but you Trump mf's, yall are just too much....I can't even compare you suckers to retards, even they got more brains than you stupid mf's. Number one reason Hitler got to power, cause white people are just fuckin stupid, period!!
You need therapy.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
Are you
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
You must be talking about your idea of the way you think immigration happened not real life.
I doubt most of the blacks transported here during the slave trade would agree with your idea of immigration.
I doubt that the Irish that were forced to come here during the potatoe famine would agree.
The same could be said for the Chinese at one time. In fact almost any ethnicity might disagree with you.
Why do you think so many derogatory terms such as wap, kik, beaner etc. came from?
Do you really think that those coming across the border without going through a border checkpoint are going through the steps you outlined?
disagreeing that America is an idea?
You can have an idea but there is such a thing as reality.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Actually Trump is celebrating the 4th the way we always have.
The difference is your party is filled with communists that hate what we've always done.....and now you're buying their BS.
Well, no. Once again, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own "facts". Trump was president last year on the 4th of July. But he did 'what we have always done' and there was no political blowback.

This year Trump wants to put on a little show for himself. He will speak at the Lincoln Memorial. He wants to celebrate our military.

When before had any of those things happened? How can you say there's nothing different?
Trump wants to put on a display for us.....not himself.

But Trump isn't breaking the mold.
Lots of other presidents used the military to celebrate the 4th or any other event.
Matter of fact....I always thought they did.
After all, what are we celebrating?
Our independence from England.
Independence we couldn't have won without fighting for it.
Using a military no less.

JFK's parade

Eisenhower's parade
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.
You did that when you tried to dictate what the 4th is about while mentioning history. I provided an actual historical reference. And as I predicted, you didn't like what I stated.
I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. -- I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. -- Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not. Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July 1776, "Had a Declaration..."
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.
You did that when you tried to dictate what the 4th is about while mentioning history. I provided an actual historical reference. And as I predicted, you didn't like what I stated.
Let me ask you an honest question. How many guns, small,arms not artillery do you think we're privately owned at the time of the Revolutionary War? Was there a musket hanging over every mantelpiece in the American colonies?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

So how did this parade change your life?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

So how did this parade change your life?
I’ve never had my life changed by a parade. Have you?

That doesn’t mean the parade itself didn’t change.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​

It IS a threat if those traitor fucks are planning violence.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.

So how did this parade change your life?
I’ve never had my life changed by a parade. Have you?

That doesn’t mean the parade itself didn’t change.

Never changed my life, doesn’t mean a damn thing to me, so why in the hell do you give a damn?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.
Sounds to me that you're trying to rub your fucking politics in our faces by trying to change the meaning of the 4th of July.

That's the problem with you're always trying to ruin our holidays.
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These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Independence Day is the direct result of men who refused to give up their guns and pay their taxes. They were regular guys who shot the people, using military-grade weapons, who were trying to take away their guns and their money.

Something tells me that part of history you'd like to pretend didn't happen.
As I have said, we have holidays to honor our armed forces. We have Memorial Day to honor the sacrifices. We have Veterans Day to honor the service. We hold ticker tape parades to,welcome heros back home. Every June New York Ci y celebrates Fleet Week. When have Americans failed to show their respect, admiration and empathy to the military?

And the way you pepper references to guns in your post, locked and loaded with a loaded question at the end, shows you don't mind politicizing celebrations on the 4th.

As an American, I find it worthwhile to celebrate the concept of America, the contract drawn in our names to govern, legislate and edjudicate without the direct force of gunfire. Guns have no place in American governance. Ask the Irish how that works put.

Be as patriotic as a free person would be. But don't rub your politics in my face, I won't rub mine in yours.
Sounds to me that you're trying to rub your fucking politics in our faces by trying to change the meaning of the 4th of July.

That's the problem with you're always trying to ruin our holidays.

The Proggies don't just try to ruin holidays - they try to ruin anything that non-Progs enjoy and value.
Just saw 'Code Pink' with their little Trump-baby balloons crying about the 4th of July military parade celebration telling We The People we should have picnics instead. What a bunch of ugly, pompous, Democrat zombies........ smugly trying to tell US how we should celebrate.
Is someone stopping them from having a picnic? I hadn't heard...
Nothing gets my blood running red and hot like a display of thump-thunking, jangle-clanking, high-flying boomers, and proud, skilled military close order drill. What would be super cool would be a couple of these:

This would shut the noisy, frightened snowflakes up, if only for one awed moment.
So you are saying that it is right for all towns to have parades and celebrate the Fourth of July but it is not ok for any one to care about politics or have speeches. Yet here you are complaining tha Washington DC is having a parade. Here you say that towns can have parades but they can't have a speech. All those stupid towns that let mayors or senators or even veterans do a speech on that day are completely wrong.

I see nothing wrong with someone saying that we should try and strive for better. Perhaps you do. Will you stop try to stop all posting the n these boards on the fourth? Or is it just that the company Bly I ne you don't want to speak is Trump? If that is the case I might point you to a thing called the first amendment.
I'm not complaining about Washington DC's parade.

We have had a fourth of July parade in DC for DECADES

It is Trump turning it in to all about him and what he wants, that bothers me.... and Trump giving a LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK HOW GREAT I AM SPEECH, during the event, that bothers me.... especially using my tax dollars to do it.... Presidents have not put themselves in to the Fourth of July, other than Truman, but that was to discuss the possible Korean War.
So 44 could say I, I, hundreds of times during any speech and you were applauding and enthralled but some how when Trump even comes close to saying I in a speech you go haywire. Perhaps it is only that you care more about who is talking then what is being said.

Funny that you keep talking about your tax dollars as if you are the only one that pays them.

I just posted that Lincoln was involved in a Fourth of July parade yet you claim no one but Truman? Lie much?
you go right ahead and spend 40 minutes of your time glued to a TV to listen to Trump boast, brag, bash, bloviate, and lie.... that's not my cup of tea..... or in this case, I'll be outside grilling and having a beer or two!

To be fair to Pres. Trump, I could not watch Obama's speeches, or Bush2's speeches, and good Lord when Bill Clinton gave them, it was like listening to nails scratching a blackboard! :eek:
Funny I never said anything about listening to his speech. I just stated that it seemed that you are more then willing to allow anyone anything except Trump. When it comes to anything connected with him you are completely against it. Even if you think it is fine for someone else to do it. Points to a very bad case of anyone or anything but Trump. In other words a mental disorder.

Heh, I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, can not stand the man child... he's real creepy!

And has every characteristic that God and my mom and dad, taught me to stay away from.....!!!! And those lessons stuck... all these decades! No changing this tigress's stripes now... ;)
Then there should be no problem. When he calls you for a assignation, a tete-a-tete, just say "NO!". Or if you're feeling especially triggered, just hang up.
Trump just honored Clarence Henderson - awesome! Clarence stood up while the crowd cheered him. I bet a few lefty heads exploded, if they are bothering to watch (doubtful).

Trump - worst racist ever.

Clarence E. Henderson - Biography
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:
That's rich.
Showing National pride is too expensive on Independence Day, but you have no problem giving free tuition and free health care to millions of illegals. Trump asked for a few bucks to honor men and women in uniform and you think it's too expensive. But we already foot the bill to the tune of $130 billion annually to support illegals and line-jumping asylum seekers. You have no problem with this massive waste.
I don't agree with free health Insurance or free tuition for illegals, that's a State Issue...

but I do believe illegals should be able to get Health care, especially in emergencies.... whether they pay the bill or not, is not my issue... it is federal LAW , I think it was under Reagan, that gives anyone that is indigent, access to our emergency rooms and health care.

All on your dime. So you only want money spent where you want it spent. Talk about a narcissist.
Believe it or not, it's actually against the law to use tax payer's money for campaigning.... or political purpose!!!
You see the parade as political. But your hatred of President Trump forces you to put a negative interpretation to everything he does, or doesn't do. For you, nothing he does will ever be good and everything he does is evil. Life is way too short to allow your unreasonable hatred of anyone to eat you so deeply and bitterly.

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