Media Claims Trump Is Threatening American People By Using Military During July 4th Celebration

So three tanks in a parade and this is a show of power? It might be a show of power in Canada not the United States. Three tanks? Seriously? The snow flakes are crying about three tanks?
No what were crying over is the 92 million wasted on this shit, while our roads and schools need repair.....get with reality you nut case
If a sitting U.S. President chose to seize total control of our federal government, rolling in the tanks would be the last stage of any such operation. Happy 4th of July, I hope that makes everyone feel much better . . .

That's only if there's real resistance.

At this point I have become so sick of leftists and their bullshit, Trump could start throwing them out of helicopters and I'd re-enlist for Flight School.

You sound like a brain dead Nazi idiot. 92 million wasted on this shit and millions more on the money the Trumps are stealing from tax payers....honest to God, I knew white people was over rated with this I'm better than everybody shit, but you Trump mf's, yall are just too much....I can't even compare you suckers to retards, even they got more brains than you stupid mf's. Number one reason Hitler got to power, cause white people are just fuckin stupid, period!!
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:
That's rich.
Showing National pride is too expensive on Independence Day, but you have no problem giving free tuition and free health care to millions of illegals. Trump asked for a few bucks to honor men and women in uniform and you think it's too expensive. But we already foot the bill to the tune of $130 billion annually to support illegals and line-jumping asylum seekers. You have no problem with this massive waste.
I don't agree with free health Insurance or free tuition for illegals, that's a State Issue...

but I do believe illegals should be able to get Health care, especially in emergencies.... whether they pay the bill or not, is not my issue... it is federal LAW , I think it was under Reagan, that gives anyone that is indigent, access to our emergency rooms and health care.
Treat them. Stabilize them. Deport them.
So three tanks in a parade and this is a show of power? It might be a show of power in Canada not the United States. Three tanks? Seriously? The snow flakes are crying about three tanks?
No what were crying over is the 92 million wasted on this shit, while our roads and schools need repair.....get with reality you nut case

We are 21 trillion in debt and you complain about 4/100000 percent and you have the nerve to call me a nut case? It’s a waste of money, but bitching about it when we waste billions a year is just plain moronic.
The Media is just blowing a huge Dog Whistle to ANTIFA to attack anyone who displays or carries a flag today (or any day).
Everybody knows he wants to show the world but especially us, that he has control over the military, should he lose in 2020...what this orange fuck doesn't know is that minorities are in the military too and no way in hell are they gonna turn on US citizens, like a NK or a Russia or China would do.
You really are in the midst of some drug induced, Trump hating craziness.
Truth hurts don't it.
I guess being high in your own world it may seem like it hurts. To the rest of us living in the real world without the help of mind altering chemicals you are just crazy, misinformed and comical.
There are 2 Abrahms and 2 Bradleys sitting idle on the Mall.
I've seen dozens of videos from around the nation with military vehicles taking part in July 4th celebrations - to include in California.
Biden was in a parade in Iowa today and they had the military marching in the parade.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
She looks triggered
She looks like she longs for those calmer "triggered" days.
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So three tanks in a parade and this is a show of power? It might be a show of power in Canada not the United States. Three tanks? Seriously? The snow flakes are crying about three tanks?
No what were crying over is the 92 million wasted on this shit, while our roads and schools need repair.....get with reality you nut case
We are spending how much to enforce letting guys pee in the ladies room when...
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:

It's celebrating our military numbnuts.
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:
That's rich.
Showing National pride is too expensive on Independence Day, but you have no problem giving free tuition and free health care to millions of illegals. Trump asked for a few bucks to honor men and women in uniform and you think it's too expensive. But we already foot the bill to the tune of $130 billion annually to support illegals and line-jumping asylum seekers. You have no problem with this massive waste.
I don't agree with free health Insurance or free tuition for illegals, that's a State Issue...

but I do believe illegals should be able to get Health care, especially in emergencies.... whether they pay the bill or not, is not my issue... it is federal LAW , I think it was under Reagan, that gives anyone that is indigent, access to our emergency rooms and health care.

In one breath you say it's a state issue in the next you call it a federal issue.....
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:

It's celebrating our military numbnuts.
No it isn't, and of all holidays to do such... Our founders would not even let the federal gvt have a standing army, in the constitution.....? We have Veterans Day, and Memorial Day, to celebrate our Military.... two Federal Holidays ALREADY.

Today is the celebration of Independence Day....The Fourth of July

Let's not get rid of or forget the tradition of it being such.... imo
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:

It's celebrating our military numbnuts.
No it isn't, and of all holidays to do such... Our founders would not even let the federal gvt have a standing army, in the constitution.....? We have Veterans Day, and Memorial Day, to celebrate our Military.... two Federal Holidays ALREADY.

Today is the celebration of Independence Day....The Fourth of July

Let's not get rid of or forget the tradition of it being such.... imo
You libs sure love rewriting our history.
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
You must be talking about your idea of the way you think immigration happened not real life.
I doubt most of the blacks transported here during the slave trade would agree with your idea of immigration.
I doubt that the Irish that were forced to come here during the potatoe famine would agree.
The same could be said for the Chinese at one time. In fact almost any ethnicity might disagree with you.
Why do you think so many derogatory terms such as wap, kik, beaner etc. came from?
Do you really think that those coming across the border without going through a border checkpoint are going through the steps you outlined?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Actually Trump is celebrating the 4th the way we always have.
The difference is your party is filled with communists that hate what we've always done.....and now you're buying their BS.
Trump is politicizing the fourth of July....politicizing our Military.... wasting a bunch of money to do it.... Using it to garner more GOP donations, with special upfront boxed seats for his big donors, (all with MY tax dollars)

but as far as being AFRAID due to his parade and the tanks etc, that is just plain silly, imo.
Right on cue. The media gas-lights you and you react predictably.
You must be a Democrat, thinking that a military display on Independence Day is political. Maybe it's because you are so anti-military that a tank is offensive to you.
I don't care about a military display, it's ridiculous, it shows weakness.... we do NOT need to show off our power and might to the world as Dictators do... we are the Mightiest, everyone knows it... you don't try to show it off on Independence day, imo.... maybe for Trump's ego.... the narcissist just can't help himself.... everything has to be about him, and what he wants.... what are ya gonna do? :dunno:

His political speech is going to be oh so wonderful... and all on my dime! :rolleyes:

It's celebrating our military numbnuts.
No it isn't, and of all holidays to do such... Our founders would not even let the federal gvt have a standing army, in the constitution.....? We have Veterans Day, and Memorial Day, to celebrate our Military.... two Federal Holidays ALREADY.

Today is the celebration of Independence Day....The Fourth of July

Let's not get rid of or forget the tradition of it being such.... imo

And how did we win that independance?
Are you
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
You must be talking about your idea of the way you think immigration happened not real life.
I doubt most of the blacks transported here during the slave trade would agree with your idea of immigration.
I doubt that the Irish that were forced to come here during the potatoe famine would agree.
The same could be said for the Chinese at one time. In fact almost any ethnicity might disagree with you.
Why do you think so many derogatory terms such as wap, kik, beaner etc. came from?
Do you really think that those coming across the border without going through a border checkpoint are going through the steps you outlined?
disagreeing that America is an idea?
These people have a mental disorder and they have no business being on television. There is something seriously wrong with them. Joy Reid actually claims that Trump is threatening them and their Anifa friends by using a military display during Independence Day celebrations. Some other mental-midgets claimed that using the US Military was "Un-American"!!!!

Joy Reid: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance


MSNBC's Joy Reid wondered Tuesday if President Donald Trump's July Fourth celebration plans that may include tanks is a threatening message to "the resistance."

JOY REID, MSNBC: What is the message that's meant to be sent by the military armada that's rolling down the streets of Paris? It's a message to tyrants. What Bastille Day represents is the victory over the tyrannical rule, over the king. And over the attempt for the king to return. The storming of the Bastille was about victory over tyrants. What is the message when Kim Jong Un rolls tanks down the streets of his capital? The message is to democracies.

The message is to people like us, to western democracies, you better be careful because we, the unified Korean, North Korean people, will defeat you. We have nukes. Be afraid of us. So what is the message Donald Trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down Constitution Avenue? Who is that message to?

It's certainly not to tyrants because he loves tyrants. He loves tyrants. It's not to Putin. It's not to Kim Jong Un, not to the Saudis. Is it to our friends, to western democracies who he doesn't particularly like, or is it to us? Is it to the resistance in this country. I've got tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. But it's always a threat when you roll out your military. But it's to whom is the threat, and I suspect that the threat is to his fellow Americans. And I hate to say that, but I think that Donald Trump styles himself a tyrant, not a defeater of tyrants.​
Contemporary American politics works on the same principles as Newtonian physics. Every ac ion results in an equal and opposite action.

Trump militarized and politicizes Independence Day, and he gets an equal and opposite reaction. Pretending the other side is crazy must be framed in your own lunacy. Wha is different about this Fourth of July? Ask Trump.

We have national holidays to honor our armed services. Memorial Day to honor sacrifice, Veteran's Day to honor service. Armed Forces Day, Fleet Week in New York, ticker tape parades to welcome heros back home.

But America is an idea. Come here, learnoir history, take an exam, shake a hand and presto! you're an American. Let us celebrate that part of what makes America great.
Actually Trump is celebrating the 4th the way we always have.
The difference is your party is filled with communists that hate what we've always done.....and now you're buying their BS.
Well, no. Once again, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own "facts". Trump was president last year on the 4th of July. But he did 'what we have always done' and there was no political blowback.

This year Trump wants to put on a little show for himself. He will speak at the Lincoln Memorial. He wants to celebrate our military.

When before had any of those things happened? How can you say there's nothing different?

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