Media Claims Trump's Problems Are Self-Made

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.

Trump uses PC as an excuse to blurt out any idiotic or offensive thing that pops into his head
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.

55% of the humans on the planet are female.

55% of female voters voted for Obama....44% for Romney.

54% of men voted for Romney...

Women make up 55% of the yes, it's their fault Obama is still in the White house. And it's why Hillary is predicted to win.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.

Trump uses PC as an excuse to blurt out any idiotic or offensive thing that pops into his head
No.....he blurts because he's from New York. It's the way they talk there.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.

55% of the humans on the planet are female.

55% of female voters voted for Obama....44% for Romney.

54% of men voted for Romney...

Women make up 55% of the yes, it's their fault Obama is still in the White house. And it's why Hillary is predicted to win.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win
Really? You just posted numbers that DISPUTE your statement. What you posted (which I am not admitting is valid in anyway), is proof that men have a REAL and NOTICEABLE influence on politics.

So, are you an idiot (like you think 45% of the population doesn't matter and has no influence)...or are you trolling? Or maybe you really just need to get laid.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.

55% of the humans on the planet are female.

55% of female voters voted for Obama....44% for Romney.

54% of men voted for Romney...

Women make up 55% of the yes, it's their fault Obama is still in the White house. And it's why Hillary is predicted to win.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win
Really? You just posted numbers that DISPUTE your statement. What you posted (which I am not admitting is valid in anyway), is proof that men have a REAL and NOTICEABLE influence on politics.

So, are you an idiot (like you think 45% of the population doesn't matter and has no influence)...or are you trolling? Or maybe you really just need to get laid.
I think you're trolling....because elections in this country depend on votes. The primary reason Obama won is because he got more women to vote for him than Romney. If Romney had won, I could blame that on men.
Did I mention being PC? I have no clue why you even brought that up? I simply pointed out that you are blaming the problems of this nation on one group of people while ignoring half of the population like they don't have any power or influence. It's both stupid and can be easily linked as hate-filled as the idea has no legitimate grounds for basis. Most people I've met that are like you haven't seen a vagina in years, which is why they seem to be so filled of venom and hate for women with pretty much no legitimate reason for their ideas.

Unless, of course, you want to provide numbers to back you findings. If, indeed, women are to blame, please link the list of all Congressional members and how they are all female. Please link voter databases and how all voters are female. Please link the list of the wealthiest individuals in the US and how they are all female. Maybe I'm a bit uneducated, but I'm pretty damn sure that men have power in this nation, enough power to be noticed and considered. Men are not the weaklings you indicate them to be by making men out to be powerless under the tyranny of females.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.

55% of the humans on the planet are female.

55% of female voters voted for Obama....44% for Romney.

54% of men voted for Romney...

Women make up 55% of the yes, it's their fault Obama is still in the White house. And it's why Hillary is predicted to win.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win
Really? You just posted numbers that DISPUTE your statement. What you posted (which I am not admitting is valid in anyway), is proof that men have a REAL and NOTICEABLE influence on politics.

So, are you an idiot (like you think 45% of the population doesn't matter and has no influence)...or are you trolling? Or maybe you really just need to get laid.
I think you're trolling....because elections in this country depend on votes. The primary reason Obama won is because he got more women to vote for him than Romney. If Romney had won, I could blame that on men.
Okay, so, by your logic 45% of our voter base / population doesn't matter and is oppressed. By that logic you also are not worried about illegal immigrants or immigrants in general. Why? Well, the vast majority of our population (far greater than 55%) is made up of natural American citizens. Thus immigration and illegal immigration are non-issues to you.
Jesus.....what a fucking Drama Queen.

Did you get sand in your vagina or something?
Numbers? All you need to do is provide data to back your argument up to nullify mine.

55% of the humans on the planet are female.

55% of female voters voted for Obama....44% for Romney.

54% of men voted for Romney...

Women make up 55% of the yes, it's their fault Obama is still in the White house. And it's why Hillary is predicted to win.
Gender Gap In 2012 Election Aided Obama Win
Really? You just posted numbers that DISPUTE your statement. What you posted (which I am not admitting is valid in anyway), is proof that men have a REAL and NOTICEABLE influence on politics.

So, are you an idiot (like you think 45% of the population doesn't matter and has no influence)...or are you trolling? Or maybe you really just need to get laid.
I think you're trolling....because elections in this country depend on votes. The primary reason Obama won is because he got more women to vote for him than Romney. If Romney had won, I could blame that on men.
Okay, so, by your logic 45% of our voter base / population doesn't matter and is oppressed. By that logic you also are not worried about illegal immigrants or immigrants in general. Why? Well, the vast majority of our population (far greater than 55%) is made up of natural American citizens. Thus immigration and illegal immigration are non-issues to you.
No......what matters is you're a pathetic imbecile that wastes people's time and needs to be put on ignore for a few months till you're either banned, quit, or start making some sense.
Ignore engaged.....
And poof......all your stupidity is gone forever.

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