Media Claims Trump's Problems Are Self-Made

This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.



why does donald trump encourage violence and still expect rational people to support him?
He doesn't expect rational people to support him which probably explains why rational people don't support him.

You've see the Trump Supporters, right? They look rational to you? .... Your Honor, the prosecution rests it's case.
Which crooked politician do you support?

Lying Ted or Hillary
A Martian following election coverage via GoGo in-flight WIFI would never know that Trump’s pledge to revenge-kill family members of terrorists—a war crime—violated more important Earth-taboos than his calling a campaign rival “a pussy.” Watching CBS or NBC or ABC, the Martian would likewise conclude that Trump calling Ted Cruz “a pussy” was worse than calling Mexican migrants rapists. Only the former comment was censored. The broadcast rules that produced those results remain in place.

Trump has been running against “political correctness.” This has sometimes meant attacking taboos that prevent real discussions, foster social exclusion, and signal snobbery. One key to taking Trump down is pointing out that he is also violating norms that are essential to American democracy. And that is a different offense. Every “crazy” Trump quote may be “politically incorrect,” but those labels conflate all categories of controversial rhetoric as if their substance is equally wrong. Neither impoliteness nor tone-deafness nor crude insults are to his credit. But a pol who seeks to gain power by demonizing ethnic-minority groups and threatening their core rights is engaged in a special category of leadership failure.

How to Take 'Political Correctness' Away From Donald Trump
why does donald trump encourage violence and still expect rational people to support him?
He doesn't expect rational people to support him which probably explains why rational people don't support him.

You've see the Trump Supporters, right? They look rational to you? .... Your Honor, the prosecution rests it's case.
Which crooked politician do you support?

Lying Ted or Hillary
LOL, none of the above..... I leave the politician worship to You and all the other partisan lemmings; after all you folks are so damn good at it. :cool:

"Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them" -- George Carlin
why does donald trump encourage violence and still expect rational people to support him?
He doesn't expect rational people to support him which probably explains why rational people don't support him.

You've see the Trump Supporters, right? They look rational to you? .... Your Honor, the prosecution rests it's case.
Which crooked politician do you support?

Lying Ted or Hillary
LOL, none of the above..... I leave the politician worship to You and all the other partisan lemmings; after all you folks are so damn good at it. :cool:

"Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them" -- George Carlin
The weakness in your argument is Trump's not a politician. The rest of them are. He's used to getting results. The rest of them just talk and screw everything up. That sort of thing will put you on unemployment if you try it in the private sector.
A Martian following election coverage via GoGo in-flight WIFI would never know that Trump’s pledge to revenge-kill family members of terrorists—a war crime—violated more important Earth-taboos than his calling a campaign rival “a pussy.” Watching CBS or NBC or ABC, the Martian would likewise conclude that Trump calling Ted Cruz “a pussy” was worse than calling Mexican migrants rapists. Only the former comment was censored. The broadcast rules that produced those results remain in place.

Trump has been running against “political correctness.” This has sometimes meant attacking taboos that prevent real discussions, foster social exclusion, and signal snobbery. One key to taking Trump down is pointing out that he is also violating norms that are essential to American democracy. And that is a different offense. Every “crazy” Trump quote may be “politically incorrect,” but those labels conflate all categories of controversial rhetoric as if their substance is equally wrong. Neither impoliteness nor tone-deafness nor crude insults are to his credit. But a pol who seeks to gain power by demonizing ethnic-minority groups and threatening their core rights is engaged in a special category of leadership failure.

How to Take 'Political Correctness' Away From Donald Trump
Revenge kill?

That's a Straw Man argument if I ever heard one.

Try again.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.
Well you're wrong.

He never said that, just like he never said anything about prison for women that have abortions.

And he said Muslims meaning anyone from that region. The fact they are Muslim is just a way of profiling them.

Btw, the ME understands we have a bunch of ACLU fuckers here that are terrorists themselves if not sympathetic to terrorists, and they told me 25 years ago that our freedoms and political - correctness are our greatest weakness. Very prophetic.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.
Well you're wrong.

He never said that, just like he never said anything about prison for women that have abortions.

And he said Muslims meaning anyone from that region. The fact they are Muslim is just a way of profiling them.

Btw, the ME understands we have a bunch of ACLU fuckers here that are terrorists themselves if not sympathetic to terrorists, and they told me 25 years ago that our freedoms and political -correctness are our greatest weakness. Very prophetic.
That is exactly what he said in regards to terrorist families no he didn't say anything about prison for women who have abortions he said punished what exactly he meant by punished I'm sure we would all like to know though it won't make it any less dumb. Again you can't ban someone because there Muslim if you want to deny Syrians because of ISIS being in control of part of the country you can but you can't legally issue a blanket ban on Muslims from the Middle East or any other part of the world.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.
Well you're wrong.

He never said that, just like he never said anything about prison for women that have abortions.

And he said Muslims meaning anyone from that region. The fact they are Muslim is just a way of profiling them.

Btw, the ME understands we have a bunch of ACLU fuckers here that are terrorists themselves if not sympathetic to terrorists, and they told me 25 years ago that our freedoms and political -correctness are our greatest weakness. Very prophetic.
That is exactly what he said in regards to terrorist families no he didn't say anything about prison for women who have abortions he said punished what exactly he meant by punished I'm sure we would all like to know though it won't make it any less dumb. Again you can't ban someone because there Muslim if you want to deny Syrians because of ISIS being in control of part of the country you can but you can't legally issue a blanket ban on Muslims from the Middle East or any other part of the world.
Obama proved you can do anything if you go around Congress. Even give the vote to illegals. 2 years ago they said they wouldn't be giving them welfare and healthcare, but they are today. In California there are city hall members who are illegals. Eventually the Democrats will demand that anyone who is here should be allowed to vote no matter what their status is.
Trumpery's problems are self-made. He opens his mouth, the media reports it an more people see him for what he really is.

For better or worse, it's the same with the other candidates.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.

Trump opens mouth
Trump says offensive things
Media reports what Trump says

Media is to blame for Trumps problems
Show us some links you this. Often times I see the media give us their biased impression of what he says, not word for word what he said. The media also claims that people who come to Trump events aren't to blame when they become disruptive, it's Trump's fault for the violence they cause.

Trump says what he does and then tries to reinterpret it
The video is there. The people are capable of making judgments of what Trump says

Trump specifically advocated violence against protesters. What he called the good ole days
He has since toned down his rhetoric, but his supporters didn't get the message

Yep. 91% of what he says is lies. He lies and then changes his lies to different lies.

He's ignorant and too arrogant to educate himself.

He has no real opinions. As we saw with his 4-5 abortion opinions in three days, he'll say anything to get elected and rule like the dictator he has.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.
Well you're wrong.

He never said that, just like he never said anything about prison for women that have abortions.

And he said Muslims meaning anyone from that region. The fact they are Muslim is just a way of profiling them.

Btw, the ME understands we have a bunch of ACLU fuckers here that are terrorists themselves if not sympathetic to terrorists, and they told me 25 years ago that our freedoms and political -correctness are our greatest weakness. Very prophetic.
That is exactly what he said in regards to terrorist families no he didn't say anything about prison for women who have abortions he said punished what exactly he meant by punished I'm sure we would all like to know though it won't make it any less dumb. Again you can't ban someone because there Muslim if you want to deny Syrians because of ISIS being in control of part of the country you can but you can't legally issue a blanket ban on Muslims from the Middle East or any other part of the world.
Obama proved you can do anything if you go around Congress. Even give the vote to illegals. 2 years ago they said they wouldn't be giving them welfare and healthcare, but they are today. In California there are city hall members who are illegals. Eventually the Democrats will demand that anyone who is here should be allowed to vote no matter what their status is.

LOL as usual, just making it up as you go along.

Are you, by chance, aware that President Obama isn't running for office?


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