Media Claims Trump's Problems Are Self-Made

I see. Because he doesn't read it off a teleprompter, you get some nice soundbites that can easily be taken out of context.....and the press is happy to do so, setting up strawman arguments.

Don't you know that a quote alone doesn't tell the whole story? Judging a book by its cover is what you're doing.
Yes, we judge candidates, for sure. I don't think he has either the capacity or the temperament for the office, and the fact that he's an embarrassment doesn't help.
. want a smooth talking liar who greases you before he rams it home.
I do?

I'm getting a lot of straw men arguments here.
You've left them speechless. Happens when you argue with people who are shooting blanks.
On a macro scale, I'm wondering why so many in the party are so willing to back people like Trump and Palin, as if an abject lack of dignity, statesmanship and articulateness is a positive trait.
We aren't elitists
vote for whomever you care to vote for.
And this coming from the group that spouts...personal responsibility.
What a joke.

This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.

Trump opens mouth
Trump says offensive things
Media reports what Trump says

Media is to blame for Trumps problems
I'd say it's the other way around. The media is responsible for making Trump America's problem.
why does donald trump encourage violence and still expect rational people to support him?

Donald Trump’s ally Roger Stone threatened to reveal the hotel locations of delegates who steal the nomination from Trump at a contested convention.

“We’re going to have protests, demonstrations. We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal,” Stone stated in a radio interview.

“If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are,” Stone threatened. “We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this, if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed.”

Roger Stone Plans to Disclose Delegates' Hotel Room Numbers: 'We Urge You to Visit' - Breitbart

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Republican Convention
Must be Trump's fault. Everything is Trump's fault.
she has a vagina AND she is clearly more qualified than any other candidate for the job.

why do vagina haters hate to face facts..?
Nope. That's Democrats.
The party of no standards and low-expectations.

isn't "political correctness" really just a set of common social standards?

which party blames "political correctness" as a dog whistle for bigotry?
Nope. That's Democrats.
The party of no standards and low-expectations.

isn't political correctness really just a set of common social standards?

which party blames political correctness as a dog whistle for bigotry?
Political-correctness is just a progressive way of winning an argument without rationality or common-sense.
"I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct."

Political correctness

The cliché term political correctness or "PC" is a snarl word usually referring to upholding a social taboo against language and attitudes that might be considered bigoted. Ruth Perry wrote in an essay entitled A Short History of the Term "Politically Correct"[1] that the term was first coined by Mao Zedong,[2] but was later hijacked by conservative eclectics who proceeded to overuse it in exactly the manner above described, hence taking all the juice out of it.[3] (Defending oneself with it might be the most popular handwave to dismiss social criticism.) More recently, advocates of political correctness have therefore substituted the term "civilized speech" for "politically correct" in order to boost its image in light of the PC backlash.

In full irony, conservatives have also adopted political correctness widely; trying to justify censorship on the grounds that something is anti-American or anti-Christian, such as Conservapedia's insistence on BC/AD to the total exclusion of BCE/CE.

In fact, it's probably helpful to remember that in common parlance anything a conservative would consider to be polite speech isn't PC, whereas anything a liberal would consider to be polite speech is. This is why banning the "f-word" from broadcast is neutral and not PC at all, whereas banning a racial epithet from broadcast is.[4]

As above, passive-aggressive people who defend racism or reactionary views and but don't want to be labeled that way attack dissenters as "politically correct."[5]

Political correctness - RationalWiki

How to Take 'Political Correctness' Away From Donald Trump
why does donald trump encourage violence and still expect rational people to support him?
He doesn't expect rational people to support him which probably explains why rational people don't support him.

You've see the Trump Supporters, right? They look rational to you? .... Your Honor, the prosecution rests it's case.
"I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct."

Donald Trump on Political Correctness

Political correctness

The cliché term political correctness or "PC" is a snarl word usually referring to upholding a social taboo against language and attitudes that might be considered bigoted. Ruth Perry wrote in an essay entitled A Short History of the Term "Politically Correct"[1] that the term was first coined by Mao Zedong,[2] but was later hijacked by conservative eclectics who proceeded to overuse it in exactly the manner above described, hence taking all the juice out of it.[3] (Defending oneself with it might be the most popular handwave to dismiss social criticism.) More recently, advocates of political correctness have therefore substituted the term "civilized speech" for "politically correct" in order to boost its image in light of the PC backlash.

In full irony, conservatives have also adopted political correctness widely; trying to justify censorship on the grounds that something is anti-American or anti-Christian, such as Conservapedia's insistence on BC/AD to the total exclusion of BCE/CE.

In fact, it's probably helpful to remember that in common parlance anything a conservative would consider to be polite speech isn't PC, whereas anything a liberal would consider to be polite speech is. This is why banning the "f-word" from broadcast is neutral and not PC at all, whereas banning a racial epithet from broadcast is.[4]

As above, passive-aggressive people who defend racism or reactionary views and but don't want to be labeled that way attack dissenters as "politically correct."[5]

Political correctness - RationalWiki

How to Take 'Political Correctness' Away From Donald Trump
Tell me something I don't know.

Political-correctness is just institutionalized bigotry....

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