Media Claims Trump's Problems Are Self-Made

Jeez, come on. This man has been embarrassment from Day One.

Non-stop silliness in every "speech". Talking about the size of his dick. Constant personal insults. "I have a great brain". "I have great words". There's not enough bandwidth on this site for a comprehensive list of the crazy stuff he has said.

But still he leads........raise your hand if you know why.
It's pretty funny that Trump's supporters are bitching about the media, given that no other candidate in history has received more free publicity than Donald Trump.

I was wondering how long it would take someone to jump on that softball. Trump funds his own campaign, but he sure as hell doesn't pay to get his mug on TV. This guy has managed to make the Republican Party his bitch, and they have to pay for that privilege. Trump is fire, and the media is gasoline. Alas poor Hillary, the only time she gets her saggy jowls shown she is deflecting indictment questions or shouting down a Bernster. I'll bet she's pretty crabby to be near these days. The whole thing is delicious.
^ she's sounding better than ever actually, and no one will be able to say the media coddled her once she makes it to the nomination... then she will of course, peak at just the right time...

things are unfolding just as they should for her... perfect timing for the American attention span :thup:
Yes, we judge candidates, for sure. I don't think he has either the capacity or the temperament for the office, and the fact that he's an embarrassment doesn't help.
. want a smooth talking liar who greases you before he rams it home.
I do?

I'm getting a lot of straw men arguments here.
You've left them speechless. Happens when you argue with people who are shooting blanks.
On a macro scale, I'm wondering why so many in the party are so willing to back people like Trump and Palin, as if an abject lack of dignity, statesmanship and articulateness is a positive trait.

What a pompous fool you are! "Articulateness"....
Explain this "articulateness"?
President Obama was speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast and was telling about a Navy Corpsman who assisted the suffering people of Haiti. But as his head bobbed back and forth between his two teleprompters, he read the word "Corpsman" and pronounced it "Corpse Man" twice.

OMG! Mispronouncing Corpsman

That more than makes up for Trump advocating torture, war crimes and nuclear war want a smooth talking liar who greases you before he rams it home.
I do?

I'm getting a lot of straw men arguments here.
You've left them speechless. Happens when you argue with people who are shooting blanks.
On a macro scale, I'm wondering why so many in the party are so willing to back people like Trump and Palin, as if an abject lack of dignity, statesmanship and articulateness is a positive trait.

What a pompous fool you are! "Articulateness"....
Explain this "articulateness"?
President Obama was speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast and was telling about a Navy Corpsman who assisted the suffering people of Haiti. But as his head bobbed back and forth between his two teleprompters, he read the word "Corpsman" and pronounced it "Corpse Man" twice.

OMG! Mispronouncing Corpsman

That more than makes up for Trump advocating torture, war crimes and nuclear war

.....wounded on the field of battle a valiant Donald Trump cries "Corpseman, me corpseman".........
I blame the media for Trump's troubles. The more exposer to Trump people have, the more easily he's seen through.
Actually that's true with Hillary. The real Hillary is an evil vindictive bitch. The real Trump is what everyone says about him that knows him.

Bob Dole was portrayed as a a stern crippled man, but anyone who met him knows him as a very funny guy. He actually had a better personality than Bill Clinton. Jimmy Carter's image was of a smiling Southern gent. In real life he was an elitist Southern Democrat that treated the staff like slaves. A mean aristocratic egotistical know it all who micromanaged his administration.

The media is really good at giving everyone a false image of our leaders.

Interesting point of view. Have to agree that's what I also read about those you mention, including Trump. I only doubt much of that gets through to people. In front of cameras Trump plays up his most annoying aspects, at least annoying in my view.
Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.

As far as the experts are concerned, the temporary ban could be Constitutional.

Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional
If it passed Congress, experts say courts wouldn't necessarily strike down 'odious,' 'scary' policy.

Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional

And as far as killing families of terrorists? Hell's bells it's been done for years now. Most times it receives no publicity unless you get busted. This was a biggie. Unreal in it's scope. Took out the whole family and more.

No one went to jail. 23 children along with the suspected insurgents.

The Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike refers to the killing of 63 people including 37 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children, and 26 insurgents by a United States military airstrike on November 3, 2008. The group was celebrating a wedding at a housing complex in the village of Wech Baghtu, a Taliban stronghold in the Shah Wali Kot District of Kandahar province, Afghanistan.

Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.

The man was talking about his own infant daughters tits and legs. Later he said he would like to date either that one or another. You really think scum like that should be president?
This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
So you believe all the media, left and right, world wide is against poor little T-Rump. He is picked on and set upon by the putrid bullies who are the world wide media? Oh, so sad. (You've got the brain of a gummy bear.)

Thank God for women. They have, according to you, placed in the White House a successful, accomplished president and will do so again. Kudos for women.
Trump retard.gif

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
The level of your ignorance and misogyny is astounding. You seriously need to get laid, your high level of sexual frustration seems to be clouding your better judgment.
Actually, being PC is the same as being one of the most ignorant people on Earth. You simply cannot face the truth because the media thinks being honest with yourself and others is offensive to protected classes of people. So it's just willful-ignorance that is institutionally sanctioned.
This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.
So you believe all the media, left and right, world wide is against poor little T-Rump. He is picked on and set upon by the putrid bullies who are the world wide media? Oh, so sad. (You've got the brain of a gummy bear.)

Thank God for women. They have, according to you, placed in the White House a successful, accomplished president and will do so again. Kudos for women.
Accomplished? Successful?
I guess it depends on your values on how accomplished and successful he is.

If you think that spreading our wealth all over the planet while we barely get by is great.....then I suppose that is an accomplishment.
If you think starting riots in our cities and fostering outright hatred for police officers, which has led to the assassination of dozens of public servants....then I suppose that is an accomplishment.
If you feel that turning the office of President of the United States into a total laughingstock around the world is an accomplishment.....perhaps you're correct, by your standards.
Every former Secretary of Defense under Obama says that he is too slow in making important decisions and not one of his staff has any military experience, yet they feel they can call field generals and lecture them on how to conduct military operations. Every operation has turned into a disaster. ISIS is a prime example.

But for a person who has such low expectations for this country and for this president, I guess you can feel proud of what you have done to this country and the effects this presidency will have on it's future.
Trump is his own worst enemy.
Actually the GOP is.
The GOP is not making him say the silly stuff he does.
Nope.....he says stuff and they twist what it means, add to it.

Hillary says she hates half of America and nobody bothers to question that. Obama tells us he hates Christians and their guns and religion. You guys say nothing. Trump says we should stop letting Muslims into the country until we can vet them properly and all Hell breaks loose. He says detain terrorists families....oh, we can't do that. Anything he says that makes sense you lemmings find offensive.
You can't ban or deny Muslims Muslim is a religion not a race denying someone entry based on their religion would be discermenation and I believe illegal if you want to deny citizens of countries that sponsor terrorism that's different. I believe what he said about the families of terrorist is he would kill them again illegal.

As far as the experts are concerned, the temporary ban could be Constitutional.

Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional
If it passed Congress, experts say courts wouldn't necessarily strike down 'odious,' 'scary' policy.

Top Scholars Say Trump Muslim Immigrant Ban May Be Constitutional

And as far as killing families of terrorists? Hell's bells it's been done for years now. Most times it receives no publicity unless you get busted. This was a biggie. Unreal in it's scope. Took out the whole family and more.

No one went to jail. 23 children along with the suspected insurgents.

The Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike refers to the killing of 63 people including 37 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children, and 26 insurgents by a United States military airstrike on November 3, 2008. The group was celebrating a wedding at a housing complex in the village of Wech Baghtu, a Taliban stronghold in the Shah Wali Kot District of Kandahar province, Afghanistan.

Wech Baghtu wedding party airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then there's the time Bubba butchered dozens of friends and family members of a Somali clan leader the Summer of 93' in Mogadishu Somalia.

Attack on safe house

On 12 July 1993, a U.S.-led operation was launched on what was believed to be a safe house where Aidid was hiding in Mogadishu. During the 17-minute combat operation, U.S. Cobra attack helicopters fired 16 TOW missiles and thousands of 20-millimeter cannon rounds into the compound, killing 60 people. However, the number of Somali fatalities was disputed. Abdi Qeybdiid, Aidid's interior minister, claimed 73 dead, including women and children who had been in the safe house. The reports Jonathan Howe got after the attack placed the number of dead at 20, all men. The International Committee of the Red Cross set the number of dead at 54.[25] Aidid was not present.

The operation would lead to the deaths of four journalists – Dan Eldon, Hos Maina, Hansi Kraus and Anthony Macharia – who were killed by angry Mogadishu mobs when they arrived to cover the incident,[26] which presaged the Battle of Mogadishu.[27]

Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a lie. The media is trying to tell us who we can vote for. Trump isn't part of the club, so early on, they set out to stop him. One establishment candidate after another fell, and Trump kept winning despite millions in negative advertisement. Now, all they want is a contested convention so they can award the nomination to an insider.

Wisconsin was always going to be one of the hardest states for Trump to win. Scott Walker put his machine behind Cruz to make that happen and the result is predictable. But this does not indicate a shift in the election like the media claims. It is just the way it was planned. The trick all along was to make women turn on Trump. This was the goal from the very first debate. Accuse Trump of being a jerk toward women and the rest will be history.

Women control who gets in the White House. If anyone is to blame for 8 years of Obama, it's women. Women will be to blame if Hillary gets in as well.

You've proved one thing with this, your most current rant: You and Trump are misogynists.

Trump lacks the right stuff to be POTUS. He cannot think on his feet, Chris Matthews painted Trump into a corner from which he could have easily escaped and couldn't do so.. In fact he did what no successful politician seeking office ever does, he allowed a reporter to set the agenda and control the interview.

Watch Kasick or Cruise or Rubio, they have prepared answers for every question, they may be non sequiturs, but when in doubt change the question to fit the prepared answer. Matthews persisted with the same (gotcha) question and befuddled Trump much as Katie Couric befuddled Sarah Palin.

Not sure how much attention you paid to it but Trump’s interviews and candidacy remind me very much of Jeff Skilling (the former Enron corporate officer). Other big fish at Enron took plea deals and the fifth amendment when being questioned. Skilling, thinking he could just overpower the prosecutors, decided to plunge forward. Nobody believed him and he sounded like a lunatic in front of Congress and on the stand.

Trump is to blame for Trump’s problems. Nobody else.
I see. Because he doesn't read it off a teleprompter, you get some nice soundbites that can easily be taken out of context.....and the press is happy to do so, setting up strawman arguments.

Don't you know that a quote alone doesn't tell the whole story? Judging a book by its cover is what you're doing.
Yes, we judge candidates, for sure. I don't think he has either the capacity or the temperament for the office, and the fact that he's an embarrassment doesn't help.
. want a smooth talking liar who greases you before he rams it home.
I do?

I'm getting a lot of straw men arguments here.
You've left them speechless. Happens when you argue with people who are shooting blanks.
On a macro scale, I'm wondering why so many in the party are so willing to back people like Trump and Palin, as if an abject lack of dignity, statesmanship and articulateness is a positive trait.

Santorum all but called the educated a bunch of “snobs” last time out. Why are you surprised that the 2016 GOP is celebrating classlessness and buffoonery?

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