Media Coverage of Trump Acceptance Speech: 'Dark' 'Isolationist, Protectionist, Nativist' -More Lies

Khrushchev then retorted: "You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept Communism outright; but we'll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won't have to fight you; we'll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands."
And St Ronnie fulfilled Krushchev's plan to the letter, transforming this great country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.
The Nazi Right started the PC movement in the 1960s trying to deny Americans of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Now suddenly PC is bad if applied to them but still binding on everyone they hate.
No, it isnt *suddenly* bad, it is always bad to use social pressure to censor people in the US when there is no rational reason for doing so.
Man, you really hate this country, don't you.

Man, you really have no fucking clue as to what is going on, do ya?

Oh, he might, but it is the Dimbocrat motto, 'Deny, deny, deny, deny, make counter accusations and never let yourself ever admit to the con.'

There is no one that is actually awake and claim that things are just fuckin' way.
Awesome? No. Bit we're also not living in this dystopian reality that Trump painted, one killing away from being the plot of the next "Purge" movie, either.

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Sorry, I don't live in the land of "paranoia strikes deep."

All I can figure out from you two is you better not be calling yourselves Christians, with all the hate you carry in your heart.

Yeah, I have a real hatred in my heart towards the people that have been being the enslaving of humanity and the murdering of 200 MILLION deaths committed by the very despots that Wall Street and the banking oligarchs funded.......I certainly make no apology for that. Then we have the commie faction in this country that are nothing but useful idiots to the very ones they claim to be so about the irony.
Man, you really hate this country, don't you.

Man, you really have no fucking clue as to what is going on, do ya?

Oh, he might, but it is the Dimbocrat motto, 'Deny, deny, deny, deny, make counter accusations and never let yourself ever admit to the con.'

There is no one that is actually awake and claim that things are just fuckin' way.

And you only deal in absolutes. No middle ground, no reality.
Man, you really hate this country, don't you.

Man, you really have no fucking clue as to what is going on, do ya?

Oh, he might, but it is the Dimbocrat motto, 'Deny, deny, deny, deny, make counter accusations and never let yourself ever admit to the con.'

There is no one that is actually awake and claim that things are just fuckin' way.

And you only deal in absolutes. No middle ground, no reality.
says the person who equates vigilance against terrorism to the terrorism itself.
Here! Take a long look at your side!
WOW, the hypocrisy!
Trumpsters now require Political Correctness from everyone else but themselves!!!!

That was irony, not PC fascism like you Dimbocrat Nazis engage in daily.

The Nazi Right started the PC movement in the 1960s trying to deny Americans of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Now suddenly PC is bad if applied to them but still binding on everyone they hate.

Excuse me? It was the ones that took out JFK that put the alphabet agencies in charge of keeping tabs on the Vietnam War protesters. You have no clue about COINTELPRO or how the CIA passed out lab grade heroin at Woodstock and Monterrey to see what type of effect it would have on the young people...all this shit went down when LBJ was president...not that Nixon was any better as he was a Prescott Bush, Harriman family protege. The demcrat party controlled the WH, the Senate and the tell me again how the "right" was suppressing "freedom of speech"? Bring it on because this is an argument you have no hope of winning...I know more than you.
Man, you really hate this country, don't you.

Man, you really have no fucking clue as to what is going on, do ya?

Oh, he might, but it is the Dimbocrat motto, 'Deny, deny, deny, deny, make counter accusations and never let yourself ever admit to the con.'

There is no one that is actually awake and claim that things are just fuckin' way.

And you only deal in absolutes. No middle ground, no reality.

All I do is deal in reality. I tell ya what, put your TV on the curb like I did four and a half years ago. THEN, spend 10 to 12 hours a day EVERY day watching documentaries, listening to lectures, down loading books from accredited researchers Spend the 17,000 plus hours I have spent on how things really work and then get back to me....until then? Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me.
After Trump’s RNC speech, Hillary and her party should be running scared | Fox News

The other challenge Secretary Clinton will have is to make the case for globalism and for our role in the world.

Trump explicitly and clearly ruled it out.

He said that we need to put America first and put America before our role in the world. This goes against the credo and the values of American culture and foreign policy. But at a time when wages are stagnated, jobs are disappearing, and people are increasingly at risk and facing threats both at home and abroad, it may well be enough to turn an election that was beginning to appear issueless into the most profound, prominent, and I dare say, nation determinative contest in recent memory.

Douglas E. Schoen has served as a pollster for President Bill Clinton.

He said that we need to put America first and put America before our role in the world. This goes against the credo and the values of American culture and foreign policy. <- roflmao, the neocons are in both parties it would seem.
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.

Liberals hate America. That's why they're trying to change America. They'll side with any group that hates America. So the election comes down to voting FOR America and voting AGAINST America. Yeah, it's that simple.
Man, you really hate this country, don't you.

Man, you really have no fucking clue as to what is going on, do ya?

Oh, he might, but it is the Dimbocrat motto, 'Deny, deny, deny, deny, make counter accusations and never let yourself ever admit to the con.'

There is no one that is actually awake and claim that things are just fuckin' way.
Awesome? No. Bit we're also not living in this dystopian reality that Trump painted, one killing away from being the plot of the next "Purge" movie, either.

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Dude, it's even worse than what Trump said and there is no fucking way that he can fix this. We are too far gone. We have a shadow government that is ran by the ones that control this country's money supply and they killed thew last president that tried to correct it and since the coup de 'etat that happened when Kennedy was publicly murdered, these thieving POS have only gotten stronger and further embedded themselves into the very fabric of this country. They have drained money to create departments like DARPA where they research ways to kill people more efficiently, they have tectonic weapons that they use against people and countries that are not cooperating with the multi-national corporations. It's a huge friggin' pyramid with the international bankers being close to the top giving orders to the Bilderburg group composed of members from the Council On Foreign Relations, Tri-Later Commission, Chatham House with input from the Frankfort Institute that specializes on how to use propaganda via the Hegelian Dialectic. I have been studying and researching this shit for years. People need to wake the fuck up.
When I read this I thought I had gotten a review of the wrong speech, lol. But no, the speech that got a standing ovation from everyone at the convention and everyone I know thought was a great speech, summarizing the current situation very accurately, that WAS the speech these Marxist liars were referring to.

Amazing. Can we purge the media of its corporate owned masters now, who are abusing their ownership to advocate more Open Borders suicide for our nation and brainwashing Ameri ans into believing that joblessness, recession and low income is actually gfood for them?

Networks on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ From a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue’

The three networks on Thursday night immediately derided Donald Trump’s “dark speech” as one coming from a “vengeful” “demagogue.” On NBC, Tom Brokaw allowed that “some” will see Trump as on a “white horse who will lead them to some kind of sanctuary and then pull the drawbridge up.” But he sneered, “Others looking in are going to see someone they will only think as a demagogue of some kind.”

Chuck Todd labeled, “I thought it was an extraordinarily dark speech.” Republican operative Nicolle Wallace lamented, “We are now represented as a party by a man who believes in protectionism, isolationism and nativism.”
Sounds pretty concise. Except they forgot xenophobic.
Here! Take a long look at your side!
WOW, the hypocrisy!
Trumpsters now require Political Correctness from everyone else but themselves!!!!

That was irony, not PC fascism like you Dimbocrat Nazis engage in daily.

The Nazi Right started the PC movement in the 1960s trying to deny Americans of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Now suddenly PC is bad if applied to them but still binding on everyone they hate.

Excuse me? It was the ones that took out JFK that put the alphabet agencies in charge of keeping tabs on the Vietnam War protesters. You have no clue about COINTELPRO or how the CIA passed out lab grade heroin at Woodstock and Monterrey to see what type of effect it would have on the young people...all this shit went down when LBJ was president...not that Nixon was any better as he was a Prescott Bush, Harriman family protege. The demcrat party controlled the WH, the Senate and the tell me again how the "right" was suppressing "freedom of speech"? Bring it on because this is an argument you have no hope of winning...I know more than you.
There is no excuse for you!
J Edger Hoover was hardly a liberal and he was doing it long before JFK was killed, but I said nothing about the government being PC, it was the CON$ervatives of the 1960s and later who were 100% PC.
Here! Take a long look at your side!
WOW, the hypocrisy!
Trumpsters now require Political Correctness from everyone else but themselves!!!!

That was irony, not PC fascism like you Dimbocrat Nazis engage in daily.

The Nazi Right started the PC movement in the 1960s trying to deny Americans of exercising their First Amendment right to free speech. Now suddenly PC is bad if applied to them but still binding on everyone they hate.

Excuse me? It was the ones that took out JFK that put the alphabet agencies in charge of keeping tabs on the Vietnam War protesters. You have no clue about COINTELPRO or how the CIA passed out lab grade heroin at Woodstock and Monterrey to see what type of effect it would have on the young people...all this shit went down when LBJ was president...not that Nixon was any better as he was a Prescott Bush, Harriman family protege. The demcrat party controlled the WH, the Senate and the tell me again how the "right" was suppressing "freedom of speech"? Bring it on because this is an argument you have no hope of winning...I know more than you.
There is no excuse for you!
J Edger Hoover was hardly a liberal and he was doing it long before JFK was killed, but I said nothing about the government being PC, it was the CON$ervatives of the 1960s and later who were 100% PC.

J Edgar Hoover was a cross-dressing queer that had been compromised by the mob and he played his own part in the cover-up of the murder of JFK...are you trying to claim he was a "conservative"?. There was no such thing as "politically correct" in the 60's or by conservatives in the 60's. They did, however, resent seeing people that were being prodded by the communist party burning the flag. I now know that the USA flag is nothing but a corporate banner of USA.INC so I don't get all weepy-eyed when I see it nor do I get choked up when I hear the national anthem because I know the real truth that we haven't been "free" since the united states of America was incorporated in 1871 and we were made surety on the debt in 1933. They stole our credit and then gave us their bill. Most of the stuff I know would go right over your head.,
There was no such thing as "politically correct" in the 60's or by conservatives in the 60's. They did, however, resent seeing people that were being prodded by the communist party burning the flag.
Yeah, nothing PC about that when the CON$ervoFascists do it! :cuckoo:
J Edgar Hoover was a cross-dressing queer that had been compromised by the mob and he played his own part in the cover-up of the murder of JFK...are you trying to claim he was a "conservative"?
Hoover is as typical of CON$ervoFascism as you can get, a hypocritical cross-dressing queer who professed to be anti-gay and called gays "sexual deviates."
J Edgar Hoover was a cross-dressing queer that had been compromised by the mob and he played his own part in the cover-up of the murder of JFK...are you trying to claim he was a "conservative"?
Hoover is as typical of CON$ervoFascism as you can get, a cross-dressing queer who professed to be anti-gay and called gays "sexual deviates."

Just because he was right about them being sexual deviants doesn't make him conservative. He had to say that being that he was one himself. It hardly makes him a conservative. I don't even think that you understand what conservatives are and how they believe that the Constitution should be followed which includes no central bank that charges usury for a paper fiat currency. Want to debate this? Bring it...I know more than you.,
When I read this I thought I had gotten a review of the wrong speech, lol. But no, the speech that got a standing ovation from everyone at the convention and everyone I know thought was a great speech, summarizing the current situation very accurately, that WAS the speech these Marxist liars were referring to.

Amazing. Can we purge the media of its corporate owned masters now, who are abusing their ownership to advocate more Open Borders suicide for our nation and brainwashing Ameri ans into believing that joblessness, recession and low income is actually gfood for them?

Networks on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ From a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue’

The three networks on Thursday night immediately derided Donald Trump’s “dark speech” as one coming from a “vengeful” “demagogue.” On NBC, Tom Brokaw allowed that “some” will see Trump as on a “white horse who will lead them to some kind of sanctuary and then pull the drawbridge up.” But he sneered, “Others looking in are going to see someone they will only think as a demagogue of some kind.”

Chuck Todd labeled, “I thought it was an extraordinarily dark speech.” Republican operative Nicolle Wallace lamented, “We are now represented as a party by a man who believes in protectionism, isolationism and nativism.”

I would guess that 80% of the American people agree with what you're saying, with one big disclaimer. The corporate media is owned by the 1%, just another group of crony capitalists. They are the brainwashing arm of the establishment, in charge of keeping Americans at each others throats instead of cooperating to dismantle its infrastructure which is designed to keep the benefits of a productive society flowing upwards instead of outwards to the middle class who are responsible for that productivity. And any attempt to draw attention to the propaganda is smeared with the "class warfare" label.

You voters who support Trump better be prepared to hold his feet to the fire though and insist he keep his original promises to his populist supporters, the angry voters who got him to where he is today and who may very well make him president. Here's why;

“Do you believe on raising taxes on the wealthy?” Trump was asked on the TODAY Show on Thursday morning.
“I do,” he said. “I do. Including myself, I do.”
This is in line with Trump’s rhetoric when he first started running for president, and he rankled conservative groups last summer by talking up his willingness to raise taxes at the top. Conservative activists, who have long been united in their demands for a lower tax burden at the top, reacted with horror.
However when he released his tax plan it featured tax cuts for all brackets. The top 0.01% would pay $1.3 million dollars less in taxes. And smart tax lawyers could "rejigger" incomes to take advantage of a new tax bracket, a "15 percent rate for pass-through income". The non-partisan Tax Policy Center analyzed Trump’s proposal and, in addition to putting its price tag at $9.5 trillion over 10 years, found the biggest gains would go to taxpayers like Trump. The lower 20% of taxpayers would benefit by about $128 dollars per year.

So...that sounds an awful lot like the "trickle down" economics that resulted in CEO salaries exceeding 300 times that of his average employee. It sounds like the "golden rule" of crony capitalism (the golden rule is the only rule in American finance - profit above all, profit is the golden calf, no matter what you have to do, move factories to Mexico, run sweatshops in Thailand, dump thousands of tons of poisons into the Ganges, doesn't matter, you must increase profits, that's the only way to fuel $100 million dollar bonuses for that CEO)

Trump has a good chance of winning the Presidency. I hope you can make him keep his promises to the middle class. And his promise not to engage in stupid wars. I hope you don't let the 1% outsmart him and steal the farm. There are hints in the Republican platform that is their intention. They've been after the trillions in retirement funds to enrich the obscenely rich Wall St. scammers for decades, they're going to push Trump hard to finally get this done. And they are salivating, no, they're slobbering like pigs over the biggest land grab in history, they can't wait to get their hands on those $trillions of dollars worth of the American peoples land, the propaganda wheels are spinning at full speed to convince Americans they would be better off if that land held in trust for future generations, those Federal Lands they've been clawing at since at least Lincoln's time were turned over to Multinational oil and gas giants, not even American companies.
If Trump wins the world is going to need a lot of luck. And the people who vote him in owe it to the world to keep a close eye on what goes on in his White House.

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