Media Coverage of Trump Acceptance Speech: 'Dark' 'Isolationist, Protectionist, Nativist' -More Lies

Not as great as she could be. Huh. Then shouldn't the slogan be "Make America Greater"? I mean, "Make America great, again" implies that you don't think she is great. You see, personally, I think America is great. That';s not to say that I don't think we can do better, or rise even higher. But, I would never suggest we need to make her great again, because I think she is already great.
List the ways in which you think America is great.
I think our religious liberty makes us great. I am thrilled to not live in a theocracy, like much of the Middle East. I also think that our personal liberties - our right to speak our minds, our right to assemble, and to protest, our ability to disagree with our government without fear of being imprisoned, or, worse, killed, for expressing that disagreement - make us great. I think that our democracy, while admittedly not perfect, makes us great. We get to choose who governs us, and how we are governed. These are all things that make us great.

You said we could be greater, which implies that you do, contrary to that silly slogan, think we are great. What do you think makes our nation great?

Our generosity
I think our religious liberty makes us great. I am thrilled to not live in a theocracy, like much of the Middle East. I also think that our personal liberties - our right to speak our minds, our right to assemble, and to protest, our ability to disagree with our government without fear of being imprisoned, or, worse, killed, for expressing that disagreement - make us great. I think that our democracy, while admittedly not perfect, makes us great. We get to choose who governs us, and how we are governed. These are all things that make us great.

You said we could be greater, which implies that you do, contrary to that silly slogan, think we are great. What do you think makes our nation great?
Here! Take a long look at your side!
Okay. No. I have treated you with respect. I have answered your questions, honestly, and respectfully. If you are incapable of the same, I will be happy to thank you for your time, and move on. I did not engage you to give you an opportunity to vent your anger at everything left of center.

So. The ball is in your court. How would you like to proceed?
did I call you a name? Treat you disrespectfully? I gave you an answer. I do not pull the atrocities of the American hating left out of my butt. It is documented.
No you didn't. I asked what you thought makes America great, and you replied with the effect of, Look what you assholes do!!! and posted some video of, I presume, some people doing things to the American flag that I would disapprove of.

But you see, here's the thing. You know that right to speak our mind, that I told you makes America great? That only works, if it works for everyone - even those whom I, personally, think are disgusting, and disrespectful. The people who burn the flag in protest, stomp on it, piss on it, what ever? That may revile me (it does), but I will fight with my dying breath for their right to do that. Because, as soon as I decide that some behaviours don't deserve protection, then it is only a matter of time before someone decides my behaviour does not deserve protection. I am not willing to open that possibility. You see, our rights are meaningless unless we defend them for those who are the most revolting, and reviled among us. Because if they are not rights for the most disgusting among us, then they are not rights, they are privileges. You sure you want to move in that direction? If not, then you must fight for the right of those disgusting pigs to do exactly what they are doing, even as they make you sick.

We could be great again...
There you go again. "We could be great again..." I didn't even read any further than this, because it seems that you don't think we are great, even as you imply that you do.

You decide, and let me know. Are we great? No equivocating. It is a simple binary question - Yes, or No. Do you think our nation is a great nation?
I clearly said we are not as great as we could be. Get back to me when that sinks in and is comprehended. As it is now we are talking in circles.
"Not as great as we could be" still implies greatness. "..could be great again.." implies not great, or, at the least, not great anymore.
So, which is it? Are we not great, and need to be "great again", or are we a great nation?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
List the ways in which you think America is great.
I think our religious liberty makes us great. I am thrilled to not live in a theocracy, like much of the Middle East. I also think that our personal liberties - our right to speak our minds, our right to assemble, and to protest, our ability to disagree with our government without fear of being imprisoned, or, worse, killed, for expressing that disagreement - make us great. I think that our democracy, while admittedly not perfect, makes us great. We get to choose who governs us, and how we are governed. These are all things that make us great.

You said we could be greater, which implies that you do, contrary to that silly slogan, think we are great. What do you think makes our nation great?

Our generosity
Here! Take a long look at your side!
Okay. No. I have treated you with respect. I have answered your questions, honestly, and respectfully. If you are incapable of the same, I will be happy to thank you for your time, and move on. I did not engage you to give you an opportunity to vent your anger at everything left of center.

So. The ball is in your court. How would you like to proceed?
did I call you a name? Treat you disrespectfully? I gave you an answer. I do not pull the atrocities of the American hating left out of my butt. It is documented.
No you didn't. I asked what you thought makes America great, and you replied with the effect of, Look what you assholes do!!! and posted some video of, I presume, some people doing things to the American flag that I would disapprove of.

But you see, here's the thing. You know that right to speak our mind, that I told you makes America great? That only works, if it works for everyone - even those whom I, personally, think are disgusting, and disrespectful. The people who burn the flag in protest, stomp on it, piss on it, what ever? That may revile me (it does), but I will fight with my dying breath for their right to do that. Because, as soon as I decide that some behaviours don't deserve protection, then it is only a matter of time before someone decides my behaviour does not deserve protection. I am not willing to open that possibility. You see, our rights are meaningless unless we defend them for those who are the most revolting, and reviled among us. Because if they are not rights for the most disgusting among us, then they are not rights, they are privileges. You sure you want to move in that direction? If not, then you must fight for the right of those disgusting pigs to do exactly what they are doing, even as they make you sick.

We could be great again...
There you go again. "We could be great again..." I didn't even read any further than this, because it seems that you don't think we are great, even as you imply that you do.

You decide, and let me know. Are we great? No equivocating. It is a simple binary question - Yes, or No. Do you think our nation is a great nation?
I clearly said we are not as great as we could be. Get back to me when that sinks in and is comprehended. As it is now we are talking in circles.
"Not as great as we could be" still implies greatness. "..could be great again.." implies not great, or, at the least, not great anymore.
So, which is it? Are we not great, and need to be "great again", or are we a great nation?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Re read the entire thread. Then maybe you will comprehend.
I think our religious liberty makes us great. I am thrilled to not live in a theocracy, like much of the Middle East. I also think that our personal liberties - our right to speak our minds, our right to assemble, and to protest, our ability to disagree with our government without fear of being imprisoned, or, worse, killed, for expressing that disagreement - make us great. I think that our democracy, while admittedly not perfect, makes us great. We get to choose who governs us, and how we are governed. These are all things that make us great.

You said we could be greater, which implies that you do, contrary to that silly slogan, think we are great. What do you think makes our nation great?

Our generosity
Okay. No. I have treated you with respect. I have answered your questions, honestly, and respectfully. If you are incapable of the same, I will be happy to thank you for your time, and move on. I did not engage you to give you an opportunity to vent your anger at everything left of center.

So. The ball is in your court. How would you like to proceed?
did I call you a name? Treat you disrespectfully? I gave you an answer. I do not pull the atrocities of the American hating left out of my butt. It is documented.
No you didn't. I asked what you thought makes America great, and you replied with the effect of, Look what you assholes do!!! and posted some video of, I presume, some people doing things to the American flag that I would disapprove of.

But you see, here's the thing. You know that right to speak our mind, that I told you makes America great? That only works, if it works for everyone - even those whom I, personally, think are disgusting, and disrespectful. The people who burn the flag in protest, stomp on it, piss on it, what ever? That may revile me (it does), but I will fight with my dying breath for their right to do that. Because, as soon as I decide that some behaviours don't deserve protection, then it is only a matter of time before someone decides my behaviour does not deserve protection. I am not willing to open that possibility. You see, our rights are meaningless unless we defend them for those who are the most revolting, and reviled among us. Because if they are not rights for the most disgusting among us, then they are not rights, they are privileges. You sure you want to move in that direction? If not, then you must fight for the right of those disgusting pigs to do exactly what they are doing, even as they make you sick.

We could be great again...
There you go again. "We could be great again..." I didn't even read any further than this, because it seems that you don't think we are great, even as you imply that you do.

You decide, and let me know. Are we great? No equivocating. It is a simple binary question - Yes, or No. Do you think our nation is a great nation?
I clearly said we are not as great as we could be. Get back to me when that sinks in and is comprehended. As it is now we are talking in circles.
"Not as great as we could be" still implies greatness. "..could be great again.." implies not great, or, at the least, not great anymore.
So, which is it? Are we not great, and need to be "great again", or are we a great nation?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Re read the entire thread. Then maybe you will comprehend.
I have read the entire thread. What none of you who keep talking about being great again, while simultaneously refusing to admit that you do not think we are a great nation, seem to understand is that you cause yourselves to seem either intellectually dishonest, or irrational.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Our generosity
did I call you a name? Treat you disrespectfully? I gave you an answer. I do not pull the atrocities of the American hating left out of my butt. It is documented.
No you didn't. I asked what you thought makes America great, and you replied with the effect of, Look what you assholes do!!! and posted some video of, I presume, some people doing things to the American flag that I would disapprove of.

But you see, here's the thing. You know that right to speak our mind, that I told you makes America great? That only works, if it works for everyone - even those whom I, personally, think are disgusting, and disrespectful. The people who burn the flag in protest, stomp on it, piss on it, what ever? That may revile me (it does), but I will fight with my dying breath for their right to do that. Because, as soon as I decide that some behaviours don't deserve protection, then it is only a matter of time before someone decides my behaviour does not deserve protection. I am not willing to open that possibility. You see, our rights are meaningless unless we defend them for those who are the most revolting, and reviled among us. Because if they are not rights for the most disgusting among us, then they are not rights, they are privileges. You sure you want to move in that direction? If not, then you must fight for the right of those disgusting pigs to do exactly what they are doing, even as they make you sick.

We could be great again...
There you go again. "We could be great again..." I didn't even read any further than this, because it seems that you don't think we are great, even as you imply that you do.

You decide, and let me know. Are we great? No equivocating. It is a simple binary question - Yes, or No. Do you think our nation is a great nation?
I clearly said we are not as great as we could be. Get back to me when that sinks in and is comprehended. As it is now we are talking in circles.
"Not as great as we could be" still implies greatness. "..could be great again.." implies not great, or, at the least, not great anymore.
So, which is it? Are we not great, and need to be "great again", or are we a great nation?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Re read the entire thread. Then maybe you will comprehend.
I have read the entire thread. What none of you who keep talking about being great again, while simultaneously refusing to admit that you do not think we are a great nation, seem to understand is that you cause yourselves to seem either intellectually dishonest, or irrational.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Okay! Keep thinking that. That's on ewe!
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
No you didn't. I asked what you thought makes America great, and you replied with the effect of, Look what you assholes do!!! and posted some video of, I presume, some people doing things to the American flag that I would disapprove of.

But you see, here's the thing. You know that right to speak our mind, that I told you makes America great? That only works, if it works for everyone - even those whom I, personally, think are disgusting, and disrespectful. The people who burn the flag in protest, stomp on it, piss on it, what ever? That may revile me (it does), but I will fight with my dying breath for their right to do that. Because, as soon as I decide that some behaviours don't deserve protection, then it is only a matter of time before someone decides my behaviour does not deserve protection. I am not willing to open that possibility. You see, our rights are meaningless unless we defend them for those who are the most revolting, and reviled among us. Because if they are not rights for the most disgusting among us, then they are not rights, they are privileges. You sure you want to move in that direction? If not, then you must fight for the right of those disgusting pigs to do exactly what they are doing, even as they make you sick.

There you go again. "We could be great again..." I didn't even read any further than this, because it seems that you don't think we are great, even as you imply that you do.

You decide, and let me know. Are we great? No equivocating. It is a simple binary question - Yes, or No. Do you think our nation is a great nation?
I clearly said we are not as great as we could be. Get back to me when that sinks in and is comprehended. As it is now we are talking in circles.
"Not as great as we could be" still implies greatness. "..could be great again.." implies not great, or, at the least, not great anymore.
So, which is it? Are we not great, and need to be "great again", or are we a great nation?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Re read the entire thread. Then maybe you will comprehend.
I have read the entire thread. What none of you who keep talking about being great again, while simultaneously refusing to admit that you do not think we are a great nation, seem to understand is that you cause yourselves to seem either intellectually dishonest, or irrational.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Okay! Keep thinking that. That's on ewe!
If you say so. If a nation is a great nation, does it need to be made great again? Or to put another way, how does it be made great again? If I am healthy, how do I go about becoming healthy again. I am either healthy, or I am not. That is simple logic. Now, if I am healthy, but I smoke, I can become more healthy, but I do not need to become healthy again, because I was not unhealthy to begin with.

I, personally, think we are a great nation. Does that mean we are perfect? No. There is room for improvement. However, that does not make us not great. It only means that we, as you said, can be greater.
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
When did he state that? Can you please provide a cite for that, as I don't recall him ever saying that.
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
When did he state that? Can you please provide a cite for that, as I don't recall him ever saying that.
Glad you asked!

Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't accept. ?
Last edited:
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
When did he state that? Can you please provide a cite for that, as I don't recall him ever saying that.
Glad you asked!

Huh. I don't remember that. In that case, he failed. We are still fundamentally the same nation. We are a democratic republic with a regulated capitalist economy, which is what we have been for over 200 years.
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
Well...I mean if you're talking about the first black president...

...but that would be more hyperbole than reality.
Somebody tell me why if America is Great why Barrack Hussein Obama felt the need to fundamentally transform it?
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
How did he do that? Are we still a democratic republic? Do we still have a capitalist economy? What are we now, specifically, and how, that we were not eight years ago?
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.
Did he state that or not? Proof that the Obama felt America was not that great.
Did he state what?
That soon America would be fundamentally transformed. How did he do that you ask? By flooding the country with millions of immigrants, poor uneducated immigrants who have burdened the taxpayer. It was a Saul Alinsky move. It was designed to strain the system to the breaking point. Same damn thing with Obamacare. You cannot run a country of this size when only half of the people are paying federal taxes. Yes, fucking A. We can be great again by stopping the bullshit that is breaking our backs. Are we clear now?
Hey sappy, the day Obama was elected the country changed fundamentally changed.
Do I need to list more fundamental changes that you can't except. ?
I believe the proper word is accept. Not except. You are dismissed.
Spellnazisim is sheer irony coming from you.

It had nothing to do with spelling. It was an Malapropism.

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