Media Coverage of Trump Acceptance Speech: 'Dark' 'Isolationist, Protectionist, Nativist' -More Lies

When your message includes the phrase "We might not have a country anymore" then you cant really put a positive spin on it
If you have no borders you have no country. Period.
Libtards WANT no America any more, thats why they love Open borders while the neocons just want more cheap chit.

Theres the positivity again
You bet, I am POSITIVELY CERTAIN that you libtard commies want to blow up AMERICA, dude.
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.
Jun 23, 2016
RUSH: America is the greatest place in the world -- which it is -- and everybody wants to be here.

July 22, 2016
RUSH: This is the greatest country on earth
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When your message includes the phrase "We might not have a country anymore" then you cant really put a positive spin on it
If you have no borders you have no country. Period.
Libtards WANT no America any more, thats why they love Open borders while the neocons just want more cheap chit.

Theres the positivity again
You bet, I am POSITIVELY CERTAIN that you libtard commies want to blow up AMERICA, dude.
One thing is certain, you are batshit!
When your message includes the phrase "We might not have a country anymore" then you cant really put a positive spin on it
If you have no borders you have no country. Period.

When Mr. Gorbachev DID rear down that wall, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
So gorbiman used his ass to tear down the Berlin Wall?

I have no idea what you are babbling about there.

I suspect you advocate free inflow of drug dealers. terrorists, white slavers, child abusers and ant-American sub-human pieces of dirt, because they would add to the Democratic voter base.

But you are right. Trump is wrong. There is no need for a wall or a fence on the border with Mexico,

What is needed is a mine field all along the border, watch towers every 200 yards, manned 27/7 with orders to shoot first ask question later, if ever. Motion sensors to detect any tunneling activity. Introduction of lethal gas if a tunnel is found.

For a start. And for full disclosure, I am a Canadian, so do the same on the Northern border, too. While on your Southern border the investment would pay back in spades, on the Northern border it would be a total waste.
When your message includes the phrase "We might not have a country anymore" then you cant really put a positive spin on it
If you have no borders you have no country. Period.

When Mr. Gorbachev DID rear down that wall, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
So gorbiman used his ass to tear down the Berlin Wall?

I have no idea what you are babbling about there.

I suspect you advocate free inflow of drug dealers. terrorists, white slavers, child abusers and ant-American sub-human pieces of dirt, because they would add to the Democratic voter base.

But you are right. Trump is wrong. There is no need for a wall or a fence on the border with Mexico,

What is needed is a mine field all along the border, watch towers every 200 yards, manned 27/7 with orders to shoot first ask question later, if ever. Motion sensors to detect any tunneling activity. Introduction of lethal gas if a tunnel is found.

For a start. And for full disclosure, I am a Canadian, so do the same on the Northern border, too. While on your Southern border the investment would pay back in spades, on the Northern border it would be a total waste.
Such massive rationalizing over a typo you might want to check that post again.
I'm laughing too hard to do it for you.
When your message includes the phrase "We might not have a country anymore" then you cant really put a positive spin on it
If you have no borders you have no country. Period.

When Mr. Gorbachev DID rear down that wall, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
So gorbiman used his ass to tear down the Berlin Wall?

I have no idea what you are babbling about there.

I suspect you advocate free inflow of drug dealers. terrorists, white slavers, child abusers and ant-American sub-human pieces of dirt, because they would add to the Democratic voter base.

But you are right. Trump is wrong. There is no need for a wall or a fence on the border with Mexico,

What is needed is a mine field all along the border, watch towers every 200 yards, manned 27/7 with orders to shoot first ask question later, if ever. Motion sensors to detect any tunneling activity. Introduction of lethal gas if a tunnel is found.

For a start. And for full disclosure, I am a Canadian, so do the same on the Northern border, too. While on your Southern border the investment would pay back in spades, on the Northern border it would be a total waste.
Why would you put a wall on the northern border? Your PM just told Mexicans they all have visa free entry into Canada.
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.
Ya know. You guys have adopted that slogan. So, you you saying America isn't great?!?

What happened to the conservative standard of American exceptionalism, "We're #1! USA! USA! "

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
When I read this I thought I had gotten a review of the wrong speech, lol. But no, the speech that got a standing ovation from everyone at the convention and everyone I know thought was a great speech, summarizing the current situation very accurately, that WAS the speech these Marxist liars were referring to.

Amazing. Can we purge the media of its corporate owned masters now, who are abusing their ownership to advocate more Open Borders suicide for our nation and brainwashing Ameri ans into believing that joblessness, recession and low income is actually gfood for them?

Networks on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ From a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue’

The three networks on Thursday night immediately derided Donald Trump’s “dark speech” as one coming from a “vengeful” “demagogue.” On NBC, Tom Brokaw allowed that “some” will see Trump as on a “white horse who will lead them to some kind of sanctuary and then pull the drawbridge up.” But he sneered, “Others looking in are going to see someone they will only think as a demagogue of some kind.”

Chuck Todd labeled, “I thought it was an extraordinarily dark speech.” Republican operative Nicolle Wallace lamented, “We are now represented as a party by a man who believes in protectionism, isolationism and nativism.”

Funny how all the subversive MSN used exactly the same wording when referring to Trump's they all got the talking points from the Hildebeast at the same time
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.
Ya know. You guys have adopted that slogan. So, you you saying America isn't great?!?

What happened to the conservative standard of American exceptionalism, "We're #1! USA! USA! "

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

So if your side thinks America is so great why do you now have a slogan America was never great? Why stomp, shit, and piss on the flag? Why burn the flag. Are you a hypocrite?
Funny how all the subversive MSN used exactly the same wording when referring to Trump's they all got the talking points from the Hildebeast at the same time
Of course, because they all take direction from the DNC Talking Points.

This isnt even funny any more, the media is so deep into the Dimbocratic Party's pocket it is street walking whore brazen.
So if your side thinks America is so great why do you now have a slogan America was never great? Why stomp, shit, and piss on the flag? Why burn the flag. Are you a hypocrite?
They want to destroy America and they are happy with the results so far, but they are not all the way there as America still has elections and is not yet split up into regional nations.
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.
Ya know. You guys have adopted that slogan. So, you you saying America isn't great?!?

What happened to the conservative standard of American exceptionalism, "We're #1! USA! USA! "

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

So if your side thinks America is so great why do you now have a slogan America was never great? Why stomp, shit, and piss on the flag? Why burn the flag. Are you a hypocrite?
Hillary's slogan is "America Was Never Great"? Really? Can you link to an example of her using that?

And, I notice you didn't answer the question. Is America not great?

Also, for the record, I have never pissed on, stomped, burned, nor desecrated the American flag in any way. Wellll...I do own a tee-shirt with the American flag on the front, and I was told that using the image of the flag as a tee-shirt is disrespectful. I, personally, disagree, but there is that.
Makes you wonder who's side the liberals are on. God, the horror of making America Great Again. The absolute horror.
Ya know. You guys have adopted that slogan. So, you you saying America isn't great?!?

What happened to the conservative standard of American exceptionalism, "We're #1! USA! USA! "

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

So if your side thinks America is so great why do you now have a slogan America was never great? Why stomp, shit, and piss on the flag? Why burn the flag. Are you a hypocrite?
Hillary's slogan is "America Was Never Great"? Really? Can you link to an example of her using that?

And, I notice you didn't answer the question. Is America not great?

Also, for the record, I have never pissed on, stomped, burned, nor desecrated the American flag in any way. Wellll...I do own a tee-shirt with the American flag on the front, and I was told that using the image of the flag as a tee-shirt is disrespectful. I, personally, disagree, but there is that.
Did I mention Hillary fucktards?

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