Media Flogging Photo of Russian "Massacre" Without a Drop of Blood Anywhere

I knew the day Russian atrocities started coming to light the Putin fan club would say it's all fake. Thank all you traitors for being entirely predictable. May you all rot in Hell.
Considering the fact that the media lies about cannot get up on a high-horse and condemn people who don't trust the media.
It's understandable that they are skeptical.....but from what I'm hearing....the Russians are shooting anything that moves as they withdraw.....and that's pretty much always been their style. They make Nazi Germany look humane in comparison. It's similar to the Japanese invasion of Nanjing. Nanjing used to be the capital of China. I think the Russians are trying to outdo them.
Since before this began we have been seeing the right hooked directly into all the pro-Russia propaganda Putin can shovel at them. The cost of "owning the libs" in this case will be substantial.
They did the same thing in Syria and it was very frustrating for the aid workers there.
  • Are you plural? Stereo?
  • Part of a group?
  • Or does some group TELL YOU what they see and you just believe it?
You knew Russian solders were prone to atrocity. Just had to reflexively take the opposite stand than the libs anyway. Here you are trying to defend the Russian invasion and you probably don't even realize what you are defending.
You knew Russian solders were prone to atrocity.
  • So are the Chinese.
  • And Koreans
  • And Japanese
  • And Turks
  • And Muslims
  • And Spanish
  • And Portuguese
  • And French
  • And Germans
  • And British
  • And Vikings
  • And Romans
  • And Americans.
So you didn't know?

Just had to reflexively take the opposite stand than the libs anyway.
You mean me? Where? When?

Here you are trying to defend the Russian invasion
When? Where? Show me fucker!

and you probably don't even realize what you are defending.
Certainly not your sanity nor connection to reality.
You knew Russian solders were prone to atrocity. Just had to reflexively take the opposite stand than the libs anyway. Here you are trying to defend the Russian invasion and you probably don't even realize what you are defending.
Correct. You can predict their position on any topic by knowing what the liberal position is.
  • So are the Chinese.
  • And Koreans
  • And Japanese
  • And Turks
  • And Muslims
  • And Spanish
  • And Portuguese
  • And French
  • And Germans
  • And British
  • And Vikings
  • And Romans
  • And Americans.
So you didn't know?

You mean me? Where? When?

When? Where? Show me fucker!

Certainly not your sanity nor connection to reality.
War has a way of forcing people to choose sides. Too bad you based your choice on nothing more than our screwed up domestic politics.
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

View attachment 625845

Exposure to the elements
Blunt force trauma
Toxic gas bombs
Poisoned food
Poisoned water

Could be a set up.
Could be real.

I mean, look at all the undercover shit that hit the internet when it was found out that the "cages" illegals were being kept in, were just chain link fences around a housing area or partitions you could walk around.
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

View attachment 625845

I guess you're talking about alleged massacre in Bucha, Ukraine.

At the start of the war, Ukrainian government ordered all 18-60 year old to stay in Ukraine and fight. To me, that means that all those carrying guns are legit targets.

In photo shown, I don't see any guns, and that is troubling, but I do have reservations... I believe that every western news outlet will present Russia in worst possible way, regardless of what they do, and that is kind of expected of them. But is it normal for an army that is already facing worldwide campaign against them, to massacre civilians as they're leaving town, knowing that photos will be published few hours later?

Is possible Russians did it? Of course it is. But knowing leftist media, I think it's more likely that is staged by them in order to involve us in the conflict.

If you look at this video of Ukrainians entering the city, you'll see bodies all over the streets. Go full screen, and watch carefully in the mirror. On of the dead bodies stud up after vehicle passed.


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