Media Flogging Photo of Russian "Massacre" Without a Drop of Blood Anywhere

You must not read much history since ALL wars have demonstrated atrocities in them and you seem to have ignored Ukranian atrocities while wailing over Russian ones.

Try to be objective instead.
Or just being a sensible person he's not blindly accepting such accusations without corroboration.
Well that's just nuts.

Nobody with an ounce of power is promoting sending in US Troops or planes.
What are you...some sort of Putin lover....fomenting outrage has a purpose....ya gotta get in there Mav.... Funny how Zelensky can broadcast at will but the Ruskies can't find him.
begining to bring to mind the war with Hitler.

I read history that when Hitler was raging war with Europe, many people felt the war against Hitler was Europe's problem.

But after Pearl Harbor the gloves came off.
Most people dont' realize it but Hitler's Uboats actually were the first to inflict US casualties and the destruction of a DE class ship in September.
Are you really so ignorant as to not know that not all wounds bleed?

Bleeding stops when your heart stops because your BP instantly goes to 0/0.

This isn't even a close up so you would not be able to tell if they'd been shot execution stile with one round to the back of the head from a 9mm which wouldn't even exit.

There is NO blood visible at all in the photo it is too clean that is why some are suspicious of the photo.

No, you've seen a small number of crackpots spouting Russian Propaganda.

Overwhelmingly both democrats and republicans support Ukraine and giving them whatever they need to carry on the fight.
I don't think so. The Trump wing of the republican party is at least tacitly on the side of Russia if for no other reason than to spite the libs. If pro-Ukraine republicans exist they know to keep their mouths shut.
What are you...some sort of Putin lover....fomenting outrage has a purpose....ya gotta get in there Mav.... Funny how Zelensky can broadcast at will but the Ruskies can't find him.
If you ever had a mind it appears you lost it somewhere along the way.

The Russians failed to take Kiev and had to withdraw, that's why they can't find him.

There's an extensive tunnel and bunker system in Kiev built during the Soviet Era, it could take weeks or even months to figure out which bunker or room he's hiding in IF you could get troops on site to start searching.
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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I said the same thing
Yahoo News/AP

Not saying it didn't happen but that is the dangest massakree I've ever seen. I've seen pictures of My Lai, Chicago Valentines Day gang-land slaughter, I mean blood everywhere, soaking in ground, faces unrecognizable, yikes. So please forgive my skepticism, MSM. The same MSM which also tells me Jeffrey Epstein hung himself from a bunk, and Covid is Spanish Flu.

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Hard to tell who is lying and manipulating, because I think they all are---
Imagine if you will a world where the people who want to wipe out 1/3 of humanity and enslave the survivors are the "Good Guys"

Those are the ones backing Ukraine

pewtin is the one who is the nazi.

Most of those people Putin is targetting are the Jewish people.
Actually there is not many reasons at all.
I could name a million reasons there are fighting aged Ukrainian men in Russian occupied areas.

Russian occupied areas like UKRAINE? You’re surprised there are fighting aged UKRAINIAN men in UKRAINE?
I don't think so. The Trump wing of the republican party is at least tacitly on the side of Russia if for no other reason than to spite the libs. If pro-Ukraine republicans exist they know to keep their mouths shut.
Not even all of the Trumpers share that common belief much less all conservatives and Republicans.

76% of Republicans support the US supplying Ukraine with what they need to continue the fight.

84% of Democrats support the same.

Other than the screeching hairballs at the extreme fringes of either party are peddling Putin's propaganda.
If you ever had a mind it appears you lost it somewhere along the way.

The Russians failed to take Kiev and had to withdraw, that's why they can't find him.

There's an extensive tunnel and bunker system in Kiev built during the Soviet Era, it could take weeks or even months to figure out which bunker or room he's hiding in IF you could get troops on site to start searching.
They don't need to go house to house dumbass. Track his comm traffic. So much that can be learned from any pic he is in. Send in Spec ops teams...
They don't need to go house to house dumbass. Track his comm traffic. So much that can be learned from any pic he is in. Send in Spec ops teams...
No dumbass, it's not like he's conducting business in the open and with a cellphone.

Hard lines can run for many miles from your location to a broadcast tower or cell tower.

You keep proving again and again you have no fucking clue what you're raging about making a complete fool of yourself.

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