Media Generates Another Lie Over Trump's Bloodbath Comments


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Trump was on the stump yesterday and he was talking about a possible bloodbath in the auto industry,

So the lying MSM claims Trump said that there will be a bloodbath if he doesn't win the next election. Meaning violence. From what I remember Democrats are the only ones committing violence. Black on white violence.

Trump wasn't talking about the election. He was talking about China building EV car factories in Mexico and selling them in the United States..

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Total lies about what the awful Cheeto Jesus said?...I wonder where we've recently seen that?

Total lies about what the awful Cheeto Jesus said?...I wonder where we've recently seen that?

Yep and I think that the mods on this site bear a lot of responsibility for allowing such blatant and proven disinformation to be posted on this site by the leftists.

Thank goodness for X, can you even fathom how it would be on there now if still under proxy .gov control?
Total lies about what the awful Cheeto Jesus said?...I wonder where we've recently seen that?

Trump said that he would put 100% tariffs on any EV vehicle manufactured in Mexico....making them unaffordable here in the United States.
He said if he doesn't win the election, Democrats will let them get away with it. A Bloodbath is how he described it.

What the MSM is trying to tell us is that Trump will start a bloodbath if he loses.
This is the media attempting to scaremonger everyone into thinking White MAGA supporters will become a threat, even though they haven't been since Biden stole the election. The only violence they can point to is Jan 6th. One event they want to keep bringing up like 9/11. Jan 6th is their 9/11, even though most of it was only in their imaginations.
Yep and I think that the mods on this site bear a lot of responsibility for allowing such blatant and proven disinformation to be posted on this site by the leftists.

Thank goodness for X, can you even fathom how it would be on there now if still under proxy .gov control?
It's nearly impossible to find the unedited speech anywhere else.
It's nearly impossible to find the unedited speech anywhere else.

They sure do grab those speeches and hide them, but we're wise to that trick and millions of us save important information like that.

If in doubt, go look at the replays on RSBN.

He said that if I don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.

Can you believe it?
Keep ignoring the truth.

He said the Chinese will get away with a bloodbath if he isn't elected.

But you're not honest enough to look at the entire comment. Only thing that matters to a dishonest scumbag like you is one word, BLOODBATH.

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They sure do grab those speeches and hide them, but we're wise to that trick and millions of us save important information like that.

If in doubt, go look at the replays on RSBN.

This is the only reason I still have a Twitter account....because the rest of the sites have been taken over by leftists.....and censorship is rampant.
It's like we're living in China.
Alright then, he didn't say what he said. Believe it!'re not paying attention to what he's saying and instead listening to the lies from his enemies.

The only part of the speech that mattered to a POS like you is the word BLOODBATH.

What he was talking about when he said it doesn't matter to you.

You'll just listen to lying assholes filling you full of horse manure so you can go around spreading this fib for the next few years.
This is the only reason I still have a Twitter account....because the rest of the sites have been taken over by leftists.....and censorship is rampant.
It's like we're living in China.

Well, I watch all of President Trump's speeches live on RSBN and I'm pretty sure they're not censoring.


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