Media Has Meltdown Tonight After Kellyanne Conway Takes Trump's Pic With Black College Presidents

She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

It's a fabric couch...My parents from childhood, taught my sister and me to never ever put your shoes on the couch.....didn't yours?

Let alone sit like that, in someone else's house with other guests!!!!! It was classless of her....

But, truly, this is just a tiny thing that doesn't bother me, considering the whole house is burning down from fire....
Michelle Obama was horrific with putting her feet all over White House furniture, especially walking around barefooted.
She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

It's a fabric couch...My parents from childhood, taught my sister and me to never ever put your shoes on the couch.....didn't yours?

Let alone sit like that, in someone else's house with other guests!!!!! It was classless of her....

But, truly, this is just a tiny thing that doesn't bother me, considering the whole house is burning down from fire....

what a lame excuse


historic furniture is historic furniture

at least admit you are a hypocrite

She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You shoiuld know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
Tat was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.

thanks for making my point stronger fuckface
No need to thank me for pointing out your hypocritical bullshit...

hey fuckface you pointed out perfectly

that there was no outrage on any other prezbo doing so

you leftards crack me up

She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!
She does, with her spike heels digging into the fabric of the sofa.

She's white trash, plain & simple. To sit like that in any professional setting, much less the Oval Office?! Pig wearing lipstick, that one is. And a liar.
Were you equally outraged when the former FIrst sasquatch was twerking?
On the couch with her legs spread apart. I doubt many of the guys in that room need an interpreter to figure out that body language.

Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You shoiuld know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
Tat was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.

thanks for making my point stronger fuckface
No need to thank me for pointing out your hypocritical bullshit...

hey fuckface you pointed out perfectly

that there was no outrage on any other prezbo doing so

you leftards crack me up

I thought you were mistake.
You just proved that you are simply stupid...carry on.

Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You shoiuld know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
Tat was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.

thanks for making my point stronger fuckface
No need to thank me for pointing out your hypocritical bullshit...

hey fuckface you pointed out perfectly

that there was no outrage on any other prezbo doing so

you leftards crack me up


Laughing heartily at the old doll Kellyanne is not outrage.
She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You should know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
That was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.
Notice their shoe heels are not actually touching the desk.
How about the photos of Obama with his feet up on the Oval Office desk, shoes and all? Or how about Clinton's shenanigans underneath it? That's not just another office desk. The Resolute Desk is a priceless artifact built from the timbers of the H.M.S. Resolute, a British exploration ship that became entombed in Arctic ice and was abandoned in the winter of 1853. Over a year later, she was a ghost ship adrift in the Arctic ocean when discovered by an American whaling vessel. The U.S. re-fitted Resolute and returned her to England, where she served in the Royal Navy until scrapped in 1879. Queen Victoria ordered the building of the desk and presented it to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880. It's been in the Oval Office ever since. And Obama puts his feet up on it? Not a peep out of the slobbering media. Now all of a sudden, having feet on the furniture is a big deal. The press is a laughing stock and an embarrassment.
She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You should know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
That was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.
Notice their shoe heels are not actually touching the desk.

lol, a shit heel who's an expert on shoe heels.

Now that's interesting.
She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!

outrageous huh

You should know, racists started numerous threads about President Obama's "disrespect" for the furniture and how intelligent white men would do no such thing...
That was until I shut their racists bullshit down with this:


And This...

Thanks for trying to give liaranne a pass...your motivations are apparent.
Notice their shoe heels are not actually touching the desk.

lol, a shit heel who's an expert on shoe heels.

Now that's interesting.
I saw that dumbassed post and didn't even feel a need to respond to it....
She sure made herself at home. :laugh:


Ain't that the truth!!!

Where are her shoes....I sure hope she doesn't have them on that couch!!!!
She does, with her spike heels digging into the fabric of the sofa.

She's white trash, plain & simple. To sit like that in any professional setting, much less the Oval Office?! Pig wearing lipstick, that one is. And a liar.
Jealous she wouldn't give you the time of day.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump
Proves what they are about. Doesn't it? We all know they are still owned by their massas. We get it. Do you? Oh, that is right. 60 years of promises from the democrats, and nothing has changed.

Oooops, that is right. All white people's fault.

Yet, most of those run down black cities all across America republicans have not come close to governing for over 50 years.

Blacks did not vote for obama for skin color, did they? Ohhh, nooooo. Nooot theeeeem.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump
Proves what they are about. Doesn't it? We all know they are still owned by their massas. We get it. Do you? Oh, that is right. 60 years of promises from the democrats, and nothing has changed.

Oooops, that is right. All white people's fault.

Yet, most of those run down black cities all across America republicans have not come close to governing for over 50 years.

Blacks did not vote for obama for skin color, did they? Ohhh, nooooo. Nooot theeeeem.
Another Kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them post? You sure is good to us poor minorities.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway
Yeap, they are drawing the attention away by focusing on a nonissue. Their losers will follow their lead. Like they always do.

It is hilarious to me how pathetic they all are. The best part is they still don't know that the world is waking up to their insidious bullshit.

I am taking solace in the notion that they have not learned a thing. They are losers, and the bigger losers who fall for these transparent tactics of the petulant media.
Liberals believe that blacks still belong to them, but as you can see they love Donald Trump and it scares the shit out of the democrat party....the outrage had nothing to do with Kellyanne Conway

6% of black voters voted for Trump
Proves what they are about. Doesn't it? We all know they are still owned by their massas. We get it. Do you? Oh, that is right. 60 years of promises from the democrats, and nothing has changed.

Oooops, that is right. All white people's fault.

Yet, most of those run down black cities all across America republicans have not come close to governing for over 50 years.

Blacks did not vote for obama for skin color, did they? Ohhh, nooooo. Nooot theeeeem.
Another Kniggers are too stupid to know what is good for them post? You sure is good to us poor minorities.
Ohhhh, your blaccck. That explains a lot. At least it sure explains a lot to me.

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