Media hated Trump so much-Megyn Kelly

Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.

Gee, I wonder if it could have something to do with Trump calling the media the enemy of the people. What do you think?
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.

PROGS care because why?
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't let shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it. Just ask, I'll tell you what I think.
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't like shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it.
In short anyone who puts the good of the people ahead of the established clusterfuck must never gain power. Got ya Nazi.
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Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?

Media lies.

You think so many people hate trump because the media lies? Haha. Ok

The media has consistently lied about the accomplishments of the Trump administration. 96% negative coverage proves it, it takes a concerted effort to accomplish that.

Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't like shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it.
In short anyone who puts the good of the people ahead of the established clusterfuck must never gain power. Got ya Nazi.
Haha, is that what your magic powers tell you I was saying?! Man you got some serious issues. Get a clue, that wasn't even close.
I have more than a clue that the massive fraud that took place is to destroy everything good about this country and its promise. You selfish arrorgant bastards have been duped. That happens to dupes and you are at the head of the line.
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?

Media lies.

You think so many people hate trump because the media lies? Haha. Ok
The media has consistently lied about the accomplishments of the Trump administration. 96% negative coverage proves it, it takes a concerted effort to accomplish that.
Lying and omitting are two very different things. Trump had the largest platform in the world including his own press room that he could send out announcements at any time. He had surrogates on every media outlet every single day all able to boast about these accomplishments. These things weren't hidden from the public. We could see it all and draw our own conclusions. The problem was Trump lied about almost everything. He got mostly negative coverage even from friendly networks like Fox because when the POTUS lies it causes controversy and for profit news companies cover controversy over boring policy. Trump thrives off controversy and stoking hate for his opponents so he antagonized it all. Don't play dumb we both now everything I just wrote is accurate. If you don't think so then tell me what I got wrong... Make a smart counter argument.
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?

Media lies.

You think so many people hate trump because the media lies? Haha. Ok
Why would anyone think anything else? My God, you are stupid.
Haha, because despite what you may think people can’t draw conclusions for themselves. They don’t hate a person from what a very untrusted media tells them they hate a person from what they see and hear from that person. Trump is hated because of the words and actions he brings to the public. It’s not very complicated and I’m kind of surprised you two don’t realize that
You are living proof people can't draw conclusions for themselves. You only repeat what you are told. An original thought might give you a heart attack or a stroke.
Your thoughts arent original. They came from the Qannon biosphere.

You keep spewing this crap but have yet to provide a single link. If you can't start providing links you'll be reported for trolling.

I have more than a clue that the massive fraud that took place is to destroy everything good about this country and its promise. You selfish arrorgant bastards have been duped. That happens to dupes and you are at the head of the line.
Right. You blindly believe some anonymous clown (Q) on the internet and WE have been duped?
Okaaayyy then
All the emotive tear spillers were incensed when Trump referenced”bleeding out of everywhere” about her and she was hot also and that drum got banged for 6 months. Now that a stone cold Trump disliker has come out to declare and endorse the obvious the lib loons naturally have turned against her
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't like shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it.
In short anyone who puts the good of the people ahead of the established clusterfuck must never gain power. Got ya Nazi.
Haha, is that what your magic powers tell you I was saying?! Man you got some serious issues. Get a clue, that wasn't even close.
I have more than a clue that the massive fraud that took place is to destroy everything good about this country and its promise. You selfish arrorgant bastards have been duped. That happens to dupes and you are at the head of the line.
You obviously don't have a clue as you took something that I said and completely distorted it. I know the meaning of what I said and I know how far off base you were when you tried and interpret it. You don't have to agree with anything I say but if you can't even understanding the message then you are without hope. Do better
The people that have accepted the massive fraud and cover up are the ones without hope.
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't like shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it.
In short anyone who puts the good of the people ahead of the established clusterfuck must never gain power. Got ya Nazi.
Haha, is that what your magic powers tell you I was saying?! Man you got some serious issues. Get a clue, that wasn't even close.
I have more than a clue that the massive fraud that took place is to destroy everything good about this country and its promise. You selfish arrorgant bastards have been duped. That happens to dupes and you are at the head of the line.
You obviously don't have a clue as you took something that I said and completely distorted it. I know the meaning of what I said and I know how far off base you were when you tried and interpret it. You don't have to agree with anything I say but if you can't even understanding the message then you are without hope. Do better
The people that have accepted the massive fraud and cover up are the ones without hope.
I'm curious. How much FIRST HAND exposure have you had to evidence that has convinced you that the election was stolen? My guess is little to none is that correct? If so, then your conclusions would be based on stuff you have seen and heard online or in the media. 3rd hand sources. Do you see the irony in you coming on here trying to call others mindless idiots that only repeat what they are told?
Don't ever notice that the Zionist Jew has a lot of control over the "US" media.

Don't notice that the three Supreme Court nominees who stabbed Trump in the back are all Jewish, as is Chris Wray....
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
who is megan Kelly?
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't like shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it.
In short anyone who puts the good of the people ahead of the established clusterfuck must never gain power. Got ya Nazi.
Haha, is that what your magic powers tell you I was saying?! Man you got some serious issues. Get a clue, that wasn't even close.
I have more than a clue that the massive fraud that took place is to destroy everything good about this country and its promise. You selfish arrorgant bastards have been duped. That happens to dupes and you are at the head of the line.
You obviously don't have a clue as you took something that I said and completely distorted it. I know the meaning of what I said and I know how far off base you were when you tried and interpret it. You don't have to agree with anything I say but if you can't even understanding the message then you are without hope. Do better
The people that have accepted the massive fraud and cover up are the ones without hope.
I'm curious. How much FIRST HAND exposure have you had to evidence that has convinced you that the election was stolen? My guess is little to none is that correct? If so, then your conclusions would be based on stuff you have seen and heard online or in the media. 3rd hand sources. Do you see the irony in you coming on here trying to call others mindless idiots that only repeat what they are told?
Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.
There’s a reason for that hate and the reason wasn’t because he was doing amazing things for our country. Do you know why so many hating him so much?
The reason for the hate is you living by diseased emotions that you absorb and demand that Trump be obliterated from History to quell your emotions
I don't want him obliterated from history. I want his short political career studied and scrutinized so that we don't let shitheads like that gain power ever again. We need to demand better of our leaders. Don't try and interpret my thoughts. You're not very good at it. Just ask, I'll tell you what I think.

Then, excluding style, tell the class what substance of the Trump accomplishments you disagreed with.

Bravo Megyn Kelly. She told the truth about the media and Democrats. “They hated him so much, they checked their objectivity. It wasn’t just CNN, all of them did. They just couldn't check their own personal feelings about him." People got so wrapped up and obsessed with hating Trump, they lost touch with reality. Even though he was a miracle worker who brought energy independence, $6000 more for average family, lowest unemployment in history, 80 million voters obtusely said, "I'll vote for the other guy!" How does that make sense? They had no compunction about their hate.

I guess she's still bitter than NBC fired her ass!

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