Media Ignores Muslims Beating and Killing Gays


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Where are all those who make massive efforts to defend and further the LGBT movement? Does being Muslim permit radicals to do these things without fear of being outed by the media?

Here are a few examples:

Muslim beats gay couple in NY restaurant

SF media covers up a string of gay beatings.

Muslim executives two gay men – religion and motive scrubbed from media

You jihadists can scream all you want about the source. FACTS ARE FACTS and those with open minds can read more @ VIDEO Muslim Brutally Beats Gay Couple in NY Restaurant Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
I've never noticed the media mentioning religion before - I've never seen Christian radical beats gay couple. Just saying - if they never did before then why is it only now they're ignoring it?
I've never noticed the media mentioning religion before - I've never seen Christian radical beats gay couple. Just saying - if they never did before then why is it only now they're ignoring it?

animosity towards homosexuals may or may not be
motivated by religion. If it happens that an act of violence
against homosexuals is clearly galvanized by a religious
bias-----it seems logical to me that reporting the
incident as such is warranted. If some jerk hits
a homosexual over the head yelling "this is for Jesus,
Moses, Buddha, Allah....." seems newsworthy to me
I've never noticed the media mentioning religion before - I've never seen Christian radical beats gay couple. Just saying - if they never did before then why is it only now they're ignoring it?

animosity towards homosexuals may or may not be
motivated by religion. If it happens that an act of violence
against homosexuals is clearly galvanized by a religious
bias-----it seems logical to me that reporting the
incident as such is warranted. If some jerk hits
a homosexual over the head yelling "this is for Jesus,
Moses, Buddha, Allah....." seems newsworthy to me

I think religion has a lot to do with it, with forming opinions. But, like I said - they never before mentioned religion in reports but now suddenly they're being called to task for not doing so?
I've never noticed the media mentioning religion before - I've never seen Christian radical beats gay couple. Just saying - if they never did before then why is it only now they're ignoring it?

animosity towards homosexuals may or may not be
motivated by religion. If it happens that an act of violence
against homosexuals is clearly galvanized by a religious
bias-----it seems logical to me that reporting the
incident as such is warranted. If some jerk hits
a homosexual over the head yelling "this is for Jesus,
Moses, Buddha, Allah....." seems newsworthy to me

I think religion has a lot to do with it, with forming opinions. But, like I said - they never before mentioned religion in reports but now suddenly they're being called to task for not doing so?

really? are you sure that when religion was the OVERT issue ------religion was not mentioned?. I
cannot hear the video and did not watch it-----was
it overtly clear that the perpetrators were acting
"AS MUSLIMS" ? I think if a whole bunch of amish
(dressed as such) attacked a gay couple in a public
place-------"amish" would be mentioned in the news
report. If a whole bunch of chassidim did it-----
"chassidim" would be noted
The Christian beheading Fox News conveniently ignored -

Note that Fox News ignored the Florida scene of grisly, domestic violence. Apparently, without a Muslim suspect under arrest for the beheading, Fox News wasn’t interested. The cable channel didn’t set aside hours to cover the horrific crime. There was no heated Fox News commentary, no panel discussions, no primetime news specials to comb over the evidence of the tragic beheading. Fox News didn’t care about the shocking story of an isolated beheading in America.

Thirteen weeks ago however, Fox News couldn’t stop talking about an isolated beheading in America. In late September 2014, Fox News became almost singularly obsessed with the gruesome workplace beheading in Moore, Oklahoma by a recent Muslim convert, Alton Nolen.
Where are all those who make massive efforts to defend and further the LGBT movement? Does being Muslim permit radicals to do these things without fear of being outed by the media?

Here are a few examples:

Muslim beats gay couple in NY restaurant

SF media covers up a string of gay beatings.

Muslim executives two gay men – religion and motive scrubbed from media

You jihadists can scream all you want about the source. FACTS ARE FACTS and those with open minds can read more @ VIDEO Muslim Brutally Beats Gay Couple in NY Restaurant Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
We all know that ISIS is killing gays and suspected gays. No one is ignoring it. In fact, we often have posters here try to say "hey! be grateful we don't kill you like the mooooslims do!"
Where are all those who make massive efforts to defend and further the LGBT movement? Does being Muslim permit radicals to do these things without fear of being outed by the media?

Here are a few examples:

Muslim beats gay couple in NY restaurant

SF media covers up a string of gay beatings.

Muslim executives two gay men – religion and motive scrubbed from media

You jihadists can scream all you want about the source. FACTS ARE FACTS and those with open minds can read more @ VIDEO Muslim Brutally Beats Gay Couple in NY Restaurant Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
Hey you piece of shit how about you do a quick poll of liberals asking them if it's okay for Muslims to beat gay people? You shameless c*nt.
Its an entirely different circumstance-----in fact (I got inside information) most family murders do not make it to the
news---------a work place murder is much bigger news

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