Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
What 's happening in this south American country is precisely what Bernie Sanders and the closet communist democrats want for American. Really hope that all the young people who voted for him understands that Bernie Sanders would make Bernie Madoff look like Mother Theresa.

Madoff robbed wealthy people of their money, Bernie Sanders would destroy the entire country with socialism robbing everybody creating a situation worst than "Venezuela". The Zionist fake media wants the same things happening in Venezuela to happen "right here in America" this is exactly why all the censorship.

The fake media wants all the young people trick by Sanders to accept communism by accepting a socialist first. Really hope everyone understands how close we came to the destruction of America in the last election.

Hillary and Bernie are both closet communist if either had been elected the Zionist international bankers (FED) who brought communism to Russia would have had a green light in the destruction of this nation.


Media Research Center (MRC), the conservative media watchdog whose stated mission is to “prove through sound scientific research, that liberal bias in the media does exist,” reported on Tuesday more evidence that the media is now guilty of publishing “no news,” at least when the subject is the ongoing meltdown taking place in Venezuela.

Readers of these pages are well-informed about that meltdown: More than 50 protestors have been killed, with thousands wounded or jailed; inflation is making the bolivar nearly worthless (but with so little on the shelves to purchase it doesn’t matter); Venezuelans are down to two meals a day, with citizens eating stray dogs when they can be found and zoo animals and race horses being slaughtered for food; medicines are increasingly unavailable; hospital and medical services are declining, resulting in hundreds of babies dying following childbirth, and on and on.

And yet, as this horrific tale of socialist destruction plays out, the mainstream media has not only downplayed its coverage, it has all but eliminated it. According to the MRC, “From March 2013 (after the death of strongman Venezuelan president Hugh Chavez) through May 29, 2017, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have aired a mere 25 stories, totaling 28 minutes, 39 seconds of coverage — barely 30 seconds per month — to the rapidly worsening situation in Venezuela.”

MRC reviewed approximately 50,000 individual news stories on all topics aired by those networks over more than four years and discovered that just 25 of them mentioned Venezuela at all. More than that, the word “socialism” was mentioned in only seven of them. And in none was there any “cause and effect” connection made between the destruction and the political and economic system that is responsible for it.

Even worse, according to the MRC, “The networks have [not only] been reluctant to attach the ‘socialist’ label to Venezuela’s government [it has] utterly failed to criticize liberal politicians and celebrities who have praised the Chavez and Maduro regimes.”

The MRC noted five specific examples of “no news” coming out of Venezuela, as that country descends from being one of the richest countries in South America to a level approaching North Korea:

• In September 2013, Maduro seized on a massive blackout that left 70 percent of the country without power, using it as an excuse to crack down on the opposition. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In November 2013, the then-socialist controlled National Assembly gave Maduro “emergency” powers, permitting him to bypass the National Assembly. Since then, Maduro has repeatedly declared Venezuela in a state of emergency, ruling by decree. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In December 2015, the opposition party won control of the National Assembly from the unpopular socialists, with voters handing them a super-majority of 112 seats vs. 55 for the socialists. Network coverage: ZERO stories

• In September 2016, there were massive protests against the government, as hundreds of thousands of citizens demanded a recall vote against Maduro. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• On May 18, the socialist-dominated Supreme Court ruled to strip power from the anti-Madura Venezuelan Congress. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

To its credit the Washington Times permitted Stephen Moore, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, to balance the scales slightly. On Sunday Moore wrote that when he speaks to colleges students he tells them:

You’d be a fool to go there today. Venezuela is a human rights crisis of epic proportions with mass hunger, mass poverty, despair, ghetto upon ghetto, and a mass exodus of private businesses and anyone with money. There are no rich and no evil corporations to loot anymore. The inflation rate is almost 500 percent as the currency value is about as valuable as Monopoly money.

This is a cataclysm of the first order, but there’s no media attention being paid to it, wrote Moore:

Yet, no one in the media seems to pay any attention to this man-made disaster. Economist Mark Skousen noted at an international investor conference last week that “almost no one in academia or the news outlets seems to be covering the tragic and swift collapse of Venezuela.” He explains that what is happening on the streets of Caracas should be “deeply embarrassing to the American left.” So they pretend it isn’t happening.

The New American has been following the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela for years, but it shouldn't come as a surprise that other media aren't. Recently the magazine noted the bias the media has against the Trump administration as documented by Thomas Patterson, Harvard University’s professor of government and the press, and author of “News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days.” He said that the mainstream media coverage has “set … new standard for unfavorable press coverage of a president,” adding that “negative news reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent.… In no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative, and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.”

With Trump it’s “fake news” but with Venezuela there’s “no news” at all.

Source: Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela

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What 's happening in this south American country is precisely what Bernie Sanders and the closet communist democrats want for American. Really hope that all the young people who voted for him understands that Bernie Sanders would make Bernie Madoff look like Mother Theresa.

Madoff robbed wealthy people of their money, Bernie Sanders would destroy the entire country with socialism robbing everybody creating a situation worst than "Venezuela". The Zionist fake media wants the same things happening in Venezuela to happen "right here in America" this is exactly why all the censorship.

The fake media wants all the young people trick by Sanders to accept communism by accepting a socialist first.
Really hope everyone understands how close we came to the destruction of America in the last election.

Hillary and Bernie are both closet communist if either had been elected the Zionist international bankers (FED) who brought communism to Russia would have had a green light in the destruction of this nation.


Media Research Center (MRC), the conservative media watchdog whose stated mission is to “prove through sound scientific research, that liberal bias in the media does exist,” reported on Tuesday more evidence that the media is now guilty of publishing “no news,” at least when the subject is the ongoing meltdown taking place in Venezuela.

Readers of these pages are well-informed about that meltdown: More than 50 protestors have been killed, with thousands wounded or jailed; inflation is making the bolivar nearly worthless (but with so little on the shelves to purchase it doesn’t matter); Venezuelans are down to two meals a day, with citizens eating stray dogs when they can be found and zoo animals and race horses being slaughtered for food; medicines are increasingly unavailable; hospital and medical services are declining, resulting in hundreds of babies dying following childbirth, and on and on.

And yet, as this horrific tale of socialist destruction plays out, the mainstream media has not only downplayed its coverage, it has all but eliminated it. According to the MRC, “From March 2013 (after the death of strongman Venezuelan president Hugh Chavez) through May 29, 2017, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have aired a mere 25 stories, totaling 28 minutes, 39 seconds of coverage — barely 30 seconds per month — to the rapidly worsening situation in Venezuela.”

MRC reviewed approximately 50,000 individual news stories on all topics aired by those networks over more than four years and discovered that just 25 of them mentioned Venezuela at all. More than that, the word “socialism” was mentioned in only seven of them. And in none was there any “cause and effect” connection made between the destruction and the political and economic system that is responsible for it.

Even worse, according to the MRC, “The networks have [not only] been reluctant to attach the ‘socialist’ label to Venezuela’s government [it has] utterly failed to criticize liberal politicians and celebrities who have praised the Chavez and Maduro regimes.”

The MRC noted five specific examples of “no news” coming out of Venezuela, as that country descends from being one of the richest countries in South America to a level approaching North Korea:

• In September 2013, Maduro seized on a massive blackout that left 70 percent of the country without power, using it as an excuse to crack down on the opposition. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In November 2013, the then-socialist controlled National Assembly gave Maduro “emergency” powers, permitting him to bypass the National Assembly. Since then, Maduro has repeatedly declared Venezuela in a state of emergency, ruling by decree. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In December 2015, the opposition party won control of the National Assembly from the unpopular socialists, with voters handing them a super-majority of 112 seats vs. 55 for the socialists. Network coverage: ZERO stories

• In September 2016, there were massive protests against the government, as hundreds of thousands of citizens demanded a recall vote against Maduro. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• On May 18, the socialist-dominated Supreme Court ruled to strip power from the anti-Madura Venezuelan Congress. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

To its credit the Washington Times permitted Stephen Moore, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, to balance the scales slightly. On Sunday Moore wrote that when he speaks to colleges students he tells them:

You’d be a fool to go there today. Venezuela is a human rights crisis of epic proportions with mass hunger, mass poverty, despair, ghetto upon ghetto, and a mass exodus of private businesses and anyone with money. There are no rich and no evil corporations to loot anymore. The inflation rate is almost 500 percent as the currency value is about as valuable as Monopoly money.

This is a cataclysm of the first order, but there’s no media attention being paid to it, wrote Moore:

Yet, no one in the media seems to pay any attention to this man-made disaster. Economist Mark Skousen noted at an international investor conference last week that “almost no one in academia or the news outlets seems to be covering the tragic and swift collapse of Venezuela.” He explains that what is happening on the streets of Caracas should be “deeply embarrassing to the American left.” So they pretend it isn’t happening.

The New American has been following the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela for years, but it shouldn't come as a surprise that other media aren't. Recently the magazine noted the bias the media has against the Trump administration as documented by Thomas Patterson, Harvard University’s professor of government and the press, and author of “News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days.” He said that the mainstream media coverage has “set … new standard for unfavorable press coverage of a president,” adding that “negative news reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent.… In no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative, and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.”

With Trump it’s “fake news” but with Venezuela there’s “no news” at all.

Source: Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela


yes the commies are under your bed and looking through your windows at night
And you ignore the reality that all of western Europe uses a mixture of socialism and capitalism. They have higher standards in education, infrastructure and healthcare then the united states.

You blame a fucking dictatorship to push your pure capitalism that only benefits the riches within our society. You're without a clue.
Pull up your pants sissy.

Every since President Trump was elected and before it's been all conspiracy theories and little else.

It's the Zionist fake media industry, it's not about real news it's true function is to try to block out real news.
Pull up your pants sissy.

Every since President Trump was elected and before it's been all conspiracy theories and little else.

It's the Zionist fake media industry, it's not about real news it's true function is to try to block out real news.
Ahha, you're one of those.
Pull up your pants sissy.

Every since President Trump was elected and before it's been all conspiracy theories and little else.

It's the Zionist fake media industry, it's not about real news it's true function is to try to block out real news.

Da Joos! Can't get them out of my head!

The truth is getting into the minds of people worldwide about the wicked Zionist and this is a very good thing.

Truth is light.

Your stupid video means less than nothing.

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The truth is getting into the minds of people worldwide about the wicked Zionist and this is a very good thing.

Truth is light.

Your stupid video means less than nothing.

Obviously not if you're still so scared that you have to say 'Zionist' when you really want to say Jews.

Man up, Goebbels, say what you mean.
What 's happening in this south American country is precisely what Bernie Sanders and the closet communist democrats want for American. Really hope that all the young people who voted for him understands that Bernie Sanders would make Bernie Madoff look like Mother Theresa.

Madoff robbed wealthy people of their money, Bernie Sanders would destroy the entire country with socialism robbing everybody creating a situation worst than "Venezuela". The Zionist fake media wants the same things happening in Venezuela to happen "right here in America" this is exactly why all the censorship.

The fake media wants all the young people trick by Sanders to accept communism by accepting a socialist first. Really hope everyone understands how close we came to the destruction of America in the last election.

Hillary and Bernie are both closet communist if either had been elected the Zionist international bankers (FED) who brought communism to Russia would have had a green light in the destruction of this nation.


Media Research Center (MRC), the conservative media watchdog whose stated mission is to “prove through sound scientific research, that liberal bias in the media does exist,” reported on Tuesday more evidence that the media is now guilty of publishing “no news,” at least when the subject is the ongoing meltdown taking place in Venezuela.

Readers of these pages are well-informed about that meltdown: More than 50 protestors have been killed, with thousands wounded or jailed; inflation is making the bolivar nearly worthless (but with so little on the shelves to purchase it doesn’t matter); Venezuelans are down to two meals a day, with citizens eating stray dogs when they can be found and zoo animals and race horses being slaughtered for food; medicines are increasingly unavailable; hospital and medical services are declining, resulting in hundreds of babies dying following childbirth, and on and on.

And yet, as this horrific tale of socialist destruction plays out, the mainstream media has not only downplayed its coverage, it has all but eliminated it. According to the MRC, “From March 2013 (after the death of strongman Venezuelan president Hugh Chavez) through May 29, 2017, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have aired a mere 25 stories, totaling 28 minutes, 39 seconds of coverage — barely 30 seconds per month — to the rapidly worsening situation in Venezuela.”

MRC reviewed approximately 50,000 individual news stories on all topics aired by those networks over more than four years and discovered that just 25 of them mentioned Venezuela at all. More than that, the word “socialism” was mentioned in only seven of them. And in none was there any “cause and effect” connection made between the destruction and the political and economic system that is responsible for it.

Even worse, according to the MRC, “The networks have [not only] been reluctant to attach the ‘socialist’ label to Venezuela’s government [it has] utterly failed to criticize liberal politicians and celebrities who have praised the Chavez and Maduro regimes.”

The MRC noted five specific examples of “no news” coming out of Venezuela, as that country descends from being one of the richest countries in South America to a level approaching North Korea:

• In September 2013, Maduro seized on a massive blackout that left 70 percent of the country without power, using it as an excuse to crack down on the opposition. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In November 2013, the then-socialist controlled National Assembly gave Maduro “emergency” powers, permitting him to bypass the National Assembly. Since then, Maduro has repeatedly declared Venezuela in a state of emergency, ruling by decree. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In December 2015, the opposition party won control of the National Assembly from the unpopular socialists, with voters handing them a super-majority of 112 seats vs. 55 for the socialists. Network coverage: ZERO stories

• In September 2016, there were massive protests against the government, as hundreds of thousands of citizens demanded a recall vote against Maduro. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• On May 18, the socialist-dominated Supreme Court ruled to strip power from the anti-Madura Venezuelan Congress. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

To its credit the Washington Times permitted Stephen Moore, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, to balance the scales slightly. On Sunday Moore wrote that when he speaks to colleges students he tells them:

You’d be a fool to go there today. Venezuela is a human rights crisis of epic proportions with mass hunger, mass poverty, despair, ghetto upon ghetto, and a mass exodus of private businesses and anyone with money. There are no rich and no evil corporations to loot anymore. The inflation rate is almost 500 percent as the currency value is about as valuable as Monopoly money.

This is a cataclysm of the first order, but there’s no media attention being paid to it, wrote Moore:

Yet, no one in the media seems to pay any attention to this man-made disaster. Economist Mark Skousen noted at an international investor conference last week that “almost no one in academia or the news outlets seems to be covering the tragic and swift collapse of Venezuela.” He explains that what is happening on the streets of Caracas should be “deeply embarrassing to the American left.” So they pretend it isn’t happening.

The New American has been following the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela for years, but it shouldn't come as a surprise that other media aren't. Recently the magazine noted the bias the media has against the Trump administration as documented by Thomas Patterson, Harvard University’s professor of government and the press, and author of “News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days.” He said that the mainstream media coverage has “set … new standard for unfavorable press coverage of a president,” adding that “negative news reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent.… In no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative, and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.”

With Trump it’s “fake news” but with Venezuela there’s “no news” at all.

Source: Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela


Yo, agree, but the Idiots in the Socialist News Channels, they don`t have no idea what is coming for them, they will be treated like everyday Puppets, or be shot on the spot, can`t wait for a Socialist Democrat to try and run America again? The end will come soon if it ever happens again!!!

The truth is getting into the minds of people worldwide about the wicked Zionist and this is a very good thing.

Truth is light.

Your stupid video means less than nothing.

Obviously not if you're still so scared that you have to say 'Zionist' when you really want to say Jews.

Man up, Goebbels, say what you mean.

Silly punk what in the hell do you know about manning up!
And you ignore the reality that all of western Europe uses a mixture of socialism and capitalism. They have higher standards in education, infrastructure and healthcare then the united states.

You blame a fucking dictatorship to push your pure capitalism that only benefits the riches within our society. You're without a clue.

"Without a clue"?

You must be speaking of yourself.

Western European countries once had their own currencies which gave each nation greater sovereignty over their own internal affairs, and now the Euro is only one basically controlled by the same Zionist international banker that transformed Russia into the communist Soviet Union.

You really need to elaborate on the so-called "mixture of socialism and Capitalism" you need to point out to everyone all the European countries which are not allowed to own private property as in most truly socialist countries. Maybe you have failed to recognize how socialism/communism is attempting to gain a foothold in Europe and basically attempting to claim the credit success that was achieved in Europe due to Capitalism alone.
The health care may be called socialized but this is no more than a experiment and trick to try and gain acceptance (dominance) for socialism. It's capitalism that provides the needed revenue in European health care and deserves the credit it's success, the socialism part is the very high taxation.

The high taxation comes from capitalism which make European health care successful, and this can be achieved without the "socialized medicine label". Infrastructure in Europe may be better due to financing though NATO and the IMF, however the long range cost of these improvement may cost Europe it's sovereignty.

Socialism is basically riding the coat tails of their capitalist system waiting for it's opportunity to gain a even greater foothold. Don't try to cheer leader for Socialism based on the accomplishments of western Europe.

For at this very moment Europe is being flooded with refugees from countries overthrown by communism masking itself as democracy. Aiming to bankrupt, and cause enough chaos for the destabilization and communist take over of Europe.

Even a little socialism is very dangerous.

You want to try to sweep under the rug the truth about what happens in Socialist governments by calling Venezuela leader a dictator, you can call him president, pope, or whatever else you want the fact remains that socialism has always failed, and leads to communism.

Call socialism the lip stick placed on a smelly pig.

Bernie Sanders needs to explain to all Americans why he wants to turn America into another Venezuela!



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There would be more news about Venezuela if it wasn't for Jews and stuff. :(
Censored? I don't know what planet you live on but I have read reports about it all week.

it's less censorship, and more ignoring the root cause of the crisis. The press blames oil prices, they blame the opposition, Venezuela blames the US, but they ignore the Socialist roots of Chavezism, and the market control policies and thuggery currently being used by the regime there.
Censored? I don't know what planet you live on but I have read reports about it all week.

it's less censorship, and more ignoring the root cause of the crisis. The press blames oil prices, they blame the opposition, Venezuela blames the US, but they ignore the Socialist roots of Chavezism, and the market control policies and thuggery currently being used by the regime there.
It seems that Goldman Sachs was not intimidated to buy several billions in bonds from Venezuela..
Censored? I don't know what planet you live on but I have read reports about it all week.

it's less censorship, and more ignoring the root cause of the crisis. The press blames oil prices, they blame the opposition, Venezuela blames the US, but they ignore the Socialist roots of Chavezism, and the market control policies and thuggery currently being used by the regime there.
It seems that Goldman Sachs was not intimidated to buy several billions in bonds from Valenzuela..

They probably got a great deal on Interest rates, but lets see how long they collect on it.
What 's happening in this south American country is precisely what Bernie Sanders and the closet communist democrats want for American. Really hope that all the young people who voted for him understands that Bernie Sanders would make Bernie Madoff look like Mother Theresa.

Madoff robbed wealthy people of their money, Bernie Sanders would destroy the entire country with socialism robbing everybody creating a situation worst than "Venezuela". The Zionist fake media wants the same things happening in Venezuela to happen "right here in America" this is exactly why all the censorship.

The fake media wants all the young people trick by Sanders to accept communism by accepting a socialist first. Really hope everyone understands how close we came to the destruction of America in the last election.
Immediately, an angry mob of scolding Venezuelan exiles surrounded the former head of state-run Banco de Venezuela, shouting "Rat!" and "Get out, thief!" until Vasquez and another man with him fled.

"I never laid a finger on him. I simply raised my voice," Fungairino said. "They hate when people complain. They think they're so powerful that they're not used to that kind of treatment." Well now we know where the Commies from Venezuelago and live life very well. USA and they have freedoms and money they stole from their country. But they are discovered and identified/

Hillary and Bernie are both closet communist if either had been elected the Zionist international bankers (FED) who brought communism to Russia would have had a green light in the destruction of this nation.


Media Research Center (MRC), the conservative media watchdog whose stated mission is to “prove through sound scientific research, that liberal bias in the media does exist,” reported on Tuesday more evidence that the media is now guilty of publishing “no news,” at least when the subject is the ongoing meltdown taking place in Venezuela.

Readers of these pages are well-informed about that meltdown: More than 50 protestors have been killed, with thousands wounded or jailed; inflation is making the bolivar nearly worthless (but with so little on the shelves to purchase it doesn’t matter); Venezuelans are down to two meals a day, with citizens eating stray dogs when they can be found and zoo animals and race horses being slaughtered for food; medicines are increasingly unavailable; hospital and medical services are declining, resulting in hundreds of babies dying following childbirth, and on and on.

And yet, as this horrific tale of socialist destruction plays out, the mainstream media has not only downplayed its coverage, it has all but eliminated it. According to the MRC, “From March 2013 (after the death of strongman Venezuelan president Hugh Chavez) through May 29, 2017, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have aired a mere 25 stories, totaling 28 minutes, 39 seconds of coverage — barely 30 seconds per month — to the rapidly worsening situation in Venezuela.”

MRC reviewed approximately 50,000 individual news stories on all topics aired by those networks over more than four years and discovered that just 25 of them mentioned Venezuela at all. More than that, the word “socialism” was mentioned in only seven of them. And in none was there any “cause and effect” connection made between the destruction and the political and economic system that is responsible for it.

Even worse, according to the MRC, “The networks have [not only] been reluctant to attach the ‘socialist’ label to Venezuela’s government [it has] utterly failed to criticize liberal politicians and celebrities who have praised the Chavez and Maduro regimes.”

The MRC noted five specific examples of “no news” coming out of Venezuela, as that country descends from being one of the richest countries in South America to a level approaching North Korea:

• In September 2013, Maduro seized on a massive blackout that left 70 percent of the country without power, using it as an excuse to crack down on the opposition. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In November 2013, the then-socialist controlled National Assembly gave Maduro “emergency” powers, permitting him to bypass the National Assembly. Since then, Maduro has repeatedly declared Venezuela in a state of emergency, ruling by decree. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• In December 2015, the opposition party won control of the National Assembly from the unpopular socialists, with voters handing them a super-majority of 112 seats vs. 55 for the socialists. Network coverage: ZERO stories

• In September 2016, there were massive protests against the government, as hundreds of thousands of citizens demanded a recall vote against Maduro. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

• On May 18, the socialist-dominated Supreme Court ruled to strip power from the anti-Madura Venezuelan Congress. Network coverage: ZERO stories.

To its credit the Washington Times permitted Stephen Moore, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, to balance the scales slightly. On Sunday Moore wrote that when he speaks to colleges students he tells them:

You’d be a fool to go there today. Venezuela is a human rights crisis of epic proportions with mass hunger, mass poverty, despair, ghetto upon ghetto, and a mass exodus of private businesses and anyone with money. There are no rich and no evil corporations to loot anymore. The inflation rate is almost 500 percent as the currency value is about as valuable as Monopoly money.

This is a cataclysm of the first order, but there’s no media attention being paid to it, wrote Moore:

Yet, no one in the media seems to pay any attention to this man-made disaster. Economist Mark Skousen noted at an international investor conference last week that “almost no one in academia or the news outlets seems to be covering the tragic and swift collapse of Venezuela.” He explains that what is happening on the streets of Caracas should be “deeply embarrassing to the American left.” So they pretend it isn’t happening.

The New American has been following the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela for years, but it shouldn't come as a surprise that other media aren't. Recently the magazine noted the bias the media has against the Trump administration as documented by Thomas Patterson, Harvard University’s professor of government and the press, and author of “News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days.” He said that the mainstream media coverage has “set … new standard for unfavorable press coverage of a president,” adding that “negative news reports outpaced positive ones by 80 percent to 20 percent.… In no week did the coverage drop below 70 percent negative, and it reached 90 percent negative at its peak.”

With Trump it’s “fake news” but with Venezuela there’s “no news” at all.

Source: Media Ignores Ongoing Socialist Disaster Unfolding in Venezuela


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