Media Outraged By Hannity Talk Of Assassination!!! Illegal!!!!!

Sooo.....yesterday the DNC's house organ and public relations agent, the Washington Post was incensed that TV host Sean Hannity suggested killing Putin....

Hannity can certainly articulate any opinion he wants.

And there is a lot to be said on both sides of this question, what's amusing is how Bezos' is having such a conniption with the Great America.

The libs would have attacked Hannity if he said "nyet" to assassinating Uncle Pooty to, saying he was "soft on Russia".

Sean was damned by Bezos either way on this topic.

Yet there was no public outcry about Obama dropping a bomb on Gadaffi's head without declaring war on Libya.


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The American public just doesn't understand what is afoot here, how the Russian leader told mocking, condescending democrats for nearly 15 years that Ukraine was his red line, and unlike Obama, and the psychopathic Biden, Putin as it turns out, was dead fucking serious! I did not want Ukraine subjected to this invasion, but that ship has sailed from port, Putin has a massive trump card to hold against the totally decadent, depraved self-appointed US ruling class, he has the undeniable capability to annihilate the entire continental USA, along with the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and virtually everyone else in Europe.

This is the price of the utterly depraved conduct of democrats these last 6-years, who are now revealed to be all but ludicrously impotent against the Russian war machine.... Trump showed respect for Russia and Putin as any decent man or women should have, more importantly he overtly objected to extending Nato membership to the obscenely corrupt Ukraine, that is why Putin took no actions against Ukraine whilst Trump was in office, there was no threat of them joining Nato. I can absolutely assure you, everyone of you, that the very moment Putin knew for certain that Biden had been successfully cheated into office, this invasion was written in stone!
Putin is a war criminal...we either deal with that or surrender to it...if he pulls this off what makes anyone think he will stop at Ukraine... once he has Russian bases in the Ukraine... he will take a NATO nation next... he will still have what do we do then?... just back down?.....

This is why we should never elect anyone who Via his family has filled their bank account with millions from tyrants....
Putin would have never done this while Trump were president...dems have gotten rich from Russian oligarchs and this is why Putin only moves when they are in the white house....
Sooo.....yesterday the DNC's house organ and public relations agent, the Washington Post was incensed that TV host Sean Hannity suggested killing Putin....

"Sean Hannity suggested assassinating Putin. Experts say that’s illegal — and a bad strategy.

Rachel VanLandingham, a professor and national security law expert at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, told The Washington Post that while it’s “understandable to want such a war criminal off the world’s stage,” killing Putin would be a bad idea for several reasons. First, she said, assassinating the Russian leader would be unlawful and “plain old murder”.....

As soon as that fake commission becomes tiredi of trying claim Trump organized some insurrection or other, they could start on charging Hannity.

Remember all those outraged articles in the WaPo about Obama having an actual assassination list.....and he did.....

The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians. though he had been issued a permit by Lucifer himself.

The media......the most corrupt institution in America.....followed by the Democrat Party.
They were fine though with Madonna wanting to blow up the White House with Trump in it!
Welcome to the discussions. I'm anxious to hear some of your own ideas and a little less copy and paste of ideas that you don't understand yourself.

Dirty Secret... PC is actually a computer program that randomly spams USMB with Cut and Paste examples of her number pointed "intellect".

She never directly addresses responses made to her.
Hey, daveman, here's another Right Winger who loves him some Putin..

The American public just doesn't understand what is afoot here, how the Russian leader told mocking, condescending democrats for nearly 15 years that Ukraine was his red line, and unlike Obama, and the psychopathic Biden, Putin as it turns out, was dead fucking serious! I did not want Ukraine subjected to this invasion, but that ship has sailed from port, Putin has a massive trump card to hold against the totally decadent, depraved self-appointed US ruling class, he has the undeniable capability to annihilate the entire continental USA, along with the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and virtually everyone else in Europe.
Um, okay. Except he gets annihilated, too. So that's not much of a Trump card. Considering the people around him are probably even less keen on dying, this would be unlikely.

The only reason why Putin is going after the Ukraine now is because dissent at home has increased in the last few years as his economic and Covid policies have failed. He also realized that the damage Trump did to America's alliances are under repair by Biden, and this was probably his best shot. The problem is, his invasion is failing miserably as the Army is bogged down and the conscripts are not that keen on throwing their lives away.

This is the price of the utterly depraved conduct of democrats these last 6-years, who are now revealed to be all but ludicrously impotent against the Russian war machine.... Trump showed respect for Russia and Putin as any decent man or women should have, more importantly he overtly objected to extending Nato membership to the obscenely corrupt Ukraine, that is why Putin took no actions against Ukraine whilst Trump was in office, there was no threat of them joining Nato. I can absolutely assure you, everyone of you, that the very moment Putin knew for certain that Biden had been successfully cheated into office, this invasion was written in stone!

So you are pretty much admitting that Trump was Putin's stooge?

you forgot to mention the over 200 Russians killed in Syria buy US forces when Trump was POTUS .
And, one more factoid for you to jot down:

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Flashback: Pelosi Said Obama Did Not Need Authorization to Attack Libya

Flashback: Pelosi Said Obama Did Not Need Authorization to Attack Libya
and Obama and Biden were very very friendly with China and Russia !
Hey, daveman, here's another Right Winger who loves him some Putin..

Um, okay. Except he gets annihilated, too. So that's not much of a Trump card. Considering the people around him are probably even less keen on dying, this would be unlikely.

The only reason why Putin is going after the Ukraine now is because dissent at home has increased in the last few years as his economic and Covid policies have failed. He also realized that the damage Trump did to America's alliances are under repair by Biden, and this was probably his best shot. The problem is, his invasion is failing miserably as the Army is bogged down and the conscripts are not that keen on throwing their lives away.

So you are pretty much admitting that Trump was Putin's stooge?
Hey, daveman, here's another Right Winger who loves him some Putin..

Um, okay. Except he gets annihilated, too. So that's not much of a Trump card. Considering the people around him are probably even less keen on dying, this would be unlikely.

The only reason why Putin is going after the Ukraine now is because dissent at home has increased in the last few years as his economic and Covid policies have failed. He also realized that the damage Trump did to America's alliances are under repair by Biden, and this was probably his best shot. The problem is, his invasion is failing miserably as the Army is bogged down and the conscripts are not that keen on throwing their lives away.

So you are pretty much admitting that Trump was Putin's stooge?
Look, you need to get control of your emotions and employ a sober head when attempting to defend abject incompetence, you obviously do not know what you are even blabbering on about, yet inserted self into topic nonetheless. I don't give one rats ass about your feelings, and this is not due to Trump, or his actions, its singularly on Biden, and the democrat party's heads that this has occurred, this is literally irrefutable reality.

Trump made it obvious to the entire world he did not support Ukraine getting into Nato, that was all that Putin cared about and he obviously believed him, but Biden, who is obscenely corrupt, and who was Obama's "point-man" in Ukraine getting into office changed that paradigm to such an untenable extent for Putin that he obviously made mind up to invade Ukraine, and all democrat actions from day Biden was declared president to the day before Putin invaded, served to reinforce Putins resolve, to demonstrate that Biden and his ludicrously incompetent government, were just not serious people!

You want to defend Ukraine, go get your ass over to Ukraine now, they will gladly hand you and AK and some ammo, and you can fight for them, aside from that, its all over and I suggest you turn off your television, because Biden has absolutely no intention of going to war with Russia because they know that Russian war doctrine demands use of nuclear weapons against the US and her Nato allies, you see, Putin knows Biden will not do this, and that is his trump card, Putin will use nukes, Biden will not....
The only trouble with that solution hon, is that another leader for Russia will take Vlad's place who is just as strong and resolute about Russia's security going forward.

In a snap election the Russian people will demand no less, but possibly even more considering it's a time of war against America.

Welcome to the discussions. I'm anxious to hear some of your own ideas and a little less copy and paste of ideas that you don't understand yourself.
No, then the next leader knows he better toe the line, or he will get it also
We can’t go back and put a pillow over the face of baby Putin in the cradle. We can’t kill him after he dies someday down the road.

But now? If he’s to get snuffed at all, now’s a good time. 🍺
The only trouble with that solution hon, is that another leader for Russia will take Vlad's place who is just as strong and resolute about Russia's security going forward.

In a snap election the Russian people will demand no less, but possibly even more considering it's a time of war against America.
And what does this have to do with the OP?

Welcome to the discussions. I'm anxious to hear some of your own ideas and a little less copy and paste of ideas that you don't understand yourself.
it was a thread/post about WAPO going after a media host for something he said, without the copy and paste the cry for "LINLK" and "PROOF" would shread the thread...
...the real problem here seems to have been a lack of comprehension

Shouldn't the Media be more Outraged By Lindsey Graham's Talk Of Assassination?​


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