Media Propaganda


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

Don't be surprised if she turns you in for child abuse. That's what social media will tell her to do.

My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

It is incredibly fair to blame a leader for not leading.
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

It is incredibly fair to blame a leader for not leading.
Don't make me post all the things that the Trump admin has done to mitigate the pandemic. Here's a few:
1. Trump stopped flights from China when Biden called it "racist and xenophobic", Trump save thousands of lives, while Biden would have killed thousands
2. Trump used the DPA to make ventilators when the Obama admin left none in storage
3. Trump had to make PPE for the medical professionals when the Obama admin left none in storage, and had moved the PPE factories to China
4. Trump setup the Task Force that is expediting therapies and vaccines.
5. Trump shutdown the country for a time to slow the pandemic, even as it hurt the economy and his re-election chances

Trump has to slow the pandemic AND keep the US economy from collapsing, he's doing well on both fronts.
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

It is incredibly fair to blame a leader for not leading.

Should have asked what Trump hasn't done. President Trump has achieved amazing things.
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

Don't be surprised if she turns you in for child abuse. That's what social media will tell her to do.

That can happen as our dystopian future unwinds.
It is very disturbing and frustrating to see how corrupted the big tech and networks have become.

They know many Americans are busy with life, and lazy with their information efforts, so it was crafty of them to infiltrate those sources. People now just have to recognize this, and get their mindset right again. The problem is that once they form faulty conclusions, they are not generally apt to flip the script so easily if at all.
I find very disturbing the number of people who oppose our beloved President because they don't like him. I don't like him, but based on his actions I think he is the best President we have had since at least Ronald Reagan, and probably Ike.

Much of the general dislike (but not all) is the constant campaign in the Media to slander him. I won't go into the details but we all know what I'm talking about. They make headline news over something he might have said in a private conversation two years ago - and of course this is not the first time that has occurred in the Media.

Tell your daughter...and everyone else...that some of the greatest leaders in world history have been people who were not very nice or likable. And that had nothing to do with their accomplishments. Joe Biden might be a very nice person (I don't believe that, but I cannot deny the possibility), but that is nor reason to vote for him. The voters have rejected him on at least three earlier occasions, and for very good reasons. But I digress.
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

It is incredibly fair to blame a leader for not leading.

Should have asked what Trump hasn't done. President Trump has achieved amazing things.

He’s amazingly took no responsibility for the 180000 Covid deaths due to his botching The response
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.

It is incredibly fair to blame a leader for not leading.

Should have asked what Trump hasn't done. President Trump has achieved amazing things.

He’s amazingly took no responsibility for the 180000 Covid deaths due to his botching The response

He did take responsibility for saving two million Americans.

Have the dem leaders yet accepted the responsibility of overwhelming number of covid deaths? Cuomo took responsibility for slaughtering the elders?
The latest litmus test for Leftist idiocy: Claiming Trump is responsible for every Covid 19 death.

T.D.S. lives!
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.
What you should tell your daughter is that everyone who has an issue with our leader should consider themselves lucky that he does anything.

God bless you and your daughter and our leader always!!!


P.S. My only question for those who take issue with our leader is this one, "If you think that too many blanks have been untouched, why not try to fill them in yourself? In other words, why not get up off the keister and do what you can so that one person alone isn't buried alive by everything known to man?"
My 12 year old granddaughter evoked 'orange man bad' because her social media told her that Trump was 'bad.' I asked her what he did that was bad and she said, "It's what he hasn't done".....I said that wasn't fair....and 'How would you like me to define YOU by what I say you haven't done?" I got the 'deer in the headlights' stare. "Then silence.......I sincerely hope she is thinking about that.
Well he hasn't bothered to be a leader. Instead he's settled for shit stirring and bad mouthing folks.

tRump is a loser.
The President of the United States visits Kenosha Wi and the media calls it divisive. The former vice president visits the same city and the media calls it unifying. How can Trump win?

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