Media reaction to Clinton Cash devastating


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
The MSM sharks smell blood in the water and the SS Clinton is taking on water.

On Sunday, journalists and political analysts across the ideological spectrum blasted Hillary and Bill Clinton’s actions as revealed in the forthcoming bombshell book all of Washington is buzzing about, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

Fresh off the heels of the White House Correspondents’ dinner Saturday night, Sunday’s political shows were flooded with commentary on Clinton Cash.

Here are some highlights (all emphases added):

Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin: The Clinton Cash revelations are“extraordinarily serious,” said Halperin. “Here’s why you know this is serious because any Democrat, almost any Democrat, who is not on the Clinton’s payroll will tell reporters and others that these are serious issues, forget the politics. These are serious issues… All these donors who gave, and all these people who paid President Clinton to give speeches, what kind of communication did they have with people in the government? That may not be a quid pro quo, but everybody knows that a lot of those donations were from people who wanted access to the Clintons.”

National Journal’s Ron Fournier: “You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorists here, Chris, to know the foreign companies hope to buy influence. You don’t have to be a lawyer to know that they violated ethics laws. You don’t have to be an historian to know they have the history of having an ethical blind spot. You don’t have to be a political scientist to know this has the potential as president and if she becomes president, trust we have in a leader. This is very bad politics. This is very bad governance.”

Media Issue Devastating Reactions to Hillary s Clinton Cash Revelations - Breitbart
The MSM sharks smell blood in the water and the SS Clinton is taking on water.

On Sunday, journalists and political analysts across the ideological spectrum blasted Hillary and Bill Clinton’s actions as revealed in the forthcoming bombshell book all of Washington is buzzing about, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

Fresh off the heels of the White House Correspondents’ dinner Saturday night, Sunday’s political shows were flooded with commentary on Clinton Cash.

Here are some highlights (all emphases added):

Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin: The Clinton Cash revelations are“extraordinarily serious,” said Halperin. “Here’s why you know this is serious because any Democrat, almost any Democrat, who is not on the Clinton’s payroll will tell reporters and others that these are serious issues, forget the politics. These are serious issues… All these donors who gave, and all these people who paid President Clinton to give speeches, what kind of communication did they have with people in the government? That may not be a quid pro quo, but everybody knows that a lot of those donations were from people who wanted access to the Clintons.”

National Journal’s Ron Fournier: “You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorists here, Chris, to know the foreign companies hope to buy influence. You don’t have to be a lawyer to know that they violated ethics laws. You don’t have to be an historian to know they have the history of having an ethical blind spot. You don’t have to be a political scientist to know this has the potential as president and if she becomes president, trust we have in a leader. This is very bad politics. This is very bad governance.”

Media Issue Devastating Reactions to Hillary s Clinton Cash Revelations - Breitbart
No surprise. When anyone is in a position of great power and/or influence, human nature takes over, and self-gratification rules the emotions and desires. Greed, fame, wealth, power, authority, and other human desires, become a tremendous pull on the actions and intentions. I imagine one can find these traits and characteristics among a great many people, especially those in the upper echelon of the political arena.

The Clintons were, and are, well known around the world, and that affords them access to many wealthy and powerful people. So, it's only natural to assume that they have gained tremendous personal benefit from those contacts. This is not uncommon, and is practiced today the same as it has been practiced through man's long history on this Earth. And, we may be saying all of these things about the Obamas one day in the not too distant future.
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If Ms Clinton becomes clearly disqualified so early in the game, who benefits most, especially what other potential candidate(s)? Could it be someone outside the two party dictatorship?
If Ms Clinton becomes clearly disqualified so early in the game, who benefits most, especially what other potential candidate(s)? Could it be someone outside the two party dictatorship?
Right off-hand, I'd say that the American people would benefit the most.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
With the monopoly she seems to have had on the Democratic nomination, might this not encourage an 'equine of sombre color' to emerge?
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
Good morning, Free Shit Marxist!
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
Good morning, Free Shit Marxist!
Good morning idiot who doesn't know what solidarity is.
Solidarity for me is a firm stool.
As usual the Righties take a bit of truth and turn it into a complete falsehood , so many knuckleheads fall for it every time because they don't want to study the whole story for themselves.
The big bucks of the Koch brothers is what got this book out, they must be worried.

As usual the Righties take a bit of truth and turn it into a complete falsehood , so many knuckleheads fall for it every time because they don't want to study the whole story for themselves.
The big bucks of the Koch brothers is what got this book out, they must be worried.


So all the sudden the media woke up? Good grief, you can't be this stupid
Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes

SCHWEIZER: And I think the evidence here is far more widespread in terms of repeated action than there were in those two instances.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, the Clinton campaign says you haven’t produced a shred of evidence that there was any official action as secretary that — that supported the interests of donors.

Whole interview is below~

Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes
As usual the Righties take a bit of truth and turn it into a complete falsehood , so many knuckleheads fall for it every time because they don't want to study the whole story for themselves.
The big bucks of the Koch brothers is what got this book out, they must be worried.


So all the sudden the media woke up? Good grief, you can't be this stupid
He can and has been for years.

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