Media reaction to Clinton Cash devastating

Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels
The left are so envious they will kiss your billfold for a donation. Before you take it from your pocket.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels
I believe in solidarity, and I won't hear the bullshit about the rich not helping others because they "earned it off their own broken backs" or some bullshit. Hard work, if hard work meant everyone could become CEOS, bankers, the world would be run by South African miners, the construction worker.. The great problem with your statement is, only a minority can ever be capitalists. Period.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes

SCHWEIZER: And I think the evidence here is far more widespread in terms of repeated action than there were in those two instances.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, the Clinton campaign says you haven’t produced a shred of evidence that there was any official action as secretary that — that supported the interests of donors.

Whole interview is below~

Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, over and over and over, for over 20 years, it's a fucking duck.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.
Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes

SCHWEIZER: And I think the evidence here is far more widespread in terms of repeated action than there were in those two instances.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, the Clinton campaign says you haven’t produced a shred of evidence that there was any official action as secretary that — that supported the interests of donors.

Whole interview is below~

Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, over and over and over, for over 20 years, it's a fucking duck.

And this is how Fox gets their news stories by watching ducks...0 evidendence just Duck Shit
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
And when I refer to the rich, I mean the top 0.1% in reference to America.
Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes

SCHWEIZER: And I think the evidence here is far more widespread in terms of repeated action than there were in those two instances.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, the Clinton campaign says you haven’t produced a shred of evidence that there was any official action as secretary that — that supported the interests of donors.

Whole interview is below~

Clinton Cash Crushed By Facts As Author Admits He Has No Evidence Of Clinton Crimes
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, over and over and over, for over 20 years, it's a fucking duck.

And this is how Fox gets their news stories by watching ducks...0 evidendence just Duck Shit
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.

Hey blow it out your ass okay. You repeatedly broad brush 'capitalists' as criminals without ever providing any evidence to back up your ridiculous accusations. This makes you look like a moron.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..

thats funny, the Clintons have as much money as the Romneys. Soros is obscenely rich, the dem/libs in hollywood are all excessively rich. Under obozo there are more americans below the poverty level than ever before.

In short, you are full of shit.
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.
Gtfo with your bullshit. There are prisons FULL of POOR criminals.

You are just a jealous BUM
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.

Hey blow it out your ass okay. You repeatedly broad brush 'capitalists' as criminals without ever providing any evidence to back up your ridiculous accusations. This makes you look like a moron.
I'll use the same standard that the black book of communism uses...
The White Book of Capitalism US
That's just America. Let's not forget 2008...
Dem's taught their base to hate the rich, I guess their chickens are coming home to roost.
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.
Gtfo with your bullshit. There are prisons FULL of POOR criminals.

You are just a jealous BUM
Yeah, you might wonder why those in poverty resort to crime.. Tell me more About all of the billionaires who stole and ruined lives in jail..
I don't think democrats hate the rich, they hate rampant inequality, stagnant wages when most income goes to the top/when productivity is high, when the rich have failed to provide for the poor..
It is not the job of the rich to provide for the poor. It is the job of the poor to better their own lives via hard work and HELP if people choose to offer it.
And you are correct, the rich are not hated by the left. They are envied to absurd levels

No they teach their base to hate the rich, they paint the rich as evil criminals. Consider the rhetoric, the rich don't pay their fair share. That suggests they are doing something illegal, somehow cheating on paying their fair share of taxes. A whopper lie when you consider the 1% now pay 50% of the fucking taxes. The rich are taking advantage of workers by underpaying them. Again the rich are doing something underhanded. Its not that they were just lucky and got rich, they got rich on the backs of the workers. The workers are not getting their fair share and on and on.

When you foment hate, envy, and division it may come back to bite you on the ass.
Well, quite a few capitalists are criminals... By any means. One can't forget that fuckers can steal billions, get away with it, and a homeless man gets 15 years for stealing $100 and apologizing. None the less, the rich really don't pay their fair share based on the corporate welfare, the tax cuts always being pushed for them, the evasion.. And consider how much of the wealth they actually own.. We once had massive taxes on the rich and we did just fine, much better then now, and the "job creators" weren't shutting down everything. The rich are underpaying workers, that's a fact, next. Yeah. I'm sure the majority of rich people in America these days got rich doing construction or actual labor that matters.
Gtfo with your bullshit. There are prisons FULL of POOR criminals.

You are just a jealous BUM
Yeah, you might wonder why those in poverty resort to crime.. Tell me more About all of the billionaires who stole and ruined lives in jail..

Madoff is in jail, Ken Lay is dead. Rich crooks get whats coming to them just like poor crooks.

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