Media told Glenn beck was crazy and Muslim brother hood would not go to Egypt over

True. I should have said 'Free Elections' to appoint a leader...

I don't trust the Brotherhood, they are already calling for better relations with Iran. Now that they are in power you can forget about any future elections in that country.

I agree. I don't either. Their sole purpose is to re-establish the Caliphate.

It's in thier creed. Same as Iran.

Thanks, Droog.
Morsi resigned from the Brotherhood after being elected.

He just announced that he is appointing a women and a Christian as two of his VPs.

Did Morsi denounce the Brotherhood? hmmmm?
LOLOL, he predicted that Hillary Clinton would get into the 2012 presidential race.

“I want to make sure that I’m clearly on the record with this prediction. Are you ready? Hillary Clinton is going to reluctantly get into the race for 2012,” Glenn said.

“Amazing Prediction”: Hillary Clinton for President in 2012? – Glenn Beck

We haven't hit November yet, either. Get back to me on that one.


Don't be an asshole. There's no need for another rightwing asshole around here.

If pointing out that 'the accuracy of a prediction cannot be judged until AFTER the event' makes me an asshole, then I shall wear the moniker with pride!

In the meantime I thought you might like to point out any of his predictions that have been wrong. I mean, I'm not trying to say that the guy is prophetic, I'm sure examples of his errors are plentiful and readily available. Since it is your premise that his 'abilities' are nothing more than mere chance, wouldn't it be your responsibility to illustate it with an example or two?
I don't trust the Brotherhood, they are already calling for better relations with Iran. Now that they are in power you can forget about any future elections in that country.

I agree. I don't either. Their sole purpose is to re-establish the Caliphate.

It's in thier creed. Same as Iran.

Thanks, Droog.

Don't be an asshole. There's no need for another rightwing asshole around here.


From your link...
What I’m about to tell you nobody else is going to tell you. Honestly, it gave me great pause today, because it’s verging on the edge of insanity. It really is. With that being said, the source is so good there’s no way I can’t tell you this news.

Let me make this clear. This is not my theory, and I hope that it’s wrong. Princeton University’s Professor Bernard Lewis, this guy, look him up. He has been called the most influential post-war historian of Islam and the Middle East. He is suggesting that Iran’s Islamic end-of-times prophecies could be fulfilled on August 22nd. This August 22nd, 13 days from now.

We haven't hit November yet, either. Get back to me on that one.


Don't be an asshole. There's no need for another rightwing asshole around here.

If pointing out that 'the accuracy of a prediction cannot be judged until AFTER the event' makes me an asshole, then I shall wear the moniker with pride!

In the meantime I thought you might like to point out any of his predictions that have been wrong. I mean, I'm not trying to say that the guy is prophetic, I'm sure examples of his errors are plentiful and readily available. Since it is your premise that his 'abilities' are nothing more than mere chance, wouldn't it be your responsibility to illustate it with an example or two?

You're an asshole for refusing to acknowledge that there is no chance within any measure of ratiional reasonable doubt that Hillary Clinton is running for president this year.

As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.
Don't be an asshole. There's no need for another rightwing asshole around here.

If pointing out that 'the accuracy of a prediction cannot be judged until AFTER the event' makes me an asshole, then I shall wear the moniker with pride!

In the meantime I thought you might like to point out any of his predictions that have been wrong. I mean, I'm not trying to say that the guy is prophetic, I'm sure examples of his errors are plentiful and readily available. Since it is your premise that his 'abilities' are nothing more than mere chance, wouldn't it be your responsibility to illustate it with an example or two?

You're an asshole for refusing to acknowledge that there is no chance within any measure of ratiional reasonable doubt that Hillary Clinton is running for president this year.

As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.

The most shocking predictions of history are the one's that astound the oddsmakers the most.

ETA: And I'm still not trying to say that Beck is the next Kreskin, I'm just wanting you to provide evidence of your assertion.
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Morsi resigned from the Brotherhood after being elected.

He just announced that he is appointing a women and a Christian as two of his VPs.


[ame=]Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube[/ame]
As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.

He has been right about a Hell of alot more than that.

All ya have to do in order to predict the outcome of todays politics is have a small amount of common sense.

The left is lacking in this ingredient. You guys, the left, are too interested rewriting history.
Morsi resigned from the Brotherhood after being elected.

He just announced that he is appointing a women and a Christian as two of his VPs.


[ame=""]Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich Agreement - YouTube[/ame]

Idiot leftists/progressives fall for this shit again. Could it be that they are forcing history to repeat?
As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.

He has been right about a Hell of alot more than that.

All ya have to do in order to predict the outcome of todays politics is have a small amount of common sense.

The left is lacking in this ingredient. You guys, the left, are too interested rewriting history.

The ingredient they miss is the History that they continually revise...until the sad lessons have to be retaught at the expense of millions.
Anyone who is a student of history, pays attention to current events, knows what the Egyptian people are like and what the Brotherhood is about could have predicted this. The people that thought the Egyptians would adopt Thomas Jefferson style democracy don't know anything about the Egyptian people or Islam.
If pointing out that 'the accuracy of a prediction cannot be judged until AFTER the event' makes me an asshole, then I shall wear the moniker with pride!

In the meantime I thought you might like to point out any of his predictions that have been wrong. I mean, I'm not trying to say that the guy is prophetic, I'm sure examples of his errors are plentiful and readily available. Since it is your premise that his 'abilities' are nothing more than mere chance, wouldn't it be your responsibility to illustate it with an example or two?

You're an asshole for refusing to acknowledge that there is no chance within any measure of ratiional reasonable doubt that Hillary Clinton is running for president this year.

As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.

The most shocking predictions of history are the one's that astound the oddsmakers the most.

ETA: And I'm still not trying to say that Beck is the next Kreskin, I'm just wanting you to provide evidence of your assertion.

Beaner?? Beaner?? Where'd you go, Beaner??
Beckbots! Thank god Pubs are out of power! The Arab Spring would have been a few articles about 30 rioters killed in Tunisia, on p.8. They just love dictators...
As to Beck's abilities,

no one has actually demonstrated his predictive abilities. He called the Egyptian election?

50% of chickens pecking at 2 differently colored buttons would have called the Egyptian election.

He has been right about a Hell of alot more than that.

All ya have to do in order to predict the outcome of todays politics is have a small amount of common sense.

The left is lacking in this ingredient. You guys, the left, are too interested rewriting history.

When has he been right when most people were wrong?

Give me 20 examples.
Anyone who is a student of history, pays attention to current events, knows what the Egyptian people are like and what the Brotherhood is about could have predicted this. The people that thought the Egyptians would adopt Thomas Jefferson style democracy don't know anything about the Egyptian people or Islam.

Indeed...and have forgotten Jefferson and his response to the 'Barbary Pirates'...

And nor should we tolerate then NOW.

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