Media told Glenn beck was crazy and Muslim brother hood would not go to Egypt over

Beck is a delusional idiot. One quote alone in his long list of lies addressing the thread topic:

"… The Muslim BrotherHood, Iran, China, communists, you got the unions, you got the students, you got Hollywood, You have Chavez, you’ve got Castro, you’ve got Van Jones, I could go on and on.
Who’s calling for a republic? Well, there’s ME, and…… YOU.
See the problem? Democracy means one man, one vote. Sure, it SOUNDS great but when you have powerful people organizing for America, for Egypt, for Madison, for the unions, it means mob rule."

The Beckster is doing his classic 6 degrees of Kevin bacon to spread his propaganda that the muslim brotherhood, hollywood, students, unions, democrats, etc all equal = communists, castro, chavez, that are for mob rule, riots in the streets, and that we all are going to die, unless we buy Beck's books and a food insurance backpack.

And exactly WHAT abut this statement is false?

I see you loaded up on Beck's books, food insurance, and his magic underwear, that must be why you haven't been lynched by now :eusa_hand: :cuckoo:

Is this what passes for a direct answer?

Deflect much?
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!

Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!

Oh...and SILVER...

the EU is about to fold like the house of cards it is...the dominoes will fall our direction.

I'm vested and ready...are YOU?
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?
Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!

Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Glenn Beck every day says something is "ScaaaarRRRy" or "SpooOOkkKYY" that is coming to break into your house at night, and the only thing that will save us is buying food insurance and his books.

He makes a living sucking the most ignorant fools dry, good for him :tongue:

Gold, don't forget gold!

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.
Unreal the liberals still think these people are like them they just need more patience.....Morons.
Gold, don't forget gold!

Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Gold, don't forget gold!

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?
Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said he was responsible. But he was a major shill to gold companies that were very scandalous.
Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?

If this was ANY issue for Beck? he would have dropped them...

AS a subscriber to GBTV (Which I highly recommend)?

Mr. Beck still accepts them as a sponsor.

Nothing to see here my friend. Cowpie is sniffing his own cowpies, overcome with methane, and isn't worth engaging.
Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?

No he's implying something other that that, it's big it's a conspiracy if he can prove it.
Goldline cause the gold rush of 2010
It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?

No he's implying something other that that, it's big it's a conspiracy if he can prove it.
Goldline cause the gold rush of 2010

They're selling Silver too...:eusa_whistle:
It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Are you saying that Glenn Beck wrote and/or approved of their deceptive sales practices? I think all Glenn did was make some commercials for them, how does that make him responsible?

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said he was responsible. But he was a major shill to gold companies that were very scandalous.

If, as you say, he was NOT responsible, what point are you trying to make by bringing it up?
Gold, don't forget gold!

Glenn Beck's investment tip to buy gold turned out to be eerily accurate following the stock crash on Monday: as U.S. stocks flounder, gold rose to a record high, and appears to be the most coveted commodity on the market today.

So Glenn Beck was right about gold | The Vancouver Observer

Gold, don't forget gold!

Let's see... Glenn started touting gold back when it was about $500 an ounce. How's that working out for the folks that listened to him?

It appears you idiots know nothing about Goldline.

Goldline cause the worlds gold market to surge?
No I think the devalued dollar had something to do with that, more precisely obama fucked up policy
Unreal the liberals still think these people are like them they just need more patience.....Morons.

Yeah back on topic. Liberals DEFEND Sharia...Muslim Theocracy...but denounce an effort to appease.

Too bad that IF the Caliphate should ever take hold?

Statists/liberals will be the FIRST to be executed.
No he's implying something other that that, it's big it's a conspiracy if he can prove it.
Goldline cause the gold rush of 2010

They're selling Silver too...:eusa_whistle:

OMG they'll blame beck for this.

Sure. The EU house of cards is about to crash...WE will be next...Our dollar is already about worthless...(been to the grocery store lately)?

Mr. Beck is telling people to be ready as QE III goes in full force.
Anyone who is a student of history, pays attention to current events, knows what the Egyptian people are like and what the Brotherhood is about could have predicted this. The people that thought the Egyptians would adopt Thomas Jefferson style democracy don't know anything about the Egyptian people or Islam.

Indeed...and have forgotten Jefferson and his response to the 'Barbary Pirates'...

And nor should we tolerate then NOW.

There's a big difference between a sovereign nation choosing their leadership and the Barbary Pirates who were attacking vessels in the seas.

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