Median household income raises under Pres. Obama.


Gee, at some point we might actually get back to where we were in 1998.

Bush really hurt us. So did Wall Street, but then you know that.

Thanks for admitting Obama had eight years to make a recovery and failed. We had higher incomes and that was without inflation adjustments. Wall Street is a friend to all leading presidential candidates.

Really you want higher incomes, good luck with that. Trump group is going to keep your incomes down, maybe lower than what you make now, and better bennies, don't count on it.
Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.

Agreed. No one has done anything meaningful about healthcare in this society, and it will never come from this power structure/system.

Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.
Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.

Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

If you have, you know that entire system ison a downward spiral, the "job creator" class is moving that off their books in a steady progression.

Gee, at some point we might actually get back to where we were in 1998.

Bush really hurt us. So did Wall Street, but then you know that.

Thanks for admitting Obama had eight years to make a recovery and failed. We had higher incomes and that was without inflation adjustments. Wall Street is a friend to all leading presidential candidates.

Really you want higher incomes, good luck with that. Trump group is going to keep your incomes down, maybe lower than what you make now, and better bennies, don't count on it.

The march is about a half century old now.
Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.

Agreed. No one has done anything meaningful about healthcare in this society, and it will never come from this power structure/system.

Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.
Paying $400-$500 a month for a $7000 deductible individual plan is not insurance. It is a donation.

Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

If you have, you know that entire system ison a downward spiral, the "job creator" class is moving that off their books in a steady progression.

Yes and expect to perhaps get a job under Trump but it will be for lower wages and less bennies. The elites rather have robots and self driving semi. Have we not leaned anything about what has happened, the corps want slave labor, which is why they are in Mexico now.

Gee, at some point we might actually get back to where we were in 1998.

Bush really hurt us. So did Wall Street, but then you know that.

Thanks for admitting Obama had eight years to make a recovery and failed. We had higher incomes and that was without inflation adjustments. Wall Street is a friend to all leading presidential candidates.

Really you want higher incomes, good luck with that. Trump group is going to keep your incomes down, maybe lower than what you make now, and better bennies, don't count on it.

The march is about a half century old now.

They need workers more than you need them.

Gee, at some point we might actually get back to where we were in 1998.

Bush really hurt us. So did Wall Street, but then you know that.

Thanks for admitting Obama had eight years to make a recovery and failed. We had higher incomes and that was without inflation adjustments. Wall Street is a friend to all leading presidential candidates.

Really you want higher incomes, good luck with that. Trump group is going to keep your incomes down, maybe lower than what you make now, and better bennies, don't count on it.

The march is about a half century old now.

They need workers more than you need them.

True, but that is why the masses must be kept constantly at odds with each other.
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.

Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.
Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.

My God you are dumb.
Obamacare plans are the worst out there. SO please tel me how terrible, expensive - near collapse plans are the best plan to address ever decreasing plans when Obamacare is the most decreased benefit plans on the market!!

What a sheep.
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.

Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.
And many that can't afford it. You left that part out. Liberals think people start businesses to provide jobs. Your product or services are only worth so much, where's the extra money supposed to come from?
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.

Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.
And many that can't afford it. You left that part out. Liberals think people start businesses to provide jobs. Your product or services are only worth so much, where's the extra money supposed to come from?

More people are signing up this year, and the biggest increase in is the southern states like Texas and Fl. This is where more work needs to be done on it, we need medication caps and services caps. Obamas admitted it needs work, not repeal but more work. If those Pubs repeal it and not put something in its place, they will be gone in 2018.
Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.

My God you are dumb.
Obamacare plans are the worst out there. SO please tel me how terrible, expensive - near collapse plans are the best plan to address ever decreasing plans when Obamacare is the most decreased benefit plans on the market!!

What a sheep.

Maybe in your state, look at your lawmakers, in MI its working well.
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.

Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.
And many that can't afford it. You left that part out. Liberals think people start businesses to provide jobs. Your product or services are only worth so much, where's the extra money supposed to come from?

No people start businesses to make money, not to provide jobs. Well if you truly can't afford it and if your state expanded Medicaid or has another state plan sign up for that.

Michigan has Healthy MI plan.
Well heres a thought, go out and get a job that has health insurance.

Well here's a thought...employer provided plans have been getting more and more expensive with ever decreasing coverage. A great deal of them are no better than Obamacare.
You said - "more people insured than before" - which is a lie. It doesn't matter who provides it - a $7000 deductible plan is NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. At best it is catastrophic care, and not even a very good one at that.

Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.
And many that can't afford it. You left that part out. Liberals think people start businesses to provide jobs. Your product or services are only worth so much, where's the extra money supposed to come from?

No people start businesses to make money, not to provide jobs. Well if you truly can't afford it and if your state expanded Medicaid or has another state plan sign up for that.

Michigan has Healthy MI plan.
They'll help you pay for all your employees? Health insurance is a huge expense.
Healthy Michigan Plan - Who is eligible

Mi did not expand Medicaid and instead got a waiver to start their own plan. Not sure how long it will last. We have a gov vote coming in 2018 and we can't let the GOP candidate who is the ATTY Gen now get it.
and more people have health insurance, and we have cleaner air and water. We still have high class divide which has become higher and higher each year, but you have not seen anything yet with Trump and his rich buddies. Only China has less Billionaires than the US, and many of them are in Wash DC now.

They are like a virus, sucking the middle income dry, living off of us, demand higher wages, demand benefits, demand retirement funds, encourage Mexicans to demand higher wages. They need workers to feed their pocket books, do not let them take completely over.

MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME: 2014–2015 NATIONAL AND STATE COMPARISON Real median household income in the United States showed a statistically significant increase between the 2014 ACS and the 2015 ACS.5 The 2015 U.S. median household income was $55,775, 3.8 percent higher than the 2014 median (see Table 1). This was the third consecutive year with a statistically significant increase in the national median household income.

State income estimates from the 2015 ACS ranged from $75,847 in Maryland to $40,593 in Mississippi (see Figure 1).6 Median household income was lower than the U.S. median in 26 states and higher than the U.S. median in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Rhode Island ($58,073), Vermont ($56,990), Pennsylvania ($55,702), Texas ($55,653), Wisconsin ($55,638), and Nebraska ($54,996) had median household


Income Inequality The Gini index for the United States in the 2015 ACS (0.482) was significantly higher than in the 2014 ACS (0.480). This increase suggests that income inequality increased across the country. The Gini index for the 2015 ACS increased in eight states. Connecticut was the only state to have a decrease in the Gini index. The remaining 41 states and the District of Columbia showed no statistically significant change between the 2014 ACS and the

And all it took was $9.2 trillion added to the national debt.

To bail out wall street.

TARP was repaid. The US Treasury made over $70 billion in profit.

Try again?
Obamacare takes away the freedom of someone choosing whether or not they want to pay for healthcare coverage. America is supposed to be a free market economy and also a free country, so if I don't want to pay for healthcare, I shouldn't receive a $760 fine that comes out of my tax return because the idiot president we have now wanted to write up his law that way. I'm so glad the majority of the congress of 2009-2012 was kicked out of office in favor of a group that blocks most of what Obama tried to do because Obamacare is evidence that the president has no idea what he's doing. Obama basically sat on his ass and accomplished nothing over the final four years of his presidency because the current congress hates his guts.

Household incomes were probably near record lows coming out of a recession, you know, when Obama took over the presidency from Bush. It's pretty easy to improve an economy that's already at rock bottom, and yes, that includes raising average household incomes.

I'll tell you what Obama has done over the last eight years though --

1) Created a nation that's more divided than ever when it comes to race and sexual orientation (or gender).
2) Provided us with a failing healthcare law that will be repealed.
3) Embarrass himself by publicly stating he doesn't know how to save those Indiana Carrier jobs that Trump saved.
4) Embarrass himself by showing his bias towards Hillary Clinton and assuming she'll be the next president.
5) Lacking the ability to improve the economy enough to where it still took the fed seven years to raise rates.
6) Give to the non-working person with funds created by the taxpayers taken from the hard working person.
7) Provided moronic department of justice employees that constantly embarrass themselves in front of congress.
8) Increase the national debt beyond repair.
9) Appointed a moronic AG.

But hey, Penelope, he's a GREAT president. *sarcasm* And you're nothing but a clown liberal.
Which is why we need the ACA. Employers are not going to cost share ins. without being told to. Some are, there are some companies that do care about their employees.

My God you are dumb.
Obamacare plans are the worst out there. SO please tel me how terrible, expensive - near collapse plans are the best plan to address ever decreasing plans when Obamacare is the most decreased benefit plans on the market!!

What a sheep.

Maybe in your state, look at your lawmakers, in MI its working well.
Near 'Collapse,' Minnesota to Raise Obamacare Rates by Half ...
Sep 30, 2016 - Of the about 70,000 people who had insurance on the Obamacare markets this year, 63 percent got subsidies last year, according to the commissioner's office. Minnesota State House Speaker Kurt Daudt, a Republican, said the rate increases, along with allowing some insurers to limit enrollment, were creating a crisis.
and more people have health insurance, and we have cleaner air and water. We still have high class divide which has become higher and higher each year, but you have not seen anything yet with Trump and his rich buddies. Only China has less Billionaires than the US, and many of them are in Wash DC now.

They are like a virus, sucking the middle income dry, living off of us, demand higher wages, demand benefits, demand retirement funds, encourage Mexicans to demand higher wages. They need workers to feed their pocket books, do not let them take completely over.

MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME: 2014–2015 NATIONAL AND STATE COMPARISON Real median household income in the United States showed a statistically significant increase between the 2014 ACS and the 2015 ACS.5 The 2015 U.S. median household income was $55,775, 3.8 percent higher than the 2014 median (see Table 1). This was the third consecutive year with a statistically significant increase in the national median household income.

State income estimates from the 2015 ACS ranged from $75,847 in Maryland to $40,593 in Mississippi (see Figure 1).6 Median household income was lower than the U.S. median in 26 states and higher than the U.S. median in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Rhode Island ($58,073), Vermont ($56,990), Pennsylvania ($55,702), Texas ($55,653), Wisconsin ($55,638), and Nebraska ($54,996) had median household


Income Inequality The Gini index for the United States in the 2015 ACS (0.482) was significantly higher than in the 2014 ACS (0.480). This increase suggests that income inequality increased across the country. The Gini index for the 2015 ACS increased in eight states. Connecticut was the only state to have a decrease in the Gini index. The remaining 41 states and the District of Columbia showed no statistically significant change between the 2014 ACS and the

But what if they are Jewish?

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