Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

It's beyond you,move along.

Funny, I don't have trouble understanding most of the rightwing retards around here;

maybe you should strive to bring yourself up to that level of communication skill.

You are an idiot, no more, no less.
You are not now nor ever have been worth my to communication you should probably pay more attention to what you respond to.

Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........

I UNDERSTAND that you like black jizz but him being black was never going to make him a good president.
It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.

So you think you're not like Republicans, but you are like libertarians? That's classic. You're an authoritarian leftist, what would we agree on?

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans. Except I mean it. And I'm socially liberal like Democrats. Except I mean it.

- End the minimum wage, abolish social security, medicaid and all other Federal welfare and wealth redistribution schemes, end foreign aid to all countries, eliminate all corporate taxes, require the IRS to show probable cause and get warrants to audit returns, require law enforcement to show probable cause and get warrants to pry into financial records looking for drug money

- End government marriage entirely, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution gambling and end gay sex sodomy laws.

- Slash the budget by 1/3 to 1/2 andmake the military defensie only. Stop being policeman to the world. If someone does attack us, then destroy what they did to us many times over and stop tying our military's hands to do it with stupid State Department rules.

I'll let you answer your own question. What would we agree on. I'll limit it to the things you just mentioned.

Please.....what parts of what you just said do you think you and I agree on?

If you agree with a significant portion of it, why would you possibly support Obama?

Don't want to see where we agree, huh? Too bad.

You want me to jump though hoops, huh? Too bad
It's beyond you,move along.

Funny, I don't have trouble understanding most of the rightwing retards around here;

maybe you should strive to bring yourself up to that level of communication skill.

You are an idiot, no more, no less.
You are not now nor ever have been worth my to communication you should probably pay more attention to what you respond to.

Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

He's President. That follows suit with how Liberals claimed Bush was the cause of economic problem simply because he was President. The problem with lefties is that if something goes well under Obama, he automatically gets credit. However, when something goes poorly, his supporters parrot the blame Bush mantra.
Don't rush, Macky, I know YOU are not an economist. And you sure as hell aren't any good at math.

Since median income was down the same amount under Bush, what's your point?

You can keep spinning it all you want, liar.

$55,589 baby.......has Obama hit $55,589?

That number during Bush's presidency occurred around the top of the real estate bubble.

Do you think maybe that the jobs lost in the real estate industry since then migh impact household income?

And while we're on the subject, do you think that the massive downsizing of government, and the attendant loss of government jobs, might affect household income?

Afterall, that's the conservative dream isn't it? Fewer and fewer government jobs?
....and yet incomes are still down under Obama, LOL
You might want to comprehend it's an open forum, son. I'll speak AT you when I damn well please.

Oooooh! A badass tough guy! We don't have many of those here.

Everyone must seem like a " bad ass" to an effeminate little sissy boy like you kid.

6'2", 220lbs. You bigger?

5'10', Ranger Trained, Ex Champion Wrestler it won't matter.

Haven't we been through this before? You are under 5'9"..and you are now fat. You don't remember?

But dude, you have nothing between your ears.

That's why I fell out of my chair laughing when you compared yourself to Kaz. Kaz is an intellectual. You are an empty suit.

How bout those median incomes???????????????
See if you can spot the trend, brainwashed dumbass:

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg image
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez The White House
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
4 =
4 = FRB Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--September 18 2014
5/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

Overview =
“Unemployment down, jobs up,” President Obama exclaimed, adding gloatingly that "manufacturing growing. Deficits cut by more than half. High School graduation up. College enrollment up. Energy production up.” As Spectator's Ralph Reiland points out, Obamanomics, allegedly batting a thousand - everything that should be up was up and everything that should be down was down. “By every economic measure, we are better off now than we were when I took office,” declared President Obama... so why, if everything is ponies and unicorns, is President Obama's approval rating at record lows. 61% of Americans disapprove of Obama's foreign policy with only 42% approving of the President overall.

With just weeks to the mid-terms, it appears the president is not helping matters for his team (as WaPo shows below)

Perhaps this is why?

Funny, I don't have trouble understanding most of the rightwing retards around here;

maybe you should strive to bring yourself up to that level of communication skill.

You are an idiot, no more, no less.
You are not now nor ever have been worth my to communication you should probably pay more attention to what you respond to.

Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.
How many times you have to be told we're talking about MEDIAN household income????
You are an idiot, no more, no less.
You are not now nor ever have been worth my to communication you should probably pay more attention to what you respond to.

Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.
Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.

U-6 is down along with U-3. That's what I keep pointing out to prove that Econ's thread premise is wrong.
Fine, stop being all talk and put me on ignore then.

Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.
The U-6 is not a measure of unemployment. It is Unemployed plus marginally attached to the labor force plus those working part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus the marginally attached.

To call a measure including people with jobs and people not trying to work as the "actual" unemployment rate defies reason.
Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.
The U-6 is not a measure of unemployment. It is Unemployed plus marginally attached to the labor force plus those working part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus the marginally attached.

To call a measure including people with jobs and people not trying to work as the "actual" unemployment rate defies reason.

Horse Hockey, only in "We must protect Obamaland".

How convenient, you don't want to include underemployment or those who have given up looking.
Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.

U-6 is down along with U-3. That's what I keep pointing out to prove that Econ's thread premise is wrong.

WE ALL KNOW U-6 IS THE REEEEEEEEEEEEEAL UNEMPLOYMENT RATE....JUST AS IT HAS BEEN IN PRIOR ADMINISTRATIONS. And as you know shit-for -brains......that rate is 12%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So saying 12% is down from 13% is stupid.
Last edited:
Pay attention to what you respond to,you look very stupid right now.

Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.
The U-6 is not a measure of unemployment. It is Unemployed plus marginally attached to the labor force plus those working part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus the marginally attached.

To call a measure including people with jobs and people not trying to work as the "actual" unemployment rate defies reason.

You're unbelievable.

Typical big spending, Keynesian trained government statistician.

If someone is part time..................that means they're one foot IN and one foot OUT.

You completely ignore that.

Thanks for telling the public why the U numbers are so jacked.
Just like everything else that's falling apart under Obama......the average person with common sense can see why you number-manipulators lack it!!! The Unemployment rate is perfect example. So is Median income.
Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.
The U-6 is not a measure of unemployment. It is Unemployed plus marginally attached to the labor force plus those working part time for economic reasons as a percent of the labor force plus the marginally attached.

To call a measure including people with jobs and people not trying to work as the "actual" unemployment rate defies reason.

Horse Hockey, only in "We must protect Obamaland".

How convenient, you don't want to include underemployment or those who have given up looking.

U-6 fell, again, in September. If the OP, and you who agree with her, were correct, then U-6 wouldn't have fallen
Why don't you tell us all why Obama is to blame for household income numbers.

What did you respond to lil guy?

6 years,no progress except swelling welfare rolls and non participation in the workforce.
The ACTUAL UE number is closer to 12%.........
Oh, are we just making up numbers now? Is that how it works? Now, are you claiming the actual calculations were 12% and the BLS is just lying, or are you using a different definition of unemployed than has been used for the last 70 years? And I'd love to see how you came up with that number. Unless you pulled it out of where I think you pulled it out of.

Try the UE 6 numbers kid.

U-6 is down along with U-3. That's what I keep pointing out to prove that Econ's thread premise is wrong.

WE ALL KNOW U-6 IS THE REEEEEEEEEEEEEAL UNEMPLOYMENT RATE....JUST AS IT HAS BEEN IN PRIOR ADMINISTRATIONS. And as you know shit-for -brains......that rate is 12%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So saying 12% is down from 13% is stupid.

Yes, U-6 is down, paralleling u-3, which proves you wrong.

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