Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

kaz said:
n six years of Obama's presidency, YOUR chart shows that real median income is down almost $4K. We were in a recession when he took over, that means it was already starting from a very low point.

So how long would it take Obama to come back from a recession exactly? How many years? How many terms? How many decades is reasonable? How long would you give him exactly before he'd own it?

And you really can't read your own chart. That is so funny, I have to keep saying it.

You are saying the same thing over and over. Look at the chart. The median hit bottom in 2011. It has been rising ever since. Please.....stop being stupid.

Yes, it hit bottom in 2011. But as I said, it's still down almost $4K a year from when Obama took office, and it's only rebounded a few hundred bucks. So as I asked, at what point would you hold Obama for the consequences of his own Presidency? How many years would that take? We're at 6 and you haven't even blinked. If he were President for 20 years, would you consider him responsible? Or would it still be Bush? What would it take? Simple question. Stop dancing.
Obama will never rightfully be blamed for the drop in median income that took place between 2009 and 2011. It wasn't within his control. The economy tanked before he took office.

I contend that had the stimulus been larger and had the GOP cooperated even a little.....instead of fucking things up with threats of shutdowns, delinquency and an actual shutdown....the rate would be higher today. shit. The rate is on the rise. Your boy blew a hole in it and it is now being repaired. Obama gets credit for the rise. And that pisses you off.
Obama will never rightfully be blamed for the drop in median income that took place between 2009 and 2011. It wasn't within his control. The economy tanked before he took office.

I contend that had the stimulus been larger and had the GOP cooperated even a little.....instead of fucking things up with threats of shutdowns, delinquency and an actual shutdown....the rate would be higher today. shit. The rate is on the rise. Your boy blew a hole in it and it is now being repaired. Obama gets credit for the rise. And that pisses you off.

My boy? W was a libertarian? Damn, you are just completely and utterly fucking stupid. The guy is a clone of Obama, you worship Tweedle Dum and hate Tweedle Dee.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.

Same thing my ass.

You can claim to be a "libertarian" all you want....but your insistence on blaming Obama for Bush's economy in this thread tells me where you stand. You aren't an enigma.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.

Same thing my ass.

You can claim to be a "libertarian" all you want....but your insistence on blaming Obama for Bush's economy in this thread tells me where you stand. You aren't an enigma.

Strawman, I never said that.

I blame W and Obama. They did the same things, they both harmed the economy, they both sucked. You are blaming W and absolving Obama.

I've told you that through the discussion. When I blame both, you keep calling me a Republican. Um, right retard, Republicans blame both W and Obama.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.

Same thing my ass.

You can claim to be a "libertarian" all you want....but your insistence on blaming Obama for Bush's economy in this thread tells me where you stand. You aren't an enigma.

Strawman, I never said that.

I blame W and Obama. They did the same things, they both harmed the economy, they both sucked. You are blaming W and absolving Obama.

I've told you that through the discussion. When I blame both, you keep calling me a Republican. Um, right retard, Republicans blame both W and Obama.

I never called you a Republican.

Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that.

Finally....if you REALLY BELIEVE that W and Obama stand for the same things when it comes to the US have been duped. They both had to work within the system that existed......but one of them supports that system and one doesn't.

Try harder.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.

Same thing my ass.

You can claim to be a "libertarian" all you want....but your insistence on blaming Obama for Bush's economy in this thread tells me where you stand. You aren't an enigma.

Strawman, I never said that.

I blame W and Obama. They did the same things, they both harmed the economy, they both sucked. You are blaming W and absolving Obama.

I've told you that through the discussion. When I blame both, you keep calling me a Republican. Um, right retard, Republicans blame both W and Obama.

I never called you a Republican.

Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that.

Finally....if you REALLY BELIEVE that W and Obama stand for the same things when it comes to the US have been duped. They both had to work within the system that existed......but one of them supports that system and one doesn't.

Try harder.

You continue with your childish word games. Republicans are duping me, but you aren't calling me a Republican. And Republicans are duping me to think both parties are responsible? What Republican argues that? You're a moron.
Median household income was down under Bush too. It's a longer term structural thing.

Bush and Obama have the same socialist spending, high tax polices and the results are the same. It just cracks me up when Obama does the same thing as W did and the liberals run around claiming Obama had to fix W's mess.

Same thing my ass.

You can claim to be a "libertarian" all you want....but your insistence on blaming Obama for Bush's economy in this thread tells me where you stand. You aren't an enigma.

Strawman, I never said that.

I blame W and Obama. They did the same things, they both harmed the economy, they both sucked. You are blaming W and absolving Obama.

I've told you that through the discussion. When I blame both, you keep calling me a Republican. Um, right retard, Republicans blame both W and Obama.

I never called you a Republican.

Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that.

Finally....if you REALLY BELIEVE that W and Obama stand for the same things when it comes to the US have been duped. They both had to work within the system that existed......but one of them supports that system and one doesn't.

Try harder.

You continue with your childish word games. Republicans are duping me, but you aren't calling me a Republican. And Republicans are duping me to think both parties are responsible? What Republican argues that? You're a moron.

Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?
Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that..

This thread? LOL. So every thread you get to pick your political ideology? Mine doesn't change. Here's one from this afternoon.

francoHFW said:
kaz said:
BTW, nothing would change. You and they do the same things.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's you and the Republicans.
What planet do you live on? lol.

"When Dems can change things, we get universal health care" - Republicans gave us Romney Care as well as W adding a massive prescription drug welfare benefit to Medicare. Tom ay to - Tom ah to

"reform Wall S"t - Clinton is the one who deregulated it and flooded them with cash

"raise taxes on the bloated rich and corp" - W ended the cap on Medicare taxes and greatly expanded the Social Security payments while doing nothing to flatten or simplify taxes.

"s, etc etc etc." - Like the Republicans, more government, more government , more government, etc. etc. etc.

"You believe the pub propaganda of government suqs, and for your resulting selfishness on taxes get screwed every time by greedy idiot Pubs. see sig pp1."

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Republicans say they are the same as democrats? And I believe them, but I'm not one? You're seriously stupid.
Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that..

This thread? LOL. So every thread you get to pick your political ideology? Mine doesn't change. Here's one from this afternoon.

francoHFW said:
kaz said:
BTW, nothing would change. You and they do the same things.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's you and the Republicans.
What planet do you live on? lol.

"When Dems can change things, we get universal health care" - Republicans gave us Romney Care as well as W adding a massive prescription drug welfare benefit to Medicare. Tom ay to - Tom ah to

"reform Wall S"t - Clinton is the one who deregulated it and flooded them with cash

"raise taxes on the bloated rich and corp" - W ended the cap on Medicare taxes and greatly expanded the Social Security payments while doing nothing to flatten or simplify taxes.

"s, etc etc etc." - Like the Republicans, more government, more government , more government, etc. etc. etc.

"You believe the pub propaganda of government suqs, and for your resulting selfishness on taxes get screwed every time by greedy idiot Pubs. see sig pp1."

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Republicans say they are the same as democrats? And I believe them, but I'm not one? You're seriously stupid.

Don't care. You didn't bring it in this thread. You sucked the ass of a lying GOP bitch in this thread. Own it.
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.
Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that..

This thread? LOL. So every thread you get to pick your political ideology? Mine doesn't change. Here's one from this afternoon.

francoHFW said:
kaz said:
BTW, nothing would change. You and they do the same things.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's you and the Republicans.
What planet do you live on? lol.

"When Dems can change things, we get universal health care" - Republicans gave us Romney Care as well as W adding a massive prescription drug welfare benefit to Medicare. Tom ay to - Tom ah to

"reform Wall S"t - Clinton is the one who deregulated it and flooded them with cash

"raise taxes on the bloated rich and corp" - W ended the cap on Medicare taxes and greatly expanded the Social Security payments while doing nothing to flatten or simplify taxes.

"s, etc etc etc." - Like the Republicans, more government, more government , more government, etc. etc. etc.

"You believe the pub propaganda of government suqs, and for your resulting selfishness on taxes get screwed every time by greedy idiot Pubs. see sig pp1."

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Republicans say they are the same as democrats? And I believe them, but I'm not one? You're seriously stupid.

Don't care. You didn't bring it in this thread. You sucked the ass of a lying GOP bitch in this thread. Own it.

Show me that post.
Please point me to a post in this thread before this page where you put blame on Bush for the median income drop. I'd like to see that..

This thread? LOL. So every thread you get to pick your political ideology? Mine doesn't change. Here's one from this afternoon.

francoHFW said:
kaz said:
BTW, nothing would change. You and they do the same things.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That's you and the Republicans.
What planet do you live on? lol.

"When Dems can change things, we get universal health care" - Republicans gave us Romney Care as well as W adding a massive prescription drug welfare benefit to Medicare. Tom ay to - Tom ah to

"reform Wall S"t - Clinton is the one who deregulated it and flooded them with cash

"raise taxes on the bloated rich and corp" - W ended the cap on Medicare taxes and greatly expanded the Social Security payments while doing nothing to flatten or simplify taxes.

"s, etc etc etc." - Like the Republicans, more government, more government , more government, etc. etc. etc.

"You believe the pub propaganda of government suqs, and for your resulting selfishness on taxes get screwed every time by greedy idiot Pubs. see sig pp1."

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Republicans say they are the same as democrats? And I believe them, but I'm not one? You're seriously stupid.

Don't care. You didn't bring it in this thread. You sucked the ass of a lying GOP bitch in this thread. Own it.

...and yet incomes are still down under Obama
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.

So you think you're not like Republicans, but you are like libertarians? That's classic. You're an authoritarian leftist, what would we agree on?

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans. Except I mean it. And I'm socially liberal like Democrats. Except I mean it.

- End the minimum wage, abolish social security, medicaid and all other Federal welfare and wealth redistribution schemes, end foreign aid to all countries, eliminate all corporate taxes, require the IRS to show probable cause and get warrants to audit returns, require law enforcement to show probable cause and get warrants to pry into financial records looking for drug money

- End government marriage entirely, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution gambling and end gay sex sodomy laws.

- Slash the budget by 1/3 to 1/2 andmake the military defensie only. Stop being policeman to the world. If someone does attack us, then destroy what they did to us many times over and stop tying our military's hands to do it with stupid State Department rules.
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.

So you think you're not like Republicans, but you are like libertarians? That's classic. You're an authoritarian leftist, what would we agree on?

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans. Except I mean it. And I'm socially liberal like Democrats. Except I mean it.

- End the minimum wage, abolish social security, medicaid and all other Federal welfare and wealth redistribution schemes, end foreign aid to all countries, eliminate all corporate taxes, require the IRS to show probable cause and get warrants to audit returns, require law enforcement to show probable cause and get warrants to pry into financial records looking for drug money

- End government marriage entirely, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution gambling and end gay sex sodomy laws.

- Slash the budget by 1/3 to 1/2 andmake the military defensie only. Stop being policeman to the world. If someone does attack us, then destroy what they did to us many times over and stop tying our military's hands to do it with stupid State Department rules.

I'll let you answer your own question. What would we agree on. I'll limit it to the things you just mentioned.

Please.....what parts of what you just said do you think you and I agree on?
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.

So you think you're not like Republicans, but you are like libertarians? That's classic. You're an authoritarian leftist, what would we agree on?

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans. Except I mean it. And I'm socially liberal like Democrats. Except I mean it.

- End the minimum wage, abolish social security, medicaid and all other Federal welfare and wealth redistribution schemes, end foreign aid to all countries, eliminate all corporate taxes, require the IRS to show probable cause and get warrants to audit returns, require law enforcement to show probable cause and get warrants to pry into financial records looking for drug money

- End government marriage entirely, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution gambling and end gay sex sodomy laws.

- Slash the budget by 1/3 to 1/2 andmake the military defensie only. Stop being policeman to the world. If someone does attack us, then destroy what they did to us many times over and stop tying our military's hands to do it with stupid State Department rules.

I'll let you answer your own question. What would we agree on. I'll limit it to the things you just mentioned.

Please.....what parts of what you just said do you think you and I agree on?

If you agree with a significant portion of it, why would you possibly support Obama?
Republicans aren't duping you. I never said that. Libertarians are duping you. They told you that Obama and Bush are the same. You believed them. You've been duped.

Why aren't you able to understand my words?

It would help if you would name who you are talking about instead of using pronouns and implied subjects. Certainly the Librarian Party isn't duping me, I don't belong to the party and it's because they are more party than libertarian. I'm not an anarchist, I keep arguing with them here at USMB. Who exactly is pulling my strings exactly according to you?

The Republicans and Democrats are virtually the same. All you have to do is open your eyes.

There it is. You think that someone who pays attention as I do cannot see the obvious differences between the democrats and the republicans. You actually think you are so much more "in the know". It's arrogance of the highest order.

I did to say anyone is pulling your strings. I said you have been duped. The minute you think something is not your will reject it. As long as you think you are "thinking outside the beltway" you'll prance around telling everyone they are unaware of the truth.

I am willing to bet that if you and I took a quiz on the issues....we'd be pretty damned similar. But YOU will never admit it.

So you think you're not like Republicans, but you are like libertarians? That's classic. You're an authoritarian leftist, what would we agree on?

I'm fiscally conservative like Republicans. Except I mean it. And I'm socially liberal like Democrats. Except I mean it.

- End the minimum wage, abolish social security, medicaid and all other Federal welfare and wealth redistribution schemes, end foreign aid to all countries, eliminate all corporate taxes, require the IRS to show probable cause and get warrants to audit returns, require law enforcement to show probable cause and get warrants to pry into financial records looking for drug money

- End government marriage entirely, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution gambling and end gay sex sodomy laws.

- Slash the budget by 1/3 to 1/2 andmake the military defensie only. Stop being policeman to the world. If someone does attack us, then destroy what they did to us many times over and stop tying our military's hands to do it with stupid State Department rules.

I'll let you answer your own question. What would we agree on. I'll limit it to the things you just mentioned.

Please.....what parts of what you just said do you think you and I agree on?

If you agree with a significant portion of it, why would you possibly support Obama?

Don't want to see where we agree, huh? Too bad.

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