Medical Authorities Have Spoken - - Open the Economy Already

I love it!! The sycophants who support a reality game show host as President are pointing to two reality TV show "doctors" as expert sources to open the country back up. You CANNOT make this shit up! :)

WTF? You want to go on welfare? Why not go back to work where possible?
Gov Cuomo and his NYC agar dish may want to work from home longer, but eventually even they will need to reopen, or NYC will be a ghost town.

Except if you send everyone back in now when testing isn't anywhere that it remotely needs to be and without an even somewhat reliable anti-body test, you're liable to create a situation that will make what we are going through right now look like a minor inconvenience. I work from home so nothing really changes for me, outside of not being able to go to the gym.

Did you see Redfield's explanation of how testing needs to be used?
It's not used on all 331m Americans. Its only used locally in areas that have infections.
If the infections keep dropping we're good.
There is no fucking way that Cuomo can bird-dog every case that develops.
Anti-body testing may give 1% or so of survivors confidence, but they can still be carriers.
Its a crap-shoot until the vaccine gets rolled-out, but a necessary crap-shoot, be very careful.

You need a reliable test for every person that you want to send back to work, every child you want to send back to school. Anything else, and it's worse odds than Vegas.
Dr. Phil is a Doctor of Psychology. Not Psychiatry. Only five states even allow Psychologists to even prescribe medication.

From the article:
He noted: "The longer this lockdown goes on, the more vulnerable people get. It's like there's a tipping point where people start having enough problems in lockdown that it will actually create more destruction and actually more deaths across time than the actual virus will itself."

Dr. Phil is allowed an opinion. So is Dr.Oz. Trump and the Pence Team already set guidelines for reopening the economy, if governors agree to restart their state's economies. Cuomo keeps whining for mo money and more tests instead of looking at what businesses he can restart.
Michigan allows abortions on demand but no joint replacements and no fishing?? WTF.

You criticize doctors but don't criticize governors acting like dictators.
If we don't open The economy soon we are going to start losing hospitals. There are two empty hospitals near me both are in danger of closing. One estimates a week. Two at the outside. Most of the doctors and nurses have been laid off as have support and janitorial staff. The surgeons and specialists with outside offices were forced to close long ago. Without income these hospitals will close. The corona surge never happened.

Meanwhile people in agony needing joint replacement are told to suffer. Reconstructive surgeries are called off putting cancer survivors in depression.

End the lockdown. People need medical care now.
Let me know when Dr/ Oz or Dr. Phil gets their asses into an ER and actually FACES this horror.

Oh wait. They're TV doctors,

Never mind

You want to go back to work?

So do I. Great. Get TRUMP to make the testing HAPPEN
I love it!! The sycophants who support a reality game show host as President are pointing to two reality TV show "doctors" as expert sources to open the country back up. You CANNOT make this shit up! :)

WTF? You want to go on welfare? Why not go back to work where possible?
Gov Cuomo and his NYC agar dish may want to work from home longer, but eventually even they will need to reopen, or NYC will be a ghost town.

Except if you send everyone back in now when testing isn't anywhere that it remotely needs to be and without an even somewhat reliable anti-body test, you're liable to create a situation that will make what we are going through right now look like a minor inconvenience. I work from home so nothing really changes for me, outside of not being able to go to the gym.

Did you see Redfield's explanation of how testing needs to be used?
It's not used on all 331m Americans. Its only used locally in areas that have infections.
If the infections keep dropping we're good.
There is no fucking way that Cuomo can bird-dog every case that develops.
Anti-body testing may give 1% or so of survivors confidence, but they can still be carriers.
Its a crap-shoot until the vaccine gets rolled-out, but a necessary crap-shoot, be very careful.

You need a reliable test for every person that you want to send back to work, every child you want to send back to school. Anything else, and it's worse odds than Vegas.

Did you see Cuomo's presser today? He explained that when the infected people don't infect more than 1.0 people the infections drop.
Right now the NYC area is at 0.9 and is still dropping.
Other more dispersed state probably have very low infection rates w/o subways, buses, and wall to wall people like NYC.
So the risk is minimal. If a hot spot develops, then roll-in the testing and lock it down.
Let me know when Dr/ Oz or Dr. Phil gets their asses into an ER and actually FACES this horror.

Oh wait. They're TV doctors,

Never mind

You want to go back to work?

So do I. Great. Get TRUMP to make the testing HAPPEN

There is enough testing already for the CDC reopening phases. Many states already qualify for a phase-1 restart.
If we don't open The economy soon we are going to start losing hospitals. There are two empty hospitals near me both are in danger of closing. One estimates a week. Two at the outside. Most of the doctors and nurses have been laid off as have support and janitorial staff. The surgeons and specialists with outside offices were forced to close long ago. Without income these hospitals will close. The corona surge never happened.

Meanwhile people in agony needing joint replacement are told to suffer. Reconstructive surgeries are called off putting cancer survivors in depression.

End the lockdown. People need medical care now.
The economic reopening will be state by state, and business by business using mitigation measures.
If the CDC guidelines are being used the reopening will be in 3-steps depending upon the infection rate.
As long as the infections keep decreasing, more and more businesses can reopen.
Herd immunity will also help when reopening the economy.
Many have said we need to listen to our medical experts during this pandemic. The doctors have spoken. They say it's time to open things up. They agree with President Trump, it's time to end the lockdown.

---McGraw spoke out against the current lockdown measures, claiming they may cause "more deaths across time than the actual virus will itself," explaining the huge impact they have on the health of Americans, both mentally and physically....We have 45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools but we don't shut the country down for that.---

---Dr. Oz says schools should reopen---

OK. I just spit very expensive scotch all over my keyboard. Dr Phil and Dr Oz are MEDICAL experts? Seriously, two daytime soap crowd "doctors" are now recognized public health experts? LOL. Both of them are going to be lucky if they have careers much beyond next week. Now I know the right wing has lost it. :)
This is who RWNJs worship, reality TV personalities.
Let me know when Dr/ Oz or Dr. Phil gets their asses into an ER and actually FACES this horror.

Oh wait. They're TV doctors,

Never mind

You want to go back to work?

So do I. Great. Get TRUMP to make the testing HAPPEN
They could come to the hospital down the street. The ER doctors play poker.

Tests are useless unless you can test every hour.
I love it!! The sycophants who support a reality game show host as President are pointing to two reality TV show "doctors" as expert sources to open the country back up. You CANNOT make this shit up! :)
All 3 of them are just a tiny step above Jerry Springer.
If we don't open The economy soon we are going to start losing hospitals. There are two empty hospitals near me both are in danger of closing. One estimates a week. Two at the outside. Most of the doctors and nurses have been laid off as have support and janitorial staff. The surgeons and specialists with outside offices were forced to close long ago. Without income these hospitals will close. The corona surge never happened.

Meanwhile people in agony needing joint replacement are told to suffer. Reconstructive surgeries are called off putting cancer survivors in depression.

End the lockdown. People need medical care now.
Not the specific hospitals near me but same thing.

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