Medical Device Company Pays $1.1 m To Produce Positive Obamacare Stories


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Jul 21, 2009

Let me get this straight, a George Soros backed group (Herndon Alliance), that is pushing for gun control, that gave the WhiteHouse the phrase, "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, period", was given $1.1 million dollars to produce success stories about Obamacare through a grant from Johnson & Johnson, a multinational medical device company.

What could go wrong?????

“The purpose is to bridge the information gap for people who can significantly benefit from the Affordable Care Act,” Ron Pollack, the Co-founder and Executive Director of Families USA, told TIME on October 25, 2013.

However, the organization is a far cry from “non-partisan” and is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America – the group leading the efforts to sign people up for Obamacare.

Philippe Villers, the president of Families USA, serves as the Secretary and Treasurer of Board of a little-known group called the Herndon Alliance. The Herndon Alliance originated in Herndon, VA in 2005 and produced research the left used to sell the overhaul of the United States health care system and counteract opposition as the president was making a push for Obamacare. As Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon noted, they are credited with crafting President Obama’s, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” message, and are even backed with money from George Soros’ Open Society Institute.

In 2009 Politico wrote, “When President Barack Obama says Americans can maintain their ‘choice’ of doctors and insurance plans, he is using a Herndon strategy for wringing fear out of a system overhaul.” They were also described as, “the most influential group in the health arena that the public has never heard of.”


Members of the Re Alliance to End Gun Violence march in front of the National Rifle Association Headquarters Friday, Feb. 22. Photo by Alex McVeigh.


Alliance Pushes for Gun Control Policies

Families USA Received $1 Million to Promote ObamacareCapitol City Project

Establishing a Families USA Story Bank on enrollment success stories to publicize the available insurance options under the Affordable Care Act - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
It's hard to make up some of the stuff that is really going on with this administration.....
If they had paid someone to totally rebuild the site it would have been up an running by now, but instead they pay someone to tell us bullshit success stories for the same money it would cost to build a new site.
The Affordable Care Act clamps down on unreasonable and unfair premium increases.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
They wanted to also invade our Thanksgiving with Obamacare propaganda through interested spokespersons who donated to Obama For America, or Organizing for Action, whatever they want to call it. It's Obama's campaign site he's turned into a Obamacare site.


You're trying to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner and Obama wants you to start talking about how great the site is and the you should try to enroll, right now.

OFA: Be sure to use Thanksgiving dinner to convince relatives to buy a plan on the ObamaCare exchange « Hot Air
I like the idea that you, by dint of having donated to Obama and happily swallowed endless lies about keeping your plan and your provider network, are necessarily the “voice of reason” at the dinner table this year. In the unlikely event that you find yourself seated across from one of these benighted schmucks, you can play it three ways: One: Deflect. Change the subject. Bring up “The Walking Dead” or how boring the NFL is this year or whether maybe Orwell had a point about statism’s insidious power to dehumanize people by reducing them to cogs in a government propaganda machine. Two: Engage. Ace has prepared a helpful talking-points memo of his own in case you find yourself at a loss upon being pitched on O-Care by the same arrogant little sh*t who called you ignorant for doubting that the program would work at Thanksgiving dinners past. (If Ezra Klein has any conservative relatives, he or she is about to have the best Thanksgiving ever.) Three: If there are people at the table considering buying a plan on the exchange, wait patiently until they’re done cursing Obama for having forced their insurer to cancel their old coverage and then prepare them for how to shop on the exchange. For starters, don’t believe the prices quoted on

The troubled federal website allows visitors to anonymously surf the site for exchange plans sold in their areas and provides them with estimated prices for each health plan. (Just click on the “See Plans Now” button on the homepage and follow instructions.) But here’s the problem: The monthly premium estimates provided on the website do not consider a person’s specific age, household size or tobacco use — all critical factors when estimating premiums…

For our family of four, offers six Silver plans: four Independence Blue Cross plans and two Aetna plans. (We considered only the Silver plans to keep it simple.) The estimates ranged from $708.84 per month to $982 per month.

Now, doesn’t ask for ages or even an age range when providing plan information and premium estimates for family coverage. All it wants to know is the visitor’s home state and county. asks for a little more information. Besides county and state, window shoppers have to provide household size, as well as ages and tobacco use for all family members. That website’s estimates were higher — much higher. A whopping 69 percent higher for each exchange plan. The premium range: $1,201.44 to $1,666 per month. (And, remember, that’s for a family of nonsmokers.)

Yes, USAToday says that you shouldn't believe the quotes you get on the site. Fact check: estimates may be misleading

Okay, if we can't believe the quotes at the official site, what are we supposed to believe?????
This is an article telling us how this email from Organizing for America is urging us to lie to our "Crazy conservative uncle":


The 5 Most Insane Obamacare Talking Points You Can Expect To Hear From Your Crazy Uncle This Week
November 25, 2013 By Mark and Mollie Hemingway

We frequently talk about how every family has a crazy uncle — a difficult family member who ruins holidays with outlandish behavior and boorish opinions.

Now imagine how much worse things would be at the dinner table if your crazy uncle was being encouraged in his behavior by no less than the President of the United States of America.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening this year. Millions of Americans have received an email from Obama’s Organizing for Action that begins — no joke — “Ah, the week of Thanksgiving — that beautiful time of year when families gather and uncles everywhere feel the need to spout off about Obamacare.”

It then told the respondents to read off talking points (!) to respond to these uncles. It requires a bit of self-reflection to know whether the people mocking or defending the disaster-prone Obamacare are the crazy uncles, but for those who are in any way unsure, it’s definitely the folks reciting talking points that party officials have handed out.

So if you’re cursed with one of these Obama-devoted uncles, here are some of the craziest things you can expect to hear.
Obamacare “may” be a huge success

Screen Shot 2013-11-25 at 3.38.51 PM

Did you catch that? “In fact, almost 6 in 10 uninsured Americans may be able to get coverage for $100 a month or less.”

May? May? You could drive the 1st Armored Division through the hole blown in that sentence by the use of that qualifier. You may survive a jump out of a plane 30,000 feet above the Alps wearing a wingsuit. You may finally throw caution to the wind, take a few lessons and win a ballroom dancing competition. That profile you’ve been eyeing on may be understating how attractive and accomplished they are. But after you promise people — without any conditional statements — that they can keep their insurance if they want to (spoiler: they can’t) and can keep their doctor if they want to (spoiler: they can’t), only crazy uncles would buy crazy conditional statements such as these.

(This Thanksgiving, it may be time to have a remedial course in what a “fact” is, since everyone at the White House is deeply confused about what it means.)​

Your Crazy Uncle's 5 Most Insane Obamacare Talking Points
And then there's this spiffy little Holiday Card that you can get all the info you need to best bull shit your family members into believing that Obamacare is the greatest thing since sliced turkey, entitled "Health Care For The Holidays". It's time to have the talk

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