Medical Marijuana now a reality in Pennsylvania

I know almost nothing about medicine. I somehow manage to not need anything despite my appalling "health" habits. I figured I should start taking a one-a-day and this stuff called Mega Red for joints, but I'm so inconsistent I'm not sure it even counts. Speaking of...

eat more fish
You'd think with my Norwegian ancestry and living in Alaska, but the truth is I absolutely hate the texture of fish so I never eat it. Thus the MegaRed supplement I constantly forget to take heh
Potty is such a great medicine, no potty head should ever be allowed to go to a doctor. Think of the savings. They can just die at home or in the street.
I know almost nothing about medicine. I somehow manage to not need anything despite my appalling "health" habits. I figured I should start taking a one-a-day and this stuff called Mega Red for joints, but I'm so inconsistent I'm not sure it even counts. Speaking of...
I can't take one-a-day. It has vitamin a. I can't take vitamin a as a supplement. I have special vitamins without it. I give my dog milk thistle for her liver.
I like it when potheads get high and jump out of windows.

You sound like a "drunken Christian" lol they are always a blood thirsty bunch.... the main danger of marijuana is that it can make someone like you "seek to have sex with Negroes" ....
I hate it when drunks get drunk and go driving on expressways in the wrong directions killing non drinkers ....
That "Anathema" dude apparently is a Spokes person for God ..or so he says ...what has he been smoking eh ?
I like it when potheads get high and jump out of windows.
Total Marijuana deaths in the History of Humanity now stands at ....ZERO
The 50 Most Dangerous Drugs

While overdose deaths from prescription opioids have nearly quadrupled since 1999
, some of the most dangerous drugs don’t require a prescription.

Using data from the Food and Drug Administration for 2004 through 2015, HealthGrove looked at the 150 drugs that are involved in the highest number of adverse reactions and ranked them by the percent of these reactions classified as serious. For many of these reactions, the FDA database uses medical terminology, such as pyrexia and dyspnoea for fever and labored breathing, respectively.

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