Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year.

It's not crap. It's fact. Wake up.
Trump has been trying to improve the conditions in the VA since he got in.

The talking points are valid. Address them instead of sticking your head in the sand.
One of my brothers is a retired US Marine.
Gulf War Syndrome settlements.
I know all about the VA and Congressional spending.

No, you don't. You are familiar with ONE case. I have two friends who died much earlier than they should have thanks to reliance on the VA.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

Hmmm, based on the thousands of dead veterans, killed by an incompetent, uncaring, corrupt, government run VA, I highly doubt that vastly increasing the number who would have to be serviced by the system is somehow, magically, going to lead to better outcomes and savings of any kind.

2002 called and wants its' talking point back.

2002, 2020, still the same shit different day. The arguments are valid.
My case is simple pain management. Back fusions and follow up surgeries that had me limited to assisting aids and what not. VA's answers were to throw pills at me and have me come back every so often. Tried to get into pain management with va... Nah. And never given a reason as to why. It's their call.
Not good enough. People want to talk about being over medicated? VA's classic management is better living through chemical engineering. The saying goes like this "va, giving you a second chance to die for your country." Screw that shit. Tricare offered and I took their route and now am off the opioids va crammed down my throat.
2002 talking points.... You know very little of what you speak of.
No, you don't. You are familiar with ONE case. I have two friends who died much earlier than they should have thanks to reliance on the VA.
So because I used my brother as an example, you assume that's my only
knowledge about the VA ?
2002, 2020, still the same shit different day. The arguments are valid.
My case is simple pain management. Back fusions and follow up surgeries that had me limited to assisting aids and what not. VA's answers were to throw pills at me and have me come back every so often. Tried to get into pain management with va... Nah. And never given a reason as to why. It's their call.
Not good enough. People want to talk about being over medicated? VA's classic management is better living through chemical engineering. The saying goes like this "va, giving you a second chance to die for your country." Screw that shit. Tricare offered and I took their route and now am off the opioids va crammed down my throat.
2002 talking points.... You know very little of what you speak of.

I know my BCBS went from a $500 deductable for full coverage on my family in 1995
to a $5000 deductable by 2005.

Veterans for Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
What? Did Obamacare fail them?
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
Every one of these silver spooners whining on here can be summed up in Gordon Gekko and the asshole who jumped on the lifeboat ahead of the women and children.,
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
Every one of these silver spooners whining on here can be summed up in Gordon Gekko and the asshole who jumped on the lifeboat ahead of the women and children.,

No, we can't. The fact you resort to insults so fast only shows that you know your arguments are weak.

We WANT those in need to be serviced.

We just think it is wrong to harm 150 million, so that 5 million can get taken care of.

How about we work together to figure out a solution to that instead of burning down the whole system.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .
We can do all that without universal healthcare.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
Every one of these silver spooners whining on here can be summed up in Gordon Gekko and the asshole who jumped on the lifeboat ahead of the women and children.,

Yep, you just keep sucking down that weed and feeling sorry for yourself.
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Sure. And while you’re at why don’t you end racism.

If healthcare is free, many people will be less focused on prevention. How many people would bother changing the oil in their car if somebody else paid for any repairs due to lack of oil?

Dream on!
Every one of these silver spooners whining on here can be summed up in Gordon Gekko and the asshole who jumped on the lifeboat ahead of the women and children.,

Let me tell ya something asswipe! Most of us are not silver spooners, most of us worked our entire lives while the gov. Pulled Medicare funds out of our checks while at the same time we paid for private insurance until we reached 65. Then, without asking we were automatically enrolled in Medicare without an opt out option. If one chooses to opt out one loses the SS too. Now you assholes come along and want Medicare for all including illegal aliens and you have no fucking idea how to pay for it except the same old tired lie of the DemonRats that it will cost less. Bullshit. Pay your share and pay it for 30 years then go on Medicare. Fair?
I supposed no one likes the drugs that saves our health.

"our health" is not saved when the senior on 2 different prescriptions (which he likely doesn't need) all of a sudden is getting 5 different prescriptions all paid for by the US taxpayer, and 3 go with grandson to the high school where they are converted into thousands of dollars.... by getting our high schoolers addicted at a young age...

This poster, jc456, he is typical of a HANDOUT LOVING post 1998 "Republican." He goes to his doctor and parrots whatever he is told, and is "trial and errored" with one pill after another, and he really liked it when Uncle Sam started paying for it. He would likely be much better off if he had taken care of himself, ate healthy foods, worked out etc., but he didn't ... and because he didn't


My fellow Americans, the post 1998 "Republican" really is a Democrat. Both just want a handout, and return a FUCK YOU if you don't want to pay for it, or if you object to the corruption and harm such SOCIALIZING does to society at large....,

Prove it son. I’m composed, I accept your uncontrolled rant. Prove it
I call bullshit....Medicare costs in excess of 10X what it was projected -counting inflation- when it was set forth...This boondoggle will be no different....In fact, I defy anyone to cite the first time a gubmint program came in under budget and delivered a superior product.
They purposefully jack up the costs with spiking drug prices, expensive equipment in elderly care--every way they can to cook the books up.

Bottom line is --- get rid of the insurance middle man- over a 10 year transition, increase good health awareness and diet, focus on prevention rather than medication and unnecessary surgery....a comprehensive restructuring of the whole system .

Get rid of the car manufacturing middle man and have the government provide for our travels

Get rid of the home builder middle man and have the government provide for our housing
Universal groceries!!....Eating is a sacred human right!!
Let me tell ya something asswipe! Most of us are not silver spooners, most of us worked our entire lives while the gov. Pulled Medicare funds out of our checks while at the same time we paid for private insurance until we reached 65. Then, without asking we were automatically enrolled in Medicare without an opt out option. If one chooses to opt out one loses the SS too. Now you assholes come along and want Medicare for all including illegal aliens and you have no fucking idea how to pay for it except the same old tired lie of the DemonRats that it will cost less. Bullshit. Pay your share and pay it for 30 years then go on Medicare. Fair?
Spare me the "if I can do it anyone can" schpeal, Huckleberry.
You sound exactly like a silver spooner.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

Hospitals Stand to Lose Billions Under ‘Medicare for All’
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

Intuitively this makes sense, because stock returns are influenced by a myriad of factors such as valuations, corporate profits, business cycles, monetary policy, etc. In addition, the increasingly global economy (the S&P 500 generates more than 50% of revenues outside the U.S.) makes the actions of a single government less important.

I wish we could have Medicare for All as outlined by the candidates but it is not possible in this political climate. Obamacare was passed when democrats controlled government and it was just a band-aid on on the current healthcare system. Medicare for All is a huge change that would take years to transition into. It would effectively eliminate healthcare insurance along with over half million jobs. Cuts of 5% to 10% reimbursement to hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers would result in a reduction of services. Negotiating the prices of drugs would simple lower the cost of low priced generic drugs but would do little to lower the price of brand name unique drugs.

And finally, when republicans control congress and and residency they would completely bastardize the system and the end result would be a lot worse than what we have now. The country is just not ready for a single payer system.
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Let me tell ya something asswipe! Most of us are not silver spooners, most of us worked our entire lives while the gov. Pulled Medicare funds out of our checks while at the same time we paid for private insurance until we reached 65. Then, without asking we were automatically enrolled in Medicare without an opt out option. If one chooses to opt out one loses the SS too. Now you assholes come along and want Medicare for all including illegal aliens and you have no fucking idea how to pay for it except the same old tired lie of the DemonRats that it will cost less. Bullshit. Pay your share and pay it for 30 years then go on Medicare. Fair?
Spare me the "if I can do it anyone can" schpeal, Huckleberry.
You sound exactly like a silver spooner.
And ewe sound like a leech!

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