Medicare vouchers


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.
The way to save Medicare and Social Security is to create jobs and put the 14 million unemployed back to work paying into the system. Illegal aliens do not pay for my medicare and social security because they pay very little into the system because they are low wage earners and that has contributed to those programs going bankrupt. Who will pay for their social security that they WILL collect if left up to Obama.

Then you must have deep pockets or a empty head. I would bet on an empty head.:eusa_whistle:
And I have a bridge to no where to sell you. And I am told one is born every day.

No, just informed. You should try it some time.

Do you really want a mismanaged government making all of your decisions for you and keeping you dependent on them for all your needs or would you rather have your money returned to you and have choice?
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There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system

The you will most likely die much sooner than you would under ObamaCare if Romney is elected. It would probably be a good idea to support his opponent as if your life depends on it as most of the elderly should.
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There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system

The you will most likely die much sooner than you would under ObamaCare if Romney is elected. It would probably be a good idea to support his opponent as if your life depends on it as most of the elderly should.

Democrats, the party of FEAR!!! Whatever it takes to keep the sheep dependent.

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system

The you will most likely die much sooner than you would under ObamaCare if Romney is elected. It would probably be a good idea to support his opponent as if your life depends on it as most of the elderly should.

Democrats, the party of FEAR!!! Whatever it takes to keep the sheep dependent.

Eventually all elderly become dependant. It has nothing to do with fear you short sighted fucking asshole.
There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system

The you will most likely die much sooner than you would under ObamaCare if Romney is elected. It would probably be a good idea to support his opponent as if your life depends on it as most of the elderly should.

Democrats, the party of FEAR!!! Whatever it takes to keep the sheep dependent.

Eventually all elderly become dependant. It has nothing to do with fear you short sighted fucking asshole.

Well thanks for the offer Hugbunny, but I don't use my asshole for fucking like you do. Not how I roll sweetie.
Nobody is forced to use the vouchers under the Romney/Ryan plan. It's an option. People can choose to stay on normal Medicare if they want.

Either way, Medicare is going to radically change because we either proactively reform it now or we kick the can down the road, give in to the fear mongering and lies of the left, and it runs out of money when it comes time for Gen X to retire.
Nobody is forced to use the vouchers under the Romney/Ryan plan. It's an option. People can choose to stay on normal Medicare if they want.

Either way, Medicare is going to radically change because we either proactively reform it now or we kick the can down the road, give in to the fear mongering and lies of the left, and it runs out of money when it comes time for Gen X to retire.

Hey now, presenting real facts will kill the fear factor. Stop it!

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?

If your age is over 55, they won't change your Medicare.
Of course your IQ is under 55, so I suspect you'll still vote for Obama.

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

You wold not be affected.
You realize that you do pay monthly premiums Evey month out of you SSI check for Medicare.
This is for people under 55 years of age.
The way to save Medicare and Social Security is to create jobs and put the 14 million unemployed back to work paying into the system. Illegal aliens do not pay for my Medicare and social security because they pay very little into the system because they are low wage earners and that has contributed to those programs going bankrupt. Who will pay for their social security that they WILL collect if left up to Obama.

Do you realize that the Dem's have cut the payroll tax in half for those that are working?
That just took away half of the money for paying into the system for Medicare, Medicaid and SSI from people who do have jobs.
So now we have 14 million who have no jobs who are not paying into the system and now those who are paying, are paying only half.
You still want to put Dem's in power?
You should be more worried about the new Health Care bill. Doctors can't afford the cap of payments imposed on them, so they can no longer take New Medicare Patients.
It is the Dem's who have thrown all Seniors under the bus LilOLady

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

Of course the logical answer is that Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers are just another Wall Street scam to rip off Americans courtesy of the GOP

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

Of course the logical answer is that Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers are just another Wall Street scam to rip off Americans courtesy of the GOP

Why are you trying to prevent multi-millionaire and billionaire paper pushers, banksters, vulture capitalists... and the Paris Hiltons of the world from accumulating all of the wealth on the planet? Who better to have new avenues to fortune than those that already have the expertise in wealth? You unAmerican POS!

There is not a Private HealthCare Provider in this country that would insure me in their system. I am 72 years old, with heart failure, coronary heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, an over active adrenal gland and MS. I take 12 medications a day and my Copaxone cost $1300 a month. Plus I can count on at least two MS flare-ups a year landing me in the hospital and several weeks in a rehabilitation facility. And the up keep of a power chair. I have tried and did not get past an application when asked how would I rate my health and I checked “very poor.” Why do Romney/Ryan think they would even consider taking me and a government voucher?
Medicare vouchers would not cause competition and bring down cost when PHCPs are in business to make a profit and cannot operate without making a profit. They profit would be made by seniors dipping into their own pockets and most seniors do not have pockets. Vouchers would only leave a few PHCP in business and vouchers would cost more and deliver less. Those not making a profit would go bankrupt.
Medicare vouchers make “poor farms” look better every day. What senior in control of their full faculties choose a Medicare voucher? Maybe a Romney/Ryan senior who do have pockets.
Thanks but not thanks to Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers.

Of course the logical answer is that Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers are just another Wall Street scam to rip off Americans courtesy of the GOP

Why are you trying to prevent multi-millionaire and billionaire paper pushers, banksters, vulture capitalists... and the Paris Hiltons of the world from accumulating all of the wealth on the planet? Who better to have new avenues to fortune than those that already have the expertise in wealth? You unAmerican POS!

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

The only clean money is that money taxed from earners and handed out by government.
Of course the logical answer is that Romney/Ryan Medicare vouchers are just another Wall Street scam to rip off Americans courtesy of the GOP

Why are you trying to prevent multi-millionaire and billionaire paper pushers, banksters, vulture capitalists... and the Paris Hiltons of the world from accumulating all of the wealth on the planet? Who better to have new avenues to fortune than those that already have the expertise in wealth? You unAmerican POS!

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

The only clean money is that money taxed from earners and handed out by government.

Kill them? No that would be too mercifull. I say we inject them with something that makes them temporarily quadrapalegic and feed them alive to hogs. Pigs gotta eat too. Think how "rich" the bacon and chops would taste!
What would save the consumer more money, carrying a bunch of coupons to a variety of retail stores, or taking one bus to the factory wholesale outlet mall?

How much more efficient and cost-effective to cut out the middlemen of corporate healthcare insurance and have a Universal Singlepayer Healthcare System for all.

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