Medieval parasites


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
People in the Middle Ages took great care over cleanliness – except the clergy, who accepted filth as a sign of devotion
In the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), two minor characters spot King Arthur. They know who he is because, as one of them points out: ‘He must be a king … he hasn’t got shit all over him like the rest of us.’ The scene encapsulates an enduring belief about the Middle Ages: medieval people were dirty. Some might have heard Elizabeth I’s famous (but probably apocryphal) declaration that she had a bath once a month whether she needed it or not. In a time when only the richest enjoyed running water in their homes, very few Europeans had the resources to abide by 21st-century standards of hygiene, even if they wanted to.

At the same time, the filthiness of medieval people should not be exaggerated. Much evidence shows that personal hygiene mattered to medieval people, that they made an effort to keep clean. Popular advice books recommended washing the hands, face and teeth on rising, plus further handwashing throughout the day. Other body parts were washed less frequently: daily washing of the genitals, for example, was believed to be a Jewish custom, and thus viewed with suspicion by the non-Jewish population. Nevertheless, many households owned freestanding wooden tubs for bathing, and late-medieval cities usually had public bathhouses. Medical compendia gave recipes for washing hair, whitening teeth and improving skin. Medieval clergymen complained about the vanity of people who spent too much time fussing over their appearance.

Nor were medieval efforts to keep clean limited to the body. Delicate outer garments might be brushed and perfumed, but undergarments and household linens were frequently laundered. Advice books suggested that underwear should be changed every day, and household accounts are scattered with payments to washerwomen. Large rivers often had special jetties for the use of washerwomen: London’s was known as ‘La Lavenderebrigge’.
Medieval people were surprisingly clean (apart from the clergy) | Aeon Essays

It's an interesting article and it will get to the clergy.
Byzantium thought the Crusaders a Dirty type. Barbarians. Byzantium held Roman Baths from ancient times until 1460.
– except the clergy, who accepted filth as a sign of devotion ... Medieval clergymen complained about the vanity of people who spent too much time fussing over their appearance.

the sad advent of 4th century christianity ... to the very present times, uninterrupted.
– except the clergy, who accepted filth as a sign of devotion ... Medieval clergymen complained about the vanity of people who spent too much time fussing over their appearance.

the sad advent of 4th century christianity ... to the very present times, uninterrupted.
And yet there is nothing inconsistent with the beliefs and practices of the early Christians.

Can you name anything that was?

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