Meet Caitlyn Jenner

Stuck huh?


It was a ridiculous question.

Girl, woman, old hag, whatever, female.

No amount of parsing on your end is going to change that.

Your answer is also ridiculous. girl, woman, hag are different terms meaning different things. I would strongly advise you take a logic class once you get your GED.

Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.

(Wonder why it took 3 tries to get that to post?)
The same reason you stick to your elementary school logic. Youre dumb as a handful of lint.
Stuck huh?


It was a ridiculous question.

Girl, woman, old hag, whatever, female.

No amount of parsing on your end is going to change that.

Your answer is also ridiculous. girl, woman, hag are different terms meaning different things. I would strongly advise you take a logic class once you get your GED.

Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.
If you think boys and girls are the same term as male and females you obviously flunked your logic class spectacularly or cheated to pass. Gimme a break.

you've gone past ridiculous.

I said that you should have learned the difference between boys and girls in elementary school.

I should have said you should have learned the difference between males and females, because you obviously couldn't make the connection without a road map.

It was a ridiculous question.

Girl, woman, old hag, whatever, female.

No amount of parsing on your end is going to change that.

Your answer is also ridiculous. girl, woman, hag are different terms meaning different things. I would strongly advise you take a logic class once you get your GED.

Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.
If you think boys and girls are the same term as male and females you obviously flunked your logic class spectacularly or cheated to pass. Gimme a break.

you've gone past ridiculous.

I said that you should have learned the difference between boys and girls in elementary school.

I should have said you should have learned the difference between males and females, because you obviously couldn't make the connection without a road map.
You majored in ridiculous. I didnt ask you what you said. I pointed out your deflection. We weren't talking about boys and girls. We were talking about male and female. You are pretty much out of your league. Especially since you admitted to an elementary level understanding of male and female. You should have ignored me like you said you were going to do a few pages back. I guess you were too embarrassed and couldnt resist. Its OK guy. Get some education then come back and try again.
Wow. He looks GREAT!!
May he finally find some happiness. And kudos to HER for looking so damn good!

Your answer is also ridiculous. girl, woman, hag are different terms meaning different things. I would strongly advise you take a logic class once you get your GED.

Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.
If you think boys and girls are the same term as male and females you obviously flunked your logic class spectacularly or cheated to pass. Gimme a break.

you've gone past ridiculous.

I said that you should have learned the difference between boys and girls in elementary school.

I should have said you should have learned the difference between males and females, because you obviously couldn't make the connection without a road map.
You majored in ridiculous. I didnt ask you what you said. I pointed out your deflection. We weren't talking about boys and girls. We were talking about male and female. You are pretty much out of your league. Especially since you admitted to an elementary level understanding of male and female. You should have ignored me like you said you were going to do a few pages back. I guess you were too embarrassed and couldnt resist. Its OK guy. Get some education then come back and try again.

Yes, I am pretty much out of my league...

that's the reason I brought up elementary education.

I was trying to put it on your level.

old hag--female.

From birth to death, they are still female.
Now, keep making a fool out of yourself.

(Not that you need the practice)
Those who think he is mental....why couldn't he have been born with a male body but his instincts, his brain...said WOMAN? After all, some babies are born with both sets of genitalia and the doc finds it easier to just what off the penis. The kid grows up with more male/thoughts/connections but was made a man at birth.
The brain is still the biggest mystery of our bodies. Who would WANT to be poked and prodded and miserable by choice? Nobody. So..where there is smoke, there is fire. Leave them be. If their body says man but their BRAINS say woman, who are we to judge what their mental status is?
Those who think he is mental....why couldn't he have been born with a male body but his instincts, his brain...said WOMAN? After all, some babies are born with both sets of genitalia and the doc finds it easier to just what off the penis. The kid grows up with more male/thoughts/connections but was made a man at birth.
The brain is still the biggest mystery of our bodies. Who would WANT to be poked and prodded and miserable by choice? Nobody. So..where there is smoke, there is fire. Leave them be. If their body says man but their BRAINS say woman, who are we to judge what their mental status is?

They don't understand it because their sex and their gender align. SEX AND GENDER ARE DIFFERENT THINGS, YOU GUYS.
For some reason an image of Redd Foxx in drag jumped into my mind--and he was laughing his ass off. :lmao:
What's curious is that Arthur Ashe was gay. The Arthur Ashe award for courage is supposed to be given to homosexuals. Jenner isn't homosexual so why did he get it?

Ashe was gay ? I honestly don't remember that. I know he died of AIDS, but as I recall it was a blood transfusion.
I'm old enough to remember Ashe beating Connors who was favored to win Wimbledon. Think it was 73 or 74 ?
Anyway, I don't recall him being gay, but maybe so.
Arthur Ashe wasn't a queer.

He was one of the first victims of an AIDS contaminated blood transfusion when he was in the hospital for surgery. This happened before they started testing donated blood for the HIV virus.

But now the pervert LGBT crowd has hijacked the award and they give it to fellow sodomites. ...... :cool:
Those who think he is mental....why couldn't he have been born with a male body but his instincts, his brain...said WOMAN? After all, some babies are born with both sets of genitalia and the doc finds it easier to just what off the penis. The kid grows up with more male/thoughts/connections but was made a man at birth.
The brain is still the biggest mystery of our bodies. Who would WANT to be poked and prodded and miserable by choice? Nobody. So..where there is smoke, there is fire. Leave them be. If their body says man but their BRAINS say woman, who are we to judge what their mental status is?

They don't understand it because their sex and their gender align. SEX AND GENDER ARE DIFFERENT THINGS, YOU GUYS.

That's fine, mack...

and until he get an operation, he is still physically a man.

Which is what I've been saying for the last hour or more.
He should seek help for his mental condition.

you can't cure gender dysphoria.

thanks for playing.
Then warehouse him, or keep him in the closet, where he belongs.
Why? Does he scare you?
The rest of us don't want to look at circus freaks like that, day-in, day-out.

Get him a job at Ringling Brothers.

I hear they need a new Bearded Lady.
If you dont want to look avert your eyes. Nobody really gives a fuck what you what to or dont want to look at.

Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.
If you think boys and girls are the same term as male and females you obviously flunked your logic class spectacularly or cheated to pass. Gimme a break.

you've gone past ridiculous.

I said that you should have learned the difference between boys and girls in elementary school.

I should have said you should have learned the difference between males and females, because you obviously couldn't make the connection without a road map.
You majored in ridiculous. I didnt ask you what you said. I pointed out your deflection. We weren't talking about boys and girls. We were talking about male and female. You are pretty much out of your league. Especially since you admitted to an elementary level understanding of male and female. You should have ignored me like you said you were going to do a few pages back. I guess you were too embarrassed and couldnt resist. Its OK guy. Get some education then come back and try again.

Yes, I am pretty much out of my league...

that's the reason I brought up elementary education.

I was trying to put it on your level.

old hag--female.

From birth to death, they are still female.
Now, keep making a fool out of yourself.

(Not that you need the practice)
I've already exposed you as a hypocritical idiot. Let me show you how to really ignore someone. Youre done simpleton.
As for this guy? It's a tragic story. I'm sorry for his children. This has to be very confusing.

Sorry for his children? You do realize that that bitch of a wife and those bitches of daughters are exactly what drove him into the nut farm, right?
I have heard that before. Mostly it was the women's publicity and his being ignored.

I'm not sure it was him being "ignored" so much, as the simple fact that those bitches are toxic as fuck and have a way of contaminating people's ideas about what constitutes a person's self worth. I have no doubt that those bitches had Jenner feeling completely emasculated long before the first camera started rolling.
Took, and passed, a logic class my first year of college.

Which is why I find your pointless arguments so hilarious.
If you think boys and girls are the same term as male and females you obviously flunked your logic class spectacularly or cheated to pass. Gimme a break.

you've gone past ridiculous.

I said that you should have learned the difference between boys and girls in elementary school.

I should have said you should have learned the difference between males and females, because you obviously couldn't make the connection without a road map.
You majored in ridiculous. I didnt ask you what you said. I pointed out your deflection. We weren't talking about boys and girls. We were talking about male and female. You are pretty much out of your league. Especially since you admitted to an elementary level understanding of male and female. You should have ignored me like you said you were going to do a few pages back. I guess you were too embarrassed and couldnt resist. Its OK guy. Get some education then come back and try again.

Yes, I am pretty much out of my league...

that's the reason I brought up elementary education.

I was trying to put it on your level.

old hag--female.

From birth to death, they are still female.
Now, keep making a fool out of yourself.

(Not that you need the practice)
I've already exposed you as a hypocritical idiot. Let me show you how to really ignore someone. Youre done simpleton.

"I've already exposed you as a hypocritical idiot."

No, you've only proven that about yourself.

" Youre done simpleton"

That should be, 'You're done,
He should seek help for his mental condition.

you can't cure gender dysphoria.

thanks for playing.
Then warehouse him, or keep him in the closet, where he belongs.
Why? Does he scare you?
The rest of us don't want to look at circus freaks like that, day-in, day-out.

Get him a job at Ringling Brothers.

I hear they need a new Bearded Lady.
If you dont want to look avert your eyes. Nobody really gives a fuck what you what to or dont want to look at.
Time to stuff you and your kind back into the closet, sweet-cheeks...
Amazing how you haters know so much about this.

I've never met any of them, never spent time with them or their familes so I can't speak to how accurate your comments are.


If recognizing the Kardashian Klan for the dumb kunts and wastes of flesh that the are makes me a hater, then so be it.

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