Meet Caitlyn Jenner

you can't cure gender dysphoria.

thanks for playing.
Then warehouse him, or keep him in the closet, where he belongs.
Why? Does he scare you?
The rest of us don't want to look at circus freaks like that, day-in, day-out.

Get him a job at Ringling Brothers.

I hear they need a new Bearded Lady.
If you dont want to look avert your eyes. Nobody really gives a fuck what you what to or dont want to look at.
Time to stuff you and your kind back into the closet, sweet-cheeks...
So when are you going to do this? My guess is you will just continue to pout and have no real action behind your internet bravado.
Then warehouse him, or keep him in the closet, where he belongs.
Why? Does he scare you?
The rest of us don't want to look at circus freaks like that, day-in, day-out.

Get him a job at Ringling Brothers.

I hear they need a new Bearded Lady.
If you dont want to look avert your eyes. Nobody really gives a fuck what you what to or dont want to look at.
Time to stuff you and your kind back into the closet, sweet-cheeks...
So when are you going to do this? My guess is you will just continue to pout and have no real action behind your internet bravado.
Oh, the fun will probably begin, January 20, 2017...
Why? Does he scare you?
The rest of us don't want to look at circus freaks like that, day-in, day-out.

Get him a job at Ringling Brothers.

I hear they need a new Bearded Lady.
If you dont want to look avert your eyes. Nobody really gives a fuck what you what to or dont want to look at.
Time to stuff you and your kind back into the closet, sweet-cheeks...
So when are you going to do this? My guess is you will just continue to pout and have no real action behind your internet bravado.
Oh, the fun will probably begin, January 20, 2017...

Even then you wont come out of your bunker. You are too frightened.
I want to be called a black Eskimo, and I believe you and other taxpayers owe me

since you and others stole my land. By the way, I want you to be known as a white male.

what do tax payers owe bruce jenner..?

ftr i don't agree with prisoners being accommodated, if that's what you mean.
What's curious is that Arthur Ashe was gay. The Arthur Ashe award for courage is supposed to be given to homosexuals. Jenner isn't homosexual so why did he get it?

Ashe was gay ? I honestly don't remember that. I know he died of AIDS, but as I recall it was a blood transfusion.
I'm old enough to remember Ashe beating Connors who was favored to win Wimbledon. Think it was 73 or 74 ?
Anyway, I don't recall him being gay, but maybe so.

No, Tipsy is just a bit tipsy. Ashe was survived by a wife and daughter. The award bearing his name is given to the a person (present and former athletes and "sports people" in general) who has had the greatest humanitarian performance/contribution in the preceding year. Personally, I don't see how Jenner fits that bill at all.

P.S. Ashe won Wimbledon in 1975.
The guy has been utterly emasculated being surrounded by domineering women who have all but made him feel like the woman he is convinced he is.

I mean it is rather obvious.

This is what is happening imo, and considering how evolution works and based on how our society is matriarchal (where most of the leading men in TV shows commercials etc etc are the bumbling morons and the women are usually the level headed decision maker) would it shock you if a young man started to lactate within 50 years?

How rapidly does evolution work? I guess it all depends, considering cockroaches have not evolved in who knows how long?


It is not surprising and the fact is he has not had balls in a long time. Might as well make it literal.
"most of the leading men in TV shows commercials etc etc are the bumbling morons and the women are usually the level headed decision maker"

can you give an example of that..?
I don't know why I think I should be remotely surprised that many of the people on here view gender and sexuality as black and white ideas. Or that they even understand the words to begin with. The "penis means boy and vagina means girl and that's IT" viewpoint is wholly expected. God forbid human beings be complex or anything.
Not all people continue to learn after elementary nor do their parents take responsibility for teaching them the correct information. I know it boggles the mind people can be this ignorant.

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me when people are ignorant. We all had different opportunities growing up and not everyone gets access to the same education or exposure to the same types of life experiences. I'm certainly ignorant of quite a lot of things. What I'll never understand, however, is people who are ignorant and PROUD of it. People who wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. THAT is what boggles the mind.

Agreed. It is amazing to see people completely disregard biology, and only use emotions to base their opinions.

But, the left likes to say how logical and scientific they're, but then turn around in throw all of biology out the door. The left has no right to talk about being anti-science.
You just said gender was biology when by definition its a social construct. You are obviously anti science since you dont understand said science is continually evolving and changing.
You people pushing this shit are fuckin' nuts. There are two sexes, not six. Boys become men, not women. Same story for girls and women. Youre justifying deviancy and a mental illness to be normal. It isn't. Reasonable people aren't buying it. You sound more and more like a loon with every post you make.
what do you mean by PUSHING IT exactly?

You people pushing this shit ...
. They are buying into the latest liberal narrative that demands all liberals must agree with this when it would have never entered their mind a few years ago, let alone try to convince anyone that boys can become girls. This is called "pushing this shit".

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