Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

If you think you have any shot at convincing anyone that a magistrate ISNT way below a Federal Judge, you are delusional. There is a reason they picked a lowly magistrate.

I have no shot at convincing you people a a damn fucking thing. If your party told you it was snowing in Kansas right now, I would never be able to convince a single one of you it was not.

Would be a fools game to even try.
The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

Democrats pretending to be Trump supporters harrass/threaten slimeball judge.

False flag; been there, seen that.
Perhaps because this sort of corruption and abuse of government power is deeply offensive to those who value genuine law and order.

Public servants should give more thought before they abuse the power with which they are entrusted.

I have no sympathy for this corrupt piece of shit. I hope someone acts on these threats, and succeeds.

I have a very faint memory of reading about a society in which the bench on which a judge sat was upholstered with the skin of the last judge to hold his position, and to have been found guilty of abusing the power of that position—a constant reminder of the importance of not abusing his position.

The corrupt piece of shit who issued this warrant certainly comes across as an example of the sort of judge who needs such a reminder, and who, now, should provide such a reminder to his successor.
You just advocated the murder of a judge.

You are truly a piece of shit
you didn't comment on ITS ties to the pedophile--epstein--or the traitors, the clintons--you know, hit-lery, and pedo bill....

You mean the lies ginned up by the MAGA-cult to protect and excuse their orange godlet?
In other news.....Fox News got caught lying again......and Brian knew he fucked up when it was happening...couldn't even talk....bawahahahahhaa

I wonder if the judge can sue them over this horrible photoshop job they did....

He should be able to.
Go fuck yourself.

As a piece of British shit, nothing about any aspect of American government is any of your fucking business.

Go suck your Queen's dick.
The MAGA-cult is sure blowing their tops today. Will they defend their god illegally holding nuclear secrets?
Democrats pretending to be Trump supporters harrass/threaten slimeball judge.

False flag; been there, seen that.
Oh really? "been there"? Where have you been where you've seen that? The Capitol on Jan 6th, 2021?
Prove it.
I do not have to. It's in front of you if you look for it. Again....Trump was for borders, culter and a common language. The way we have lived since the beginning of the nation. When inclusion was advanced more and more to have nots, they went with diversity instead of assimilation on purpose. Traditional ways of living that were good or less costly were destroyed or reduced to accomplish this.
Your idea of “Justice” is political assasination?

Your defense of this corrupt piece of shit tells us what your idea of “justice” is; and leaves you in no credible position to criticize mine.
The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

You mean an unverified anonymous person (may have been a leftist) wrote words on a message board? That's major news.

But an actual planned attempt on the life of Justice Kavanaugh by a verified leftwing activist nut? Meh. Thats story lasted a half a day.
You mean an unverified anonymous person (may have been a leftist) wrote words on a message board? That's major news.

But an actual planned attempt on the life of Justice Kavanaugh by a verified leftwing activist nut? Meh. Thats story lasted a half a day.
So in other words it depends on what Judge it is, a right wing Judge or a left wing Judge.
You mean the lies ginned up by the MAGA-cult to protect and excuse their orange godlet?
Our nation has a lot of people now dependent on checks mailed out to them to survive. Politicians and regimes use inflation as a massive tax increase to schmooze the resources they need. So, in the first two years of Biden, the COLA increases will be around 15% total while the inflation is a minimum of 20%. And that is kind. Biden did his "read my lips" moment on taxes on less than 400 thousand dollars. Then there is Inflation Reduction Bill. A lot of tax increase coming there. Bidne is a freaking liar. Progs are liars.
Proud my arse to be American, one broke the capital, and one attempted alleged sexual rape, and one got shot. Who are they?
barrag-o---beijing xiden and hit-lery---the SCUM of AMERICA---TRAITORS
do AMERICA a favor---drop dead---

You mean the lies ginned up by the MAGA-cult to protect and excuse their orange godlet?
ah NO shit stain....i meant ---
you didn't comment on ITS ties to the pedophile--epstein--or the traitors, the clintons--you know, hit-lery, and pedo bill....
what part of that can't you comprehend?
leave it to a SCUM demonRAT to deflect, and twist to suit

Its like appointing a highschool tutor to Secratary of Education. If they can only get a warrant through a lowly magistrate, clearly they didnt have a good reason. Apparently no actual Federal Judge would even touch it. They shopped around until they found a rube.
A rube that was a shitstain obama donor with an established anti Trump background.

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