Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats!


Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status. NBC News reports two agents have been disciplined for doing so, and the Justice Department announced a criminal probe. But so far no one has identified a single conservative group that was denied status in the controversial review, though some faced bureaucratic hurdles and had their tax-exempt status delayed.

In fact, the only known 501(c)(4) applicant to have its status denied happens to be a progressive group: the Maine chapter of Emerge America, which trains Democratic women to run for office. Although the group did no electoral work, and didn’t participate in independent expenditure campaign activity either, its partisan status apparently disqualified it from being categorized as working for the “common good.”

Ironically, the national organization and its earlier chapters had gotten tax-exempt status by the IRS during the Bush administration in 2006. But it appears as though the Maine group’s rejection triggered a review of the entire organization, and Emerge America and all of its chapters had their tax-exempt status revoked. Emerge reincorporated with 527 status, which requires it to report its donors. You can read the IRS letters explaining its decisions at the bottom of this post.

More: Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats! - JOAN WALSH

So, no Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied - but a progressive group was. I fail to see the logic. Just another example why there is no IRS scandal - except against progressives.

You being in denial does not mean that there wasn't a scandal, even Laws broken. The IRS fucked up, big time. If anything you show that it wasn't limited to Conservative groups. That is not a defense.
It shows the left has as much to whine about as the right. More, in fact.

Oh yeah, a couple groups to how many of the Tea party and pro-life groups?

but of course you liberals would whine you about it..and poo poo the Tea Party as making a big deal out of nothing..
It shows the left has as much to whine about as the right. More, in fact.


so one or two lefty groups gets legitimately denied and hundreds of righty groups get unjustly delayed and scrutinized and you call that fair?

whence did you learn fairness from? the same person that taught you it is ok for the IRS to target groups solely based on their political leanings?
from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.


another dot com lacktota fail

No, everyone doesn't agree. I would have "scrutinized" the hell out of those teabaggers who want their cake and eat it too.

Because you're an authoritarian control statist. I wouldn't have scrutinized ANY group.
from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.


another dot com lacktota fail

No, everyone doesn't agree. I would have "scrutinized" the hell out of those teabaggers who want their cake and eat it too.

What "cake" is that, their constitutional rights?
Eliminate this loophole for everyone:

WASHINGTON - May 17 - Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a brief in Gill v. Dep’t of the Treasury, responding to the IRS’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit for lack of standing. This lawsuit, brought by CREW, former Illinois congressional candidate Dr. David Gill, and his campaign committee, challenges an IRS regulation allowing 501(c)(4) organizations to be “primarily engaged” in promoting social welfare, while the Tax Code dictates such groups be “operated exclusively” for social welfare purposes.

More: In Lawsuit Against IRS, CREW Continues Battle to Close 501(C)(4) Loophole | Common Dreams
It's only logical that wingnut groups should receive more scrutiny. I would have scrutinized the hell out of them.

And doesn’t anyone see the hypocrisy of the GOP for calling out the IRS for targeting groups (that lied about being charities) when that party has been targeting black and brown voters for years via every imaginable "voter-fraud" law?

6 Key Takeaways From the Stupidity and Reality of IRS 'Scandal' | Alternet

Voter fraud law? How is it voter fraud when you want EVERYBODY to show an I.D. card at the voting booth so everybody's vote counts equally? Why should your vote be cancelled out by a person who has no legal right to vote? I guess it's just too easy to play the race card when facts and evidence denies everything you say. Also, you claim that the IRS targeted groups that lied about being charities. At the risk of getting an op ed link to Media Matters I'm going to stay brave and dare to ask you what the hell are you talking about? What charities? Oh God, I can just feel a link from coming my way! Oh the horror!
It's only logical that wingnut groups should receive more scrutiny. I would have scrutinized the hell out of them.

And doesn’t anyone see the hypocrisy of the GOP for calling out the IRS for targeting groups (that lied about being charities) when that party has been targeting black and brown voters for years via every imaginable "voter-fraud" law?

6 Key Takeaways From the Stupidity and Reality of IRS 'Scandal' | Alternet

Voter fraud law? How is it voter fraud when you want EVERYBODY to show an I.D. card at the voting booth so everybody's vote counts equally? Why should your vote be cancelled out by a person who has no legal right to vote? I guess it's just too easy to play the race card when facts and evidence denies everything you say. Also, you claim that the IRS targeted groups that lied about being charities. At the risk of getting an op ed link to Media Matters I'm going to stay brave and dare to ask you what the hell are you talking about? What charities? Oh God, I can just feel a link from coming my way! Oh the horror!

You're funny, but you need to improve your baiting skills.
[ame=] interviews former IRS employee, Mike Vilardi - YouTube[/ame]
It shows the left has as much to whine about as the right. More, in fact.

Oh yeah, a couple groups to how many of the Tea party and pro-life groups?

but of course you liberals would whine you about it..and poo poo the Tea Party as making a big deal out of nothing..

Which Tea party and pro-life groups were denied their 501c-4 status, amigo?

Give us the list of these aggrieved organizations, please.

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