Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats!

The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row - Bloomberg
You do realize that the IRS did admit to targeting conservative groups right? You keep acting as if the republicans are engaging in conspiracy theories but THE IRS ADMITTED THAT IT TARGETED CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. By the way, the Tea Party is not an anti-tax organization. It's an anti-excessive tax organization. The Tea Party is also not anti- government. It's anti-excessive government. It's like me saying that Bloomberg News is anti-freedom just because they endorse a liberal attitude for less freedom.

that is well outside of the scope of

her talking points
The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row - Bloomberg

yeah, it is pretty obvious that we are only hearing about the teabagger quarter of the 300 groups targeted because they were the ones that bitched about it.

I've never understood why a colonial-themed live action role-playing guild should have tax-exempt status anyway :doubt:
It's comical watching people so desperate to deflect something that even the administration admitted was happening and going on. And this administration admitting anything means it's much worse than we know at present time.
from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.


another dot com lacktota fail

Well no.

The Conservative meme was that the IRS was specifically ONLY targeting conservative groups. The other part of that is that is "somehow" had an effect on the election.

Both items are false.

What happened was that the cash strapped IRS started doing something conservatives advocate for law enforcement, "PROFILING".
The Internal Revenue Service, under pressure after admitting it targeted anti-tax Tea Party groups for scrutiny in recent years, also had its eye on at least three Democratic-leaning organizations seeking nonprofit status.

IRS Sent Same Letter to Democrats That Fed Tea Party Row - Bloomberg
You do realize that the IRS did admit to targeting conservative groups right? You keep acting as if the republicans are engaging in conspiracy theories but THE IRS ADMITTED THAT IT TARGETED CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. By the way, the Tea Party is not an anti-tax organization. It's an anti-excessive tax organization. The Tea Party is also not anti- government. It's anti-excessive government. It's like me saying that Bloomberg News is anti-freedom just because they endorse a liberal attitude for less freedom.

It's true that the IRS has admitted to the profiling and it's beginning to look more like that came out a little early and without proper context.

Just like when:

ACORN was cut off from federal funding.

Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign.

Both events happened because of "conservative outrage" and were basically premature.
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Salon found six liberal women who were treated the same way by the criminal enterprise we know as the IRS as hundreds of conservative organizations. Congrats Salon, you proved the case that the IRS is completely inept and unqualified to supervise the ten foot stack of laws relating to Obamacare.

Actually the group admitted their mission was to help get Democrats elected. That is specifically prohibited by the guidelines for 501c3(4)s.
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from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.


another dot com lacktota fail

No, everyone doesn't agree. I would have "scrutinized" the hell out of those teabaggers who want their cake and eat it too.

Yeah, you're right. Worthless scum that says TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY

You poor ignorant communist trash....

Wait, what?

Are you saying taxation is Communism?????


They were rightfully denied because they were a partisan organization, which is against the rules

Every 501c-4 is basically a partisan organization pretending not to be, amigo.
Salon found six liberal women who were treated the same way by the criminal enterprise we know as the IRS as hundreds of conservative organizations. Congrats Salon, you proved the case that the IRS is completely inept and unqualified to supervise the ten foot stack of laws relating to Obamacare.

How many conservative organizations had their status revoked?

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status. NBC News reports two agents have been disciplined for doing so, and the Justice Department announced a criminal probe. But so far no one has identified a single conservative group that was denied status in the controversial review, though some faced bureaucratic hurdles and had their tax-exempt status delayed.

In fact, the only known 501(c)(4) applicant to have its status denied happens to be a progressive group: the Maine chapter of Emerge America, which trains Democratic women to run for office. Although the group did no electoral work, and didn’t participate in independent expenditure campaign activity either, its partisan status apparently disqualified it from being categorized as working for the “common good.”

Ironically, the national organization and its earlier chapters had gotten tax-exempt status by the IRS during the Bush administration in 2006. But it appears as though the Maine group’s rejection triggered a review of the entire organization, and Emerge America and all of its chapters had their tax-exempt status revoked. Emerge reincorporated with 527 status, which requires it to report its donors. You can read the IRS letters explaining its decisions at the bottom of this post.

More: Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats! - JOAN WALSH

So, no Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied - but a progressive group was. I fail to see the logic. Just another example why there is no IRS scandal - except against progressives.

If I see Media Matters or it can be assumed it's bull shit.

Nuff said.

BTW, the issue isn't denials. It's harassment. From what I understand the goal wasn't to deny applications. It was to string them out for years and keep asking for more and more information. Then the information was turned over by the IRS to liberal outlets like Media Matters, ProPublica, and to trash the groups and donors in question. A denial notice would have ended the harassment and thus all of the fun these liberal assholes were having with conservatives under their collective thumbs.

Carry on.

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status. NBC News reports two agents have been disciplined for doing so, and the Justice Department announced a criminal probe. But so far no one has identified a single conservative group that was denied status in the controversial review, though some faced bureaucratic hurdles and had their tax-exempt status delayed.

In fact, the only known 501(c)(4) applicant to have its status denied happens to be a progressive group: the Maine chapter of Emerge America, which trains Democratic women to run for office. Although the group did no electoral work, and didn’t participate in independent expenditure campaign activity either, its partisan status apparently disqualified it from being categorized as working for the “common good.”

Ironically, the national organization and its earlier chapters had gotten tax-exempt status by the IRS during the Bush administration in 2006. But it appears as though the Maine group’s rejection triggered a review of the entire organization, and Emerge America and all of its chapters had their tax-exempt status revoked. Emerge reincorporated with 527 status, which requires it to report its donors. You can read the IRS letters explaining its decisions at the bottom of this post.

More: Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats! - JOAN WALSH

So, no Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied - but a progressive group was. I fail to see the logic. Just another example why there is no IRS scandal - except against progressives.

If I see Media Matters or it can be assumed it's bull shit.

Nuff said.

BTW, the issue isn't denials. It's harassment. From what I understand the goal wasn't to deny applications. It was to string them out for years and keep asking for more and more information. Then the information was turned over by the IRS to liberal outlets like Media Matters, ProPublica, and to trash the groups and donors in question. A denial notice would have ended the harassment and thus all of the fun these liberal assholes were having with conservatives under their collective thumbs.

Carry on.

How was the TeaParty harassed ?

A questionaire?
More: Meet the group the IRS actually denied: Democrats! - JOAN WALSH

So, no Tea Party / Patriot groups were denied - but a progressive group was. I fail to see the logic. Just another example why there is no IRS scandal - except against progressives.

If I see Media Matters or it can be assumed it's bull shit.

Nuff said.

BTW, the issue isn't denials. It's harassment. From what I understand the goal wasn't to deny applications. It was to string them out for years and keep asking for more and more information. Then the information was turned over by the IRS to liberal outlets like Media Matters, ProPublica, and to trash the groups and donors in question. A denial notice would have ended the harassment and thus all of the fun these liberal assholes were having with conservatives under their collective thumbs.

Carry on.

How was the TeaParty harassed ?

A questionaire?

ask obama...he said it is outrageous and americans have a right to be angry
from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.


another dot com lacktota fail

Well no.

The Conservative meme was that the IRS was specifically ONLY targeting conservative groups. The other part of that is that is "somehow" had an effect on the election.

Both items are false.

What happened was that the cash strapped IRS started doing something conservatives advocate for law enforcement, "PROFILING".

like obama said, the IRS targeting conservative groups is outrageous and americans have a right to be angry.

they didn't say only as in definite, it is hyperbole and if you look at what happened, 99% of the targets were conservative. that is proper to say only in such a situation.

it could have had an effect on the election as you know money buys elections.

thus, you're dead wrong that both items are lies.
If I see Media Matters or it can be assumed it's bull shit.

Nuff said.

BTW, the issue isn't denials. It's harassment. From what I understand the goal wasn't to deny applications. It was to string them out for years and keep asking for more and more information. Then the information was turned over by the IRS to liberal outlets like Media Matters, ProPublica, and to trash the groups and donors in question. A denial notice would have ended the harassment and thus all of the fun these liberal assholes were having with conservatives under their collective thumbs.

Carry on.

How was the TeaParty harassed ?

A questionaire?

ask obama...he said it is outrageous and americans have a right to be angry

RW is saying Obama wasn't being honest.

Using the IRS to fuck with people isn't a problem.
You do realize that the IRS did admit to targeting conservative groups right? You keep acting as if the republicans are engaging in conspiracy theories but THE IRS ADMITTED THAT IT TARGETED CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. By the way, the Tea Party is not an anti-tax organization. It's an anti-excessive tax organization. The Tea Party is also not anti- government. It's anti-excessive government. It's like me saying that Bloomberg News is anti-freedom just because they endorse a liberal attitude for less freedom.

It's true that the IRS has admitted to the profiling and it's beginning to look more like that came out a little early and without proper context.

Just like when:

ACORN was cut off from federal funding.

Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign.

Both events happened because of "conservative outrage" and were basically premature.

Ah yes, I'm old enough to remember when people on the left were against profiling. Like about a month ago. Also, why would anybody profile the Tea Party? I understand you don't like them because you disagree with their politics and the left certainly has fascist tendencies when it comes to freedom of speech but exactly what has the Tea Party done illegally to warrant targeting? Perhaps they cleaned up after one of their rallies without proper governmental authority?

ACORN was cut off from federal funding prematurely? The were proven to have broken the law. You want to target the Tea Party who hasn't broken the law and you defend ACORN who was proven to have broken the law. This is why extreme blind partisanship is ultimately self defeating. It leads to nonsensical irrational hyperbolic double standards easily disproved.

Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign by the White House and condemned by the NAACP. If these entities get their marching orders from the GOP then who exactly are you supporting and why?
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I don't think that Emerge America is a fair comparison. Section 501(c)(4) does not prohibit championing a cause, such as lower taxes (a social welfare issue). It does however prohibit partisan politics, which is generally defined as promoting a particular party or candidate. Although the line between “social welfare” and "partisan politics” is somewhat blurred, some cases seem fairly clear. There is no doubt that Emerge American was engaged in partisan politics, and their 501(c)(4) status should have been revoked:

“The IRS recently revoked the §501(c)(4) status of a state-wide affiliate of Emerge America, an organization based in California whose purpose is to identify and train women for leadership in the Democratic Party. Emerge America requires its affiliates to select a class of trainees who intend to seek public office and are registered Democrats. The organization then conducts a training program on subjects such as: campaigns and elections, fundraising, public speaking, networking, media skills, and other topics related to running for public office.....”

Is the IRS going to scrutinize political c4s? | Blog

Training: The Emerge Program | Emerge America

Nonprofit (San Francisco): Emerge America -

There is no comparing this group with the Tea Party and other groups – both liberal and conservative – who are truly engaged in social welfare issues. Emerge America is about as partisan as a group could possibly get and they clearly did not deserve the status they sought.

Did you really expect Emerge America to qualify for 501(c)(4) status? I do not. The IRS got it right on this one.

Bottom line: Emerge America was properly denied 501(c)(4) status and the Tea Party was improperly targeted (the IRS admitted this much).
You do realize that the IRS did admit to targeting conservative groups right? You keep acting as if the republicans are engaging in conspiracy theories but THE IRS ADMITTED THAT IT TARGETED CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. By the way, the Tea Party is not an anti-tax organization. It's an anti-excessive tax organization. The Tea Party is also not anti- government. It's anti-excessive government. It's like me saying that Bloomberg News is anti-freedom just because they endorse a liberal attitude for less freedom.

It's true that the IRS has admitted to the profiling and it's beginning to look more like that came out a little early and without proper context.

Just like when:

ACORN was cut off from federal funding.

Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign.

Both events happened because of "conservative outrage" and were basically premature.

Ah yes, I'm old enough to remember when people on the left were against profiling. Like about a month ago. Also, why would anybody profile the Tea Party? I understand you don't like them because you disagree with their politics and the left certainly has fascist tendencies when it comes to freedom of speech but exactly what has the Tea Party done illegally to warrant targeting? Perhaps they cleaned up after one of their rallies without proper governmental authority?

ACORN was cut off from federal funding prematurely? The were proven to have broken the law. You want to target the Tea Party who hasn't broken the law and you defend ACORN who was proven to have broken the law. This is why extreme blind partisanship is ultimately self defeating. It leads to nonsensical irrational hyperbolic double standards easily disproved.

Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign by the White House and condemned by the NAACP. If these entities get their marching orders from the GOP then who exactly are you supporting and why?


I have NEVER understood this "so-called" umbrage and absolute HATRED that the communist left holds for the Tea Party.

I can only suppose that they despise them so greatly because they are a group of America-Loving Mothers and Fathers, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts of this worthless scum that HATES America and everything she stands for.

These people protest the idea of government taking over our lives, that believes that we are Taxed Enough Already, and holds to the idea that America is still the greatest nation on earth. That believes that POWER comes FROM the PEOPLE to the government, NOT from the GOVERNMENT to the PEOPLE.

Well, guess you communist liberals better start hating my guts. I joined my local chapter today with great pride! Sorry I waited so long!!!
from the link:

Everyone agrees that the IRS shouldn’t have targeted groups with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names for special scrutiny in awarding tax-exempt status.

You would think Lakahota would be embarrassed by some of the dumb stuff they post..

we see good ole Salon cranking out the SPIN again..

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