Meet the Liberal You vs The Conservative You

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Meet the Liberal You vs The Conservative You

Yes, if you knew there was a 100% improved male version of yourself, wouldn’t you agree you could use an upgrade?

"You can't be the best male version of your new self if you still like the old version of yourself because greatness can't shine and grow until you fire the old version of yourself."©

A few things:
If you could take charge as a male at mastering your soul, peace, freedom, financial growth, career, business, home, vehicles, family, friendships, safety, inspiration, health, physique, groom, smile, romance, and success, so you can be the best for yourself, would you allow someone else to manage these things for you? If you gave over your freedom for someone else to Master your destiny to accomplish your vision plan in achieving everything you have and do, would you let them?. This means, you may not be accomplished in having your own freedom to master your own destiny.
If the old version of you is looking to vote your way to prosperity, then go take a number at the welfare line and keep voting to get change, but this new version of you is about doing it everyday through action so you don't vote about it, because here, you be about it, living it day by day. Never vote for somebody who tells you they will provide you liberty to have health, wealth, or meth, they're selling freedom. Liberty is free! Don't become a slave to it.©

Yes, there are social change political parties that turn you into a feminist sympathizer to get freedom, but wouldn't you agree that being transformed into a liberated man to take charge is much more fun and masculine than being a feminist sissy flower boy? So, are you tired of killing yourself over feminist? If so, then retire the votes and kiss ass to Urkel from Family Matters and get your balls back and stop wearing the panties because they’re turning you out as a shemale. If you enjoy kissing feminist ass like Urkel so you can win their hearts through voting their way, then by all means continue your innocent sexual harassment flirting pick up lines on the sensitive feminist me too movement and see if they cut you some slack.

Liberate yourself from them. Refrain from talking like them, supporting their contrary ways, or empowering them just to satisfy their feminist agendas. Free yourself from their idol threats to anybody who gets in their way. Form your own male agendas

It’s time to stop catering to the spoiled princess if America, who want to cry wolf and dominate man with temper tantrums because everything that men do in this country is unfair to the little brats. So, therefore the feminist pour guilt and shame on us by twisting our arm to vote their way, through intimidation and fear. Sex is held hostage and has become the rallying cry to get what they want because if you dare think differently and disagree with them by becoming your own person as a man, then you condone bad male behavior and are like the rest of the dirty rotten sleazy racist dogs.
Meet the Liberal You vs The Conservative You

Yes, if you knew there was a 100% improved male version of yourself, wouldn’t you agree you could use an upgrade?

"You can't be the best male version of your new self if you still like the old version of yourself because greatness can't shine and grow until you fire the old version of yourself."©

A few things:
If you could take charge as a male at mastering your soul, peace, freedom, financial growth, career, business, home, vehicles, family, friendships, safety, inspiration, health, physique, groom, smile, romance, and success, so you can be the best for yourself, would you allow someone else to manage these things for you? If you gave over your freedom for someone else to Master your destiny to accomplish your vision plan in achieving everything you have and do, would you let them?. This means, you may not be accomplished in having your own freedom to master your own destiny.
If the old version of you is looking to vote your way to prosperity, then go take a number at the welfare line and keep voting to get change, but this new version of you is about doing it everyday through action so you don't vote about it, because here, you be about it, living it day by day. Never vote for somebody who tells you they will provide you liberty to have health, wealth, or meth, they're selling freedom. Liberty is free! Don't become a slave to it.©

Yes, there are social change political parties that turn you into a feminist sympathizer to get freedom, but wouldn't you agree that being transformed into a liberated man to take charge is much more fun and masculine than being a feminist sissy flower boy? So, are you tired of killing yourself over feminist? If so, then retire the votes and kiss ass to Urkel from Family Matters and get your balls back and stop wearing the panties because they’re turning you out as a shemale. If you enjoy kissing feminist ass like Urkel so you can win their hearts through voting their way, then by all means continue your innocent sexual harassment flirting pick up lines on the sensitive feminist me too movement and see if they cut you some slack.

Liberate yourself from them. Refrain from talking like them, supporting their contrary ways, or empowering them just to satisfy their feminist agendas. Free yourself from their idol threats to anybody who gets in their way. Form your own male agendas

It’s time to stop catering to the spoiled princess if America, who want to cry wolf and dominate man with temper tantrums because everything that men do in this country is unfair to the little brats. So, therefore the feminist pour guilt and shame on us by twisting our arm to vote their way, through intimidation and fear. Sex is held hostage and has become the rallying cry to get what they want because if you dare think differently and disagree with them by becoming your own person as a man, then you condone bad male behavior and are like the rest of the dirty rotten sleazy racist dogs.
Woah, snowflake alert
Meet the Liberal You vs The Conservative You

Yes, if you knew there was a 100% improved male version of yourself, wouldn’t you agree you could use an upgrade?

"You can't be the best male version of your new self if you still like the old version of yourself because greatness can't shine and grow until you fire the old version of yourself."©

A few things:
If you could take charge as a male at mastering your soul, peace, freedom, financial growth, career, business, home, vehicles, family, friendships, safety, inspiration, health, physique, groom, smile, romance, and success, so you can be the best for yourself, would you allow someone else to manage these things for you? If you gave over your freedom for someone else to Master your destiny to accomplish your vision plan in achieving everything you have and do, would you let them?. This means, you may not be accomplished in having your own freedom to master your own destiny.
If the old version of you is looking to vote your way to prosperity, then go take a number at the welfare line and keep voting to get change, but this new version of you is about doing it everyday through action so you don't vote about it, because here, you be about it, living it day by day. Never vote for somebody who tells you they will provide you liberty to have health, wealth, or meth, they're selling freedom. Liberty is free! Don't become a slave to it.©

Yes, there are social change political parties that turn you into a feminist sympathizer to get freedom, but wouldn't you agree that being transformed into a liberated man to take charge is much more fun and masculine than being a feminist sissy flower boy? So, are you tired of killing yourself over feminist? If so, then retire the votes and kiss ass to Urkel from Family Matters and get your balls back and stop wearing the panties because they’re turning you out as a shemale. If you enjoy kissing feminist ass like Urkel so you can win their hearts through voting their way, then by all means continue your innocent sexual harassment flirting pick up lines on the sensitive feminist me too movement and see if they cut you some slack.

Liberate yourself from them. Refrain from talking like them, supporting their contrary ways, or empowering them just to satisfy their feminist agendas. Free yourself from their idol threats to anybody who gets in their way. Form your own male agendas

It’s time to stop catering to the spoiled princess if America, who want to cry wolf and dominate man with temper tantrums because everything that men do in this country is unfair to the little brats. So, therefore the feminist pour guilt and shame on us by twisting our arm to vote their way, through intimidation and fear. Sex is held hostage and has become the rallying cry to get what they want because if you dare think differently and disagree with them by becoming your own person as a man, then you condone bad male behavior and are like the rest of the dirty rotten sleazy racist dogs.

Sounds like somebody has a boner for Urkel.

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