Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

You mean prosecuting businesses THAT KNOWINGLY hire illegals

And even then only when it can be an industry wide investigation rather George Soros DAs only going after republican owned businesses while ignoring democrats doing the same thing

So you're in favor of the government telling a business owner who he can hire?

I'm not. I don't think the government should have that much control over anyone's private or business life. When I owned my small business, I wanted to hire who ever TF I thought would've made the best employee. I didn't give a damn about their nationality, immigration status, their race, religion or sexual orientation. My only concern was their appearance, how nice they could be to customers and that they weren't criminals.
So you're in favor of the government telling a business owner who he can hire?
Its not a new idea

Witness affirmative action and quotas that have been in place for generations

Or see child labor laws

To me not allowing businesses and illegal aliens to take jobs away from American workers is a no-brainer
Trump NEVER had a majority in congress

The business-as-usual GOP swamp rats did, but not trump the washington outsider

The election of trump hurt the Deep State’s pride and exposed it to being less all powetful than we imagined

And the swamp rays have been striking back ever since

LMAO.. You're misinformed.

Trumps first two years he had a majority in the House and Senate.

Trump hurt the deep state pride? Is that why he reauthorized the deep state with the FISA, NDAA and Patriot act reauthorizations? The very things they supposedly used against him?

Trump grew the swamp, the deep state and the size of government because he didn't want to end those things. He wanted to be the leader of them. And still does.

FFS, he's wanting billions for the new FBI headquarters.
I have a better idea. It requires fixing the USD value problem. Equalizing the USD with the Peso. Or at least getting $1 close to the value of the Peso.

That would solve not only the immigration problem. But also the outsourcing & trade problem. And would bring those millions of jobs back to the USA. So many that it wouldn't matter how many immigrants came here.

Would you rather have $20 that bought $20 worth of goods? Or $100 that bought $20 worth of goods. Right now, $100 only buys $20 worth of goods. To most of us, it doesn't really matter, because our pay still buys what we need. But there's millions of jobs, and a lot of industries that have left the country because of the value of the USD being in the toilet. So much so that they can't compete on the global markets. So they move their manufacturing to some other country. Or they simply go out of business. Either way, we've lost millions upon millions of jobs because of it.

In Mexico, most people only earn about $15-$20 per day. If that's about all they could make here, they wouldn't even bother coming here.
Making $30hr sounds great. But if it's only buying $10hr worth of goods, then what's the point? Especially when it's so detrimental to our economy.
Just like a progressive marxist, your solution is not to have America succeed, rather to bring America down….
Its not a new idea

Witness affirmative action and quotas that have been in place for generations

Or see child labor laws

To me not allowing businesses and illegal aliens to take jobs away from American workers is a no-brainer

I get the point. And it sounds good. But allowing the government to have control over who a business can hire, or do business with, (contractors) is a government with too much control over the free market.
You either support "free market capitalism" or you support big government.
It's impossible to support both.

If we had a majority of fiscal conservatives running the country, you'd understand the difference. But we don't. We only have democrats and left leaning republicans (RINO's).
Trumps first two years he had a majority in the House and Senate.
Trump never controlled the ego-bruised GOP swamp rats in washington

Combine them with the opposition of democrats and the Deep State and its obvious why trump never got his First 100 days that other presidents enjoyed
I get the point. And it sounds good. But allowing the government to have control over who a business can hire, or do business with, (contractors) is a government with too much control over the free market.
You either support "free market capitalism" or you support big government.
It's impossible to support both.

If we had a majority of fiscal conservatives running the country, you'd understand the difference. But we don't. We only have democrats and left leaning republicans (RINO's).
The thing about libertarian ideas of a free market is its fantasy. It doesn't exist in real life.
Just like a progressive marxist, your solution is not to have America succeed, rather to bring America down….

Fiscal conservatism is what built this country, bucko. It was those fiscal conservatives that kept the government small, the debt manageable and allowed free market capitalism to grow. It kept the government out of our private and business lives. It's what made this country a free nation, where people could start from nothing and become wealthy.

It wasn't until you big government, left leaning republicans (RINO's) came in and started destroying the concept of fiscal conservatism. Started regulating everything from cradle to grave. Started spending like drunken democrats. Started mandating and regulating businesses and destroying the USD. And started allowing the democrats to do those very things.

That sir, is when we started losing manufacturing. It's when companies were forced to outsource to other countries. it's when the debt started growing out of control.
Someone make a note of this date and time

Curried Goats is having a lucid moment
Libertarianism, like every subject discussed here, is something I know more about than even its so called supporters. What else is new?
Fiscal conservatism is what built this country, bucko. It was those fiscal conservatives that kept the government small, the debt manageable and allowed free market capitalism to grow. It kept the government out of our private and business lives. It's what made this country a free nation, where people could start from nothing and become wealthy.

It wasn't until you big government, left leaning republicans (RINO's) came in and started destroying the concept of fiscal conservatism. Started regulating everything from cradle to grave. Started spending like drunken democrats. Started mandating and regulating businesses and destroying the USD. And started allowing the democrats to do those very things.

That sir, is when we started losing manufacturing. It's when companies were forced to outsource to other countries. it's when the debt started growing out of control.
Says the man who wants to devalue the dollar to equal the peso….Tell us more…
Libertarianism, like every subject discussed here, is something I know more about than even its so called supporters. What else is new?
Obviously modesty is not one of your superlatives

But illusions of grandeur might be
We get it

“Mirror, mirror on the wall…”

Part of being blessed is never really having to look in a mirror. I barely glance at my face when I leave the house. It helps that I keep my head shaved I guess so I don't have to worry about hair being out of place.
Says the man who wants to devalue the dollar to equal the peso….Tell us more…

Devalue? You don't really understand the whole currency subject do you?

Tell me something. If I can live good in Mexico for $1,500 per month. A nice place, a maid that comes in 2 or 3 times a week. Electricity, water, internet and all the other essentials.
And for those same things here in the USA, it costs over $3,000 a month, who's currency is worth more and goes further?
The thing about libertarian ideas of a free market is its fantasy. It doesn't exist in real life.

Why doesn't it? Could it be because of the Republicans and democrats and how they've destroyed a lot of things like "free market capitalism?"
Trump never controlled the ego-bruised GOP swamp rats in washington

Combine them with the opposition of democrats and the Deep State and its obvious why trump never got his First 100 days that other presidents enjoyed

Because we have 3 equal branches of government, bucko. One isn't supposed to be more powerful than the other. But when one's own party has both the executive branch and the congressional branch, then the party themselves have complete control.
This occurs when the country wants one party and their ideology to install those type of policies.
Like Trump, the GOP claims to support smaller, limited government that lives within it's means (conservatism). But it's been proven, election after election, that the GOP doesn't really support that. Although they promise to do so.
The big ticket issue in 2016 was to reign in the democrats spending, from the Obama terms.
And what happened? The country elected a majority of republicans to do just that. But after they were elected, they, along with the democrats, went on an $8 trillion spending spree. Increasing the debt ceiling several times so they could spend even more.
And along with that, Trump increased the size and scope of governments. Which was something else they promised to not do.
Sure! Let's do that for anyone with a long rap sheet, m'kay? Even with misdemeanors.
Even misdemeanors since they cannot be corrected. Do you take a rabid dog and allow it to bite people over and over again? Why is it that some people feel that they can take the rights away from other people, and not have to pay for the crime? Once maybe, twice, okay, but 3 times you fuck someone over, then you need to be permanently removed from society...

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