Meet The Libertarian Presidential Contender Looking To Be The 'Adult In The Room'

It's not BS. For two years, Trump had complete GOP majority and didn't secure the border. He was more interested in trying to shove his version of Government ran healthcare down our throats. From that to trying to give blacks $500 Billion in reparations. And spending us down the drain even further, the entire time.
To be fair, there was little interest among the republican delegation in aiding him, for better or worse.

On the flip side, he proclaimed that he'd never sign another budget like the one McTurtle and Eddie Munster jammed up his ass in '17, only to sign three more of them.
To be fair, there was little interest among the republican delegation in aiding him, for better or worse.

On the flip side, he proclaimed that he'd never sign another budget like the one McTurtle and Eddie Munster jammed up his ass in '17, only to sign three more of them.

Pelosi had that special kind of lube that he enjoyed so much.
There's no need in getting into his chances of winning. That's a dead horse subject. But for RINO's & dems who think that Trump or Biden are the best options, this proves that to be false. And it proves that the R &D's have ruined this country, together.

Looks like a good alternative for lukewarm maga voters, maybe in addition to nikki haley...
How TF can someone be a nationalist and destroy the USD at the same time? It's not possible to sustain ourselves when our own currency is being destroyed. No ideology can exists without fiscal responsibility. $8 trillion in just 4 yrs isn't being fiscally responsible. 12 cr's. 3 debt ceiling increases. A 2 yr debt ceiling increase. Dropping all those bombs in the middle east. Foreign aid to so many countries. That's some leftist BS, no matter how you slice or dice it. And no even close to be nationalist.
Maybe because Joe Biden's campaign working with China, released upon the US the kung flu, and the Democrat Run cities and states closed down businesses at the behest of a lying POS Tony Fauxi. So yeah, President Trump took the wrong advice to give money to people so they could survive, as it was all planned from the beginning to blame President Trump for everything, while Joe Bidumb stole the 2020 election, because not enough Independents thought 3 years of greatness just didnt cut it before the Kung Flu was released.
Maybe because Joe Biden's campaign working with China, released upon the US the kung flu, and the Democrat Run cities and states closed down businesses at the behest of a lying POS Tony Fauxi. So yeah, President Trump took the wrong advice to give money to people so they could survive, as it was all planned from the beginning to blame President Trump for everything, while Joe Bidumb stole the 2020 election, because not enough Independents thought 3 years of greatness just didnt cut it before the Kung Flu was released.

I agree. Biden sucks. That's why I don't support him. But you trying to tie me to Biden only shows how OWNED you are by Trump.

Obviously you support RINO's. It's a fucking fact that RINO's present no opposition to the democrats. Trumps record on Covid, spending, trade, immigration and just about everything else, proves he's a RINO.
Looks like a good alternative for lukewarm maga voters, maybe in addition to nikki haley...
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The need to add the following:

Assaulted our 2A with the bump stock ban
Supported red flag laws and said "I like taking the guns first. Do due process later."
Spent $8 trillion in 4 years
Signed 12 continued resolutions
Suspended the debt ceiling for 2 years, AFTER raising it 3 times.
Gave big pharma hundreds of billions for a flu shot
Initiated the first covid mandates and shut downs
Bashed conservative governors for opening up their states sooner than he wanted
Gave Fauci a commendation on his last day in office.
Tried to replace our government ran healthcare with government ran healthcare.

So someone please tell me why the left isn't trying to recruit Trump. Because he's clearly left of center.
Talk is cheap. Pretend libertarians might tell you what you want to hear but mostly it's B.S. Has Chase Oliver ever been elected to office? The hope is that democrats who realize that Biden is hopeless and are afflicted with TDS might vote for this guy.
Talk is cheap. Pretend libertarians might tell you what you want to hear but mostly it's B.S. Has Chase Oliver ever been elected to office? The hope is that democrats who realize that Biden is hopeless and are afflicted with TDS might vote for this guy.

Not getting elected before has nothing to do with how good or bad of a president or congressman they would be. That's the brainwashing talking. Trying to find excuses to keep the status quo in power. Even after the status quo has been proven to be corrupt.
It's not BS. For two years, Trump had complete GOP majority and didn't secure the border. He was more interested in trying to shove his version of Government ran healthcare down our throats. From that to trying to give blacks $500 Billion in reparations. And spending us down the drain even further, the entire time.
There’s no doubt about it…Trump tried too hard to play nice, to be friends with the enemy….Democrats and establishment Republicans….He signed off on pet project spending…etc etc. I think he honestly thought the D.C. filth would eventually ‘come-around’….he was wrong.
I honestly feel sorry for the filth among us…he will govern with absolute fury in his next term. I expect to see shit we haven’t seen in more than half a century..,.He will govern by executive order and I expect much of his four years to be under martial law as we aim to locate 50 million brown human cockroaches and send them back to Mexico. This will be ‘movie shit’…..GUARANTEED!
There’s no doubt about it…Trump tried too hard to play nice, to be friends with the enemy….Democrats and establishment Republicans….He signed off on pet project spending…etc etc. I think he honestly thought the D.C. filth would eventually ‘come-around’….he was wrong.
I honestly feel sorry for the filth among us…he will govern with absolute fury in his next term. I expect to see shit we haven’t seen in more than half a century..,.He will govern by executive order and I expect much of his four years to be under martial law as we aim to locate 50 million brown human cockroaches and send them back to Mexico. This will be ‘movie shit’…..GUARANTEED!

You call it playing nice. But he spent a lot of that time bashing those same people you say he was caving to.
This has been a point I've been making since day one. Trump is all bark and no bite. And that he simply doesn't know how to win.
His entire life has revolved around talking people into something. He can't talk conservatives into passing a reformed government ran healthcare bill. He couldn't talk them into vetoing more spending bills.
He couldn't even convince the left to protect the American working class by securing the border. Something that according to him now, doesn't need the approval of the congress. Since he's been saying that Biden could simply sign an EO and get it done. So why couldn't he.

Trump's revenge fantasy isn't going to work out for him either. But like all his 2016 promises (zero out the national debt, get Mexico to pay for the wall), he'll have enough people convinced that he's going to.

And the sad part about all this, it's going to take another 4 years of Trump to prove Trump wrong. The first 4 should've been proof enough.
There’s no doubt about it…Trump tried too hard to play nice, to be friends with the enemy….Democrats and establishment Republicans….He signed off on pet project spending…etc etc. I think he honestly thought the D.C. filth would eventually ‘come-around’….he was wrong.
I honestly feel sorry for the filth among us…he will govern with absolute fury in his next term. I expect to see shit we haven’t seen in more than half a century..,.He will govern by executive order and I expect much of his four years to be under martial law as we aim to locate 50 million brown human cockroaches and send them back to Mexico. This will be ‘movie shit’…..GUARANTEED!

Martial law? No, Trump doesn't have the balls for that. But please let him claim he will. That will assure his loss in the 2024 election.
Martial law? No, Trump doesn't have the balls for that. But please let him claim he will. That will assure his loss in the 2024 election.
Do you have a better idea? How do else do we find arrest and deport 50 million parasites without all the bullshit and lib planted red tape?
Do you have a better idea? How do else do we find arrest and deport 50 million parasites without all the bullshit and lib planted red tape?

The first thing to do is lock down the border to stop more from coming in.

Next, you start prosecuting businesses that hire illegals. That will remove much of the work, because it will be too expensive for companies to hire them.

Then start finding the illegals that are here and deporting them. This can be done by INS, state police and local police.
Do you have a better idea? How do else do we find arrest and deport 50 million parasites without all the bullshit and lib planted red tape?

I have a better idea. It requires fixing the USD value problem. Equalizing the USD with the Peso. Or at least getting $1 close to the value of the Peso.

That would solve not only the immigration problem. But also the outsourcing & trade problem. And would bring those millions of jobs back to the USA. So many that it wouldn't matter how many immigrants came here.

Would you rather have $20 that bought $20 worth of goods? Or $100 that bought $20 worth of goods. Right now, $100 only buys $20 worth of goods. To most of us, it doesn't really matter, because our pay still buys what we need. But there's millions of jobs, and a lot of industries that have left the country because of the value of the USD being in the toilet. So much so that they can't compete on the global markets. So they move their manufacturing to some other country. Or they simply go out of business. Either way, we've lost millions upon millions of jobs because of it.

In Mexico, most people only earn about $15-$20 per day. If that's about all they could make here, they wouldn't even bother coming here.
Making $30hr sounds great. But if it's only buying $10hr worth of goods, then what's the point? Especially when it's so detrimental to our economy.
It's not BS. For two years, Trump had complete GOP majority and didn't secure the border
Trump NEVER had a majority in congress

The business-as-usual GOP swamp rats did, but not trump the washington outsider

The election of trump hurt the Deep State’s pride and exposed it to being less all powetful than we imagined

And the swamp rays have been striking back ever since
Next, you start prosecuting businesses that hire illegals.
You mean prosecuting businesses THAT KNOWINGLY hire illegals

And even then only when it can be an industry wide investigation rather George Soros DAs only going after republican owned businesses while ignoring democrats doing the same thing
Build the wall (1st on the list) was a non-starter when Trump had both houses. why would it be viable now?
Because its vital to the goal of immigration managed by the American people instead of the drug cartels
There's no need in getting into his chances of winning. That's a dead horse subject. But for RINO's & dems who think that Trump or Biden are the best options, this proves that to be false. And it proves that the R &D's have ruined this country, together.

He’s no libertarian, he’s a dem poser running as a libertarian…The true libertarian response to Israel would be that it’s not our problem….This nut is a poser…

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